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Jüri Kurvits

School of Digital Technologies


Profiles: TLU | ETIS

Planned courses Past courses Current supervision Supervised theses Responsibilities

Spring 2024

Course code Course title ECTS Study programme version Groups Co-lecturers  
MLM6103.DT Elementary Mathematics III 3 1    
MLM6106.DT Mathematics in Practice 4 1    
MLM7206.DT Digital Tools in Teaching Mathematics 3 1    
MLM7403.DT Selected Topics from Elementary Mathematics I 4 1    

Teaching as a co-lecturer

Course code Course title ECTS Study programme version Groups Responsible lecturer  
IFI7209.DT Educational Technology and Learning Sciences 4 1 Kairit Tammets  
MLM7114.DT Didactics of Mathematics 3   1 Annika Volt  

Autumn 2023

Course code Course title ECTS Study programme version Groups Co-lecturers  
MLM6106.DT Mathematics in Practice 4 1    
MLM6193.DT Elementary Mathematics III 5 1    
MLM7104.DT Didactics of Mathematics in Basic School 3 1    
MLM7111.DT Practicum in Subject Didactics I 3 1    

Spring 2023

Course code Course title ECTS Study programme version Groups Co-lecturers  
MLM6103.DT Elementary Mathematics III 3 1    
MLM6106.DT Mathematics in Practice 4   1    
MLM7206.DT Digital Tools in Teaching Mathematics 3 1    
MLM7403.DT Selected Topics from Elementary Mathematics I 4 1    

Autumn 2022

Course code Course title ECTS Study programme version Groups Co-lecturers  
MLM6106.DT Mathematics in Practice 4 1    
MLM6193.DT Elementary Mathematics III 5 1    
MLM7104.DT Didactics of Mathematics in Basic School 3 1    
MLM7111.DT Practicum in Subject Didactics I 3 1    
MLM7504.DT Didactics of Mathematics in Basic School 5 1    

Spring 2022

Course code Course title ECTS Study programme version Groups Co-lecturers  
MLM7166.DT Digital Tools in Teaching Mathematics 4 1    
MLM7206.DT Digital Tools in Teaching Mathematics 3 1    
MLM7403.DT Selected Topics from Elementary Mathematics I 4 1    

Autumn 2021

Course code Course title ECTS Study programme version Groups Co-lecturers  
MLM6106.DT Mathematics in Practice 4 1    
MLM6133.DT Elementary Mathematics III 4 1    
MLM7104.DT Didactics of Mathematics in Basic School 3 1    
MLM7111.DT Practicum in Subject Didactics I 3 1    
MLM7504.DT Didactics of Mathematics in Basic School 5 1    

Spring 2021

Course code Course title ECTS Study programme version Groups Co-lecturers  
MLM7166.DT Digital Tools in Teaching Mathematics 4 1    
MLM7206.DT Digital Tools in Teaching Mathematics 3 1    
MLM7402.DT Elementary Mathematics P2 3 1    
MLM7403.DT Selected Topics from Elementary Mathematics I 4 1    

Autumn 2020

Course code Course title ECTS Study programme version Groups Co-lecturers  
MLM6106.DT Mathematics in Practice 4 2    
MLM6133.DT Elementary Mathematics III 4 1    
MLM7104.DT Didactics of Mathematics in Basic School 3 1    
MLM7111.DT Practicum in Subject Didactics I 3 1    
MLM7401.DT Elementary Mathematics P1 3 1    

Spring 2020

Course code Course title ECTS Study programme version Groups Co-lecturers  
MLM6102.DT Elementary Mathematics II 3 1    
MLM7206.DT Digital Tools in Teaching Mathematics 3 1    
MLM7402.DT Elementary Mathematics P2 3 1    
MLM7403.DT Selected Topics from Elementary Mathematics I 4 1    

Autumn 2019

Course code Course title ECTS Study programme version Groups Co-lecturers  
MLM6101.DT Elementary Mathematics I 3 1    
MLM6106.DT Mathematics in Practice 4 2    
MLM7104.DT Didactics of Mathematics in Basic School 3 1    
MLM7111.DT Practicum in Subject Didactics I 3 1    
MLM7198.DT Basic Teaching Practice I 6 1    
MLM7401.DT Elementary Mathematics P1 3 1    
The system does not display individual courses, LIFE projects and teaching in other schools.