Lecturer of Educational Technology
School of Educational Sciences
E-mail: kaire.kollom@tlu.ee
2024 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
Õppija agentsuse toetamine kõrgkoolis riigiõiguse õpetamise näitel
(Supporting Student Agency in Higher Education: A Case Study of Teaching Constitutional Law)
27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
2023 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
Eelkooliealiste laste õppimise toetamine digitehnoloogia abil
(Supporting the Learning of Kindergarten Children Through Digital Technologies)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | |
Digitaalne õppematerjal lapse digipädevuse arendamiseks koolieelses eas
(Digital Learning Material for Supporting Digital Competence Development in Early Childhood Education)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | |
Personaliseeritud õppe rakendamine alushariduses lapse arengu hindamise põhjal
(Implementation of Personalized Learning in Early Childhood Education Based on Child Development Assessment)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | |
2022 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
Lasteaiaõpetajate ootustest ja vajadustest lähtuvad mudelid digitehnoloogia rakendamiseks ja digipädevuse toetamiseks alushariduses
(Models Based on the Expectations and Needs of Kindergarten Teachers for the Application of Digital Technology and the Support of Digital Competence in Early Childhood Education)
26.05.2022 | ETERA | |
2021 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
Digitaalse arengumapi prototüübi arendamine ja evalveerimine alushariduses
(Development and Evaluation of a Digital Development Portfolio Prototype in Early Childhood Education)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Enesereguleeritud õppimise toetamine informaatika distantsõppes 6. klassi näitel
(Supporting Sixth Grade Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Skills in Computer Science Distance Learning Lessons)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
2018 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
Digitaalse arengumapi rakendamise võimalused lasteaias
(Opportunities for Implementing Digital Portfolios in Kindergarden)
08.06.2018 | ETERA | |
2017 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
Infosüsteemide toetus juhtimisülesannete ja juhtimisrollide täitmisel alushariduses
(The Support of Information Systems in Management Tasks and Management Roles in Preschool Education)
09.06.2017 | ETERA | |
Valikmooduli haridustehnoloog lasteasutuses läbinud õpetajate pädevuste rakendamise võimalused lasteaia õppeprotsessis
(Digital Competency Formation in the Elective Module Education Technologist in Kindergarten and Integration Possibilities in Kindergarten Learning Process)
09.06.2017 | ETERA | |
2015 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
HITSA IKT- alased koolitused lasteaiaõpetajatele ja saadud pädevuste rakendumine praktikas
(ICT Training of HITSA for Nursery Teachers and Application of the Competences Gained in the Practice)
02.06.2015 | ETERA |