2024 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
DTIDM/21.DT | Feedback Research on Designing Japanese Course on Graasp for Higher Education | 31.05.2024 | ||
DTIDM/22.DT | The Impact of Legal AI on User’s Trust: A Swiss Case Study on Legal Design | 31.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTIDM/22.DT | Trust in Telemedicine Services Mobile Application: A Case Study in Indonesia Post-pandemic Investigating Factors Affecting Users’ Trust Perception | 31.05.2024 | ||
DTIDM/22.DT | Comparative Analysis of Digital Nudge Designs in Taking Breaks During Social Media Screen Time: Relieving Focal Eye Strain Using the 20-20-20 Method | 31.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTLGM/21.DT | Digital Learning Games and Early Childhood - Attitudes and Taboos | 31.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTLGM/21.DT | Design of a Gamified System Aimed at Motivating Software Developers | 31.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTLGM/21.DT | Exploring Key Factors for the Heuristic Evaluation of Digital Educational Games | 31.05.2024 | ||
DTLGM/22.DT | Enriching Self-Management Health Apps with Adaptive Social Gamification | 31.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTLGM/22.DT | Integrating Humor Into the Design of a Political Game About Media Censorship | 31.05.2024 | ||
DTLGM/22.DT | Improving Playability and Usability in Learning Games by the Example of Methodyca | 31.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTLGM/22.DT | Assessing How Eduventure’s Feedback Affects Learner Independence and Teacher Flexibility | 31.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Kutseõppurite digipädevuse kujundamine Tallinna Tööstushariduskeskuse näitel
(Developing the Digital Competence of Vocational Students in Tallinn Industrial Education Centre)
31.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Informaatika tandemõpetamine algklassides
(Implementing Tandem Teaching in Primary School Computer Science Education)
31.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Virtuaalse õpikeskkonna arendusuuring raalmõtlemise ja digipädevuse lõimitud MATIK-õppeks
(Design Research on Virtual Learning Environment for Integrating Computational Thinking and Digital Competence in STEAM Subject)
31.05.2024 | ||
IT-spetsialistide nutika sisseelamisprogrammi arendus koolidele ja ettevõtetele
(Designing a Smart Onboarding Framework for IT Specialists in Schools and Companies)
31.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Virtuaalse õpikeskkonna arendusuuring raalmõtlemise ja digipädevuse lõimitud MATIK-õppeks
(Design Research on Virtual Learning Environment for Integrating Computational Thinking and Digital Competence in STEAM Subject)
31.05.2024 | ||
Õpetajate digipädevuse kaardistamine ühe Ida-Virumaa kooli näitel
(Mapping the Digital Competences of Teachers: a Case of One School in Ida-Viru County)
31.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
CODAP platvormi arendusuuring andmeanalüüsi õpetamiseks põhikoolis ja gümnaasiumis
(Design-based Research of the CODAP Platform for Teaching Data Analysis in Middle and High School)
31.05.2024 | ||
Põhikooli õpilaste raalmõtlemise kujundamine ja hindamine XLogoOnline abil kolme Eesti kooli näitel
(Development and Assessment of Computational Thinking of Students with XLogoOnline in Three Estonian Schools)
31.05.2024 | ||
CODAP platvormi arendusuuring andmeanalüüsi õpetamiseks põhikoolis ja gümnaasiumis
(Design-based Research of the CODAP Platform for Teaching Data Analysis in Middle and High School)
31.05.2024 | ||
Põhikooli õpilaste raalmõtlemise kujundamine ja hindamine XLogoOnline abil kolme Eesti kooli näitel
(Development and Assessment of Computational Thinking of Students with XLogoOnline in Three Estonian Schools)
31.05.2024 | ||
Põhikooli õpilaste raalmõtlemise kujundamine ja hindamine XLogoOnline abil kolme Eesti kooli näitel
(Development and Assessment of Computational Thinking of Students with XLogoOnline in Three Estonian Schools)
31.05.2024 | ||
Õpilased õppevara loojatena kunstiõpetuse ja informaatika lõimingu kontekstis II kooliastmes
(Students as Creators of Digital Learning Resources in the Context of the Integration of Informatics and Art Education in Key Stage II)
31.05.2024 | ||
IT-spetsialistide nutika sisseelamisprogrammi arendus koolidele ja ettevõtetele
(Designing a Smart Onboarding Framework for IT Specialists in Schools and Companies)
31.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
CODAP platvormi arendusuuring andmeanalüüsi õpetamiseks põhikoolis ja gümnaasiumis
(Design-based Research of the CODAP Platform for Teaching Data Analysis in Middle and High School)
31.05.2024 | ||
Programmeerimisoskuste arendamine loodusõpetuse ja informaatika ainelõimingu raames
(Developing Programming Skills Through the Integration of Natural Science and Computer Science)
31.05.2024 | ||
DTIDM/20.DT | Design Guidelines and Recommendations for Smartphone-Based mHealth Applications in Eldercare: Supporting Informal Caregivers in Cyprus | 30.05.2024 | ||
DTIDM/20.DT | Student Perceptions and Expectations of Data Privacy in Higher Education | 30.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTIDM/21.DT | Designing Human-Centric, Trustworthy LLM Tools for Tech Workers. An Interaction Design Perspective | 30.05.2024 | ||
DTIDM/21.DT | Promoting Supportive Interactions Through Game Design: A Counter-Strike 2 Case Study | 30.05.2024 | ||
DTIDM/21.DT | Improving Novice User Experience in Cryptocurrency Wallets. A User-Centric Design Exploration | 30.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTIDM/21.DT | LanguageStream: Discovering the Educational Uses of a Tiktok-Inspired Application to Enhance Students’ Writing Skills in the EFL Context | 30.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTLGM/19.DT | Breaking the Stigma: A Game-Based Approach to Educating Teenagers and Young Adults on Depression Through 'Mimi, the Black Dog’ Narrative Game | 30.05.2024 | ||
DTLGM/20.DT | Exploring the Relationship Between Video Gaming Behaviour and the Development of Collaborative Problem-Solving Skills Among Students | 30.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTLGM/20.DT | Case Study of the User Experience in a Hybrid 2D and 3D Game-Like Solution in the Field of Commercial Products | 30.05.2024 | ||
DTLGM/20.DT | A Case Study of Playing the Ring Fitness Adventure Exergame in a Sedentary Workplace | 30.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTLGM/20.DT | Adapting a Physical Educational Escape Room Into a Digital 3D Adventure Game | 30.05.2024 | ||
DTLGM/21.DT | Exploring Player Experience in Traditional and Blockchain Mobile Casual Gaming Through the EGE Model | 30.05.2024 | ||
DTLGM/21.DT | Exploring the Role of Cognitive Load in Completion Metrics: Insights from Game Learning Analytics | 30.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Depressiooni ja ärevuse sümptomite rakenduse prototüübi disain
(Development of a Prototype Application for Alleviating Depression and Anxiety Disorders)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Eesti Vabadussõja õpetamine põhikooli kolmandale kooliastmele läbi Hearts of Iron IV modifikatsiooni
(Teaching the Estonian War of Independence to Third Level Middle School Students through a Hearts of Iron IV Modification)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Kaamera liikumise jälgimine 3D mudelite videosse lisamiseks Blender näitel
(Camera Tracking for 3D Object Addition into Video Using Blender as Example)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tallinna Ülikooli Digitehnoloogiate instituudi tudengiportaali arendamine ja testimine
(Tallinn University Student Portal Development and Testing)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Eesti Vabadussõja õpetamine põhikooli kolmandale kooliastmele läbi Hearts of Iron IV modifikatsiooni
(Teaching the Estonian War of Independence to third level middle school students through a Hearts of Iron IV modification)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Apollo Kino iseteeninduskioskite kasutajakogemuse ja -liidese disaini analüüsimine
(Analyzing the User Experience and Interface Design of Apollo Cinema Self-Service Kiosks)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tehisintellekti kasutamine õppetöös Tallinna Ülikooli Digitehnoloogiate instituudi üliõpilaste näitel
(Use of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Work Among Students of School of Digital Technologies in Tallinn University)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Automaattestimise raamistiku Playwright sobivuse hindamine asendamaks raamistikku Cypress
(Evaluating the Suitability of the Playwright Automated Testing Framework to Replace the Cypress Framework)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/22.DT | Supporting Paediatric Patients’ Self-Tracking with Interaction Design | 29.05.2024 | ||
IFIMM/22.DT | Embracing the Experience, Sensitising Towards Co-creation | 29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/22.DT | User Engagement in Asynchronous Music Collaboration Apps: A Case Study on Djaminn App | 29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/22.DT | Causes of Technostress in Learning Management Systems | 29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/22.DT | Development and Evaluation of Design Patterns for Digital Behaviour Change Products | 29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/22.DT | Examining the User Satisfaction of Chatbot Systems for Customer Support | 29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/22.DT | Grassroots Web Accessibility. Awareness, Motivation and Barriers of Estonian and Ukrainian IT Specialists | 29.05.2024 | ||
Digiteerimisprotsesside analüüs Tallinna Ülikooli Akadeemilise Raamatukogu digiteerimiskeskuse näitel
(Analysis of Digitization Processes on the Example of the Digitization Center of the Academic Library of Tallinn University)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Info üleküllus ja sellega toimetulek töötavate üliõpilaste seas Ettevõtluse ja Innovatsiooni Sihtasutuses
(Information overload and how to deal with it among students working in the Estonian Business and Innovation Agency)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/20.DT |
Matemaatika kasutamisest pilditöötluse ja närvivõrkude juures
(Use of Mathematics in Image Processing and Neural Networks)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/21.DT |
Topoloogiate arvust lõplikel hulkadel
(On the Number of Topologies on Finite Sets)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/21.DT |
100 vangi probleem
(100 Prisoners Problem)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/21.DT |
Sfääriline trigonomeetria
(Spherical Trigonometry)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/21.DT |
Mersenne'i algarvudest ning Kaprekari, Catalani ja Zumkelleri arvudest
(On Mersenne Primes and Kaprekar, Catalan and Zumkeller Numbers)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/21.DT |
Mõnedest malega seotud matemaatilistest probleemidest
(Some Mathematical Problems in the Game of Chess)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/21.DT |
Gaussi täisarvud
(The Gaussian Integers)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/21.DT |
Rühma toime hulgal
(Group Action on a Set)
29.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Paindlike õpetamisviiside rakendamine ja nende seos õpitulemuste ja tajutud kogemusega 6. klassi loodusõpetuse näitel
(Implementation of Flexible Teaching Methods and Their Relationship with Learning Outcomes and Perceived Experience: A Case Study of 6th Grade Science Education)
28.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFHTM/22.DT | Digital Learning Game for Supporting Estonian Language Learning In Elementary School Students who Speak Estonian as a Second Language | 28.05.2024 | ||
Tehnoloogiahariduse rakendamine põhikooli õpilaste STEM-hariduse hoiakute toetamiseks
(Implementation of Technology Education to Support Basic School Students’ Attitude Towards STEM Education)
28.05.2024 | ||
Alustavate õpetajate sisseelamist toetavate lahenduste kujundamine koosloomes
(Creating Solutions to Support Induction of Novice Teachers Through Co-Creation)
28.05.2024 | ||
STEAM õppe rakendamine matemaatikatundides 2. klassi tüdrukute õpimotivatsiooni toetamiseks ja probleemülesannete lahendamisoskuste arendamiseks
(Applying STEAM Learning to Support 2nd Grade Girls' Learning Motivation and Problem Solving Skills in Maths Lessons)
28.05.2024 | ||
Tehnoloogiaga rikastatud õpetamisviiside rakendamine Tallinna põhikooli III kooliastme näitel
(Implementation of Technology-enriched Teaching Methods on the Example of 9th Grade Classes of Elementary School in Tallinn)
28.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Pilvekeskkonna AWS parimad praktikad ning nende näitel prototüüplahenduse loomine
(Best Practices for AWS Cloud Provider and Creating a Prototype Solution Based on Them)
28.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Hübriidõppe jätkusuutlikus Tallinna Ülikooli informaatika bakalaureuse õppes
(Hybrid Learning Sustainability in the Bachelor's Program of Informatics at Tallinn University)
28.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tagarakenduse arendus raalmõtlemise kujundavaks hindamiseks
(Development of a Backend Application for Formative Assessment of Computational Thinking)
28.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Varasemalt loodud tööstuse digitaalse juhtimissüsteemi edasiarendus ettevõttes Atemix Tööstusautomaatika OÜ
(Further Development of a Previously Created Digital Industrial Control System in Atemix Tööstusautomaatika OÜ)
28.05.2024 | ||
Veebikoorimise rakendamine praktikakoha otsimise veebilehe näitel
(Implementation of Web Scraping in Internship Opportunities Search Webpage)
28.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tekstiandmete visualiseerimine ELLE keeleõppekeskkonnas
(Visualizing Text Metadata in ELLE Language Learning Environment)
28.05.2024 | ||
Keeleoskustasemete statistika ELLE keeleõppekeskkonnas
(Statistics of Language Proficiency Levels in the ELLE Language Learning Environment)
28.05.2024 | ||
Veaanalüsaator – veanäidete kuvamise rakendus ELLE keeleõppekeskkonnas
(Error Analyser – an Application for Displaying Error Examples in the ELLE Language Learning Environment)
28.05.2024 | ||
Lokaalselt salvestav paroolihaldaja Bluetooth jagamisega
(Locally Storing Password Manager with Bluetooth Sharing)
28.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/20.DT | The Usability Testing Blueprint – A Tool Supporting UX Facilitators in Advancing Digital Organizations’ UX Maturity | 28.05.2024 | ||
IFIMM/20.DT | Perceived Trustworthiness of Digital Identity Solutions: A Case Study of Design Patterns for Reinforcing Trust | 28.05.2024 | ||
IFIMM/20.DT | HCI Practitioner Profile in the Era of Generative Tools | 28.05.2024 | ||
IFIMM/21.DT | The Notification Paradox: A Scoping Review of Intervention Methods for Reducing the Negative Effects of Smartphone Notifications | 28.05.2024 | ||
IFIMM/21.DT | Factors Influencing the Adoption of Design Fiction in Design Projects | 28.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/21.DT | User Modelling in Virtual Reality: A Systematic Literature Review | 28.05.2024 | ||
IFIMM/22.DT | Designing Internet Banking Experiences for Low-Literate Users: A Case of Nigerian Banks | 28.05.2024 | ||
Digiõppevaramu matemaatika õppematerjalide Vektorid tasandil. Joone võrrand kvaliteedi hindamine
(Evaluation of the Quality of the Mathematics Learning Material Vectors on a Plane. The Equation of a Line of the Digital Learning Repository)
28.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tallinna Ülikooli matemaatikaõpetaja õppekava tudengite empaatia uurimine
(Researching Empathy Among Students of Tallinn University’s Mathematics Teacher Curriculum)
28.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tulevaste matemaatikaõpetajate õpetamisalase enesetõhususe uskumused
(Pre-service Mathematics Teachers' Self-Efficacy Beliefs)
28.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Number Talks metoodika abil paindlikult protsentide mõistmiseni
(Flexibly to Understanding Percentages Using the Number Talks Methodology)
28.05.2024 | ||
Paindlike õppetrajektooride loomine statistika teemade õpetamisel 7. ja 11. klassis
(Creating Flexible Learning Trajectories for Teaching Statistics Topics in 7th and 11th Grade)
28.05.2024 | ||
8. klassi õpilaste metakognitsiooni arendamine matemaatika tunnis
(Developing Metacognition of 8th Grade Students in Mathematics Class)
28.05.2024 | ||
Tõestusõpetus matemaatika ainekavas ja 8. klassi õpikutes
(Proof and Proving in Mathematics Curriculum and in the 8th Grade Textbooks)
28.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Ekstreemumülesanded koolimatemaatikas
(Extremum Problems in School Mathematics)
28.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Matemaatika õpiülesannete keerukuse hindamise mudeli loomine
(Creation of a Model for Evaluating the Complexity of Mathematics Training Tasks)
28.05.2024 | ||
Raalmõtlemise arendamine gümnaasiumi matemaatikas projektõppe kaudu
(Developing Computational Thinking through Project Based Learning in Upper-Secondary School Mathematics)
28.05.2024 | ||
Paindlike õppetrajektooride loomine statistika teemade õpetamisel 7. ja 11. klassis
(Creating Flexible Learning Trajectories for Teaching Statistics Topics in 7th and 11th Grade)
28.05.2024 | ||
Põhikooli matemaatikaõpetajate arusaamad tõestusõpetusest: kvalitatiivne analüüs
(Lower Secondary School Mathematics Teachers' Proof Related Beliefs: A Qualitative Analysis)
28.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Sulghäälikute õigekirjaoskust kujundav digiõppevara I kooliastmele
(Digital Learning Resources for Developing the Orthography of Plosives in Stage I of Basic Education)
27.05.2024 | ||
IFHTM/21.DT | Digital Transformation and Knowledge Transfer in the Dental Field in Estonia and Finland | 27.05.2024 | ||
Õppija agentsuse toetamine kõrgkoolis riigiõiguse õpetamise näitel
(Supporting Student Agency in Higher Education: A Case Study of Teaching Constitutional Law)
27.05.2024 | ||
Digitaalsete õpimängude kasutamise tulemuslikkus võõrkeele õppimisel põhikoolis
(The Effectiveness of Using Digital Learning Games for Foreign Language Learning in Basic School)
27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Õppematerjali ja hariva meelelahutuse ühildamine Videoõpsi YouTube'i kanali näitel
(Combining Educational Resources and Educational Entertainment Using the Example of the Videoõps YouTube Channel)
27.05.2024 | ||
Õppekavaülene õppija digipädevuse arengu süstemaatiline toetamine riigigümnaasiumis
(Systematic Support for Developing Learners' Digital Competence Across the Curriculum in a State Upper Secondary School)
27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIFB/20.DT | Implementing Local Networking Using Unity Netcode for Game Objects in the Example of Crossfire | 27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tehisintellektiga vestlusroboti arendamine Finceptiv OÜ äriklientide tehniliseks toetamiseks
(Development of an Artificially Intelligent Chatbot for Technical Support of Finceptiv OÜ's Business Clients)
27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Uus silbitamise lahendus ELLE tööriistade jaoks
(New Syllabification Solution for ELLE's Tools)
27.05.2024 | ||
Eestikeelse teksti automaathindaja kasutajaliidese arendus
(Automatic Estonian Language Evaluation Tool's User Interface Development)
27.05.2024 | ||
Küpsisebännerite tumedate mustrite tuvastamine ja analüüs OpenCV abil
(Detecting and Analyzing Dark Patterns in Cookie Banners using OpenCV)
27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Kirjavahemärgivigade sünteesimine eesti keele grammatikakontrolliks
(Synthesis of Punctuation Errors for Estonian Grammatical Error Correction)
27.05.2024 | ||
Jaekaubandusfirma RRLektus veebilehe kasutajaliidese ja -kogemuse hindamine ning parendamine
(Evaluating and Improving the User Interface and User Experience of the Retail Company RRlektus' Website)
27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tailwind CSS raamistik
(Tailwind CSS Framework)
27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Digitaalse jalajälje ja digiprügi teadlikkus Tallinna Ülikooli üliõpilaste näitel
(Awareness of Digital Footprint and Digital Waste: A Case Study of Tallinn University Students)
27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Vanemaealiste digikaasatuse uuring Tabasalu ja Läänemaa eakate näitel
(Study on the Digital Inclusion of Elderly People in Tabasalu and Läänemaa)
27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Rahvaraamatukogude tegevus aastatel 2019-2023 Tallinna Keskraamatukogu ja Tartu Oskar Lutsu nimelise Linnaraamatukogu näitel
(Activities of Public Libraries in the Years 2019–2023 on the Example of Tallinn Central Library and Tartu Oskar Lutsu City Library)
27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Veebiuudiste tõesuse hindamine Tallinna Ülikooli bakalaureuseõppe tudengite näitel
(The Evaluation of Online News Accuracy on the Example of Tallinn University Bachelor's Degree Students)
27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Eestikeelse kirjanduse lugemine ja omakeelse originaalkirjanduse tulevikuväljavaated
(Reading of Estonian Literature and the Future Prospects of Authentic Estonian Literature)
27.05.2024 | ||
Tehisintellektil põhinevate juturobotite kasutamine Tallinna Ülikooli üliõpilaste hulgas
(The Use of Artificial Intelligence-Based Chatbots Among Tallinn University Students)
27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Capsulehostel OÜ veebilehe kasutuslikkuse hindamine
(Evaluating the Usability of the Website of Capsulehostels OÜ)
27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Narkootikumide kajastamine väljaannetes “Postimees”, “Eesti Ekspress”, “MK Estonia” ning portaalis err.ee 2023. aastal
(Coverage of Narcotics in the Publications “Postimees”, “Eesti Ekspress”, “MK Estonia”, and the Portal err.ee in 2023)
27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Teadmussiirde roll Primend OÜs uute töötajate sisseelamisel
(The Role of Knowledge Transfer in the Onboarding of New Employees at Primend OÜ)
27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
2023. aastal sünnitanud naiste terviseinfokäitumine
(Health Information Behavior of Women Who Gave Birth in 2023)
27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Meditsiiniinfosüsteemi loomine ja juurutamine Medicumi kontserni näitel
(Creating and Implementing a Medical Information System Using the Example of Medicum Medical Center)
27.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Ettevõttearhitektuuri kohandamine omandatavatesse ettevõtetesse Foxway Grupi näitel
(Adapting Enterprise Architecture in Acquired Companies: The Case of Foxway Group)
24.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Isejuhtivate organisatsioonide otsustusprotsesside rakendamine IT ettevõtetes. Juhtumiuuring Helmes AS näitel
(Decision-Making Processes in Self-Managing Organizations: A Case Study of Helmes AS)
24.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DevSecOps töökorralduse rakendamine Rahandusministeeriumi valitsemisala näitel
(Implementation of DevSecOps Work Organization on the Example of the Governance Area of the Ministry of Finance)
24.05.2024 | ||
IT-varahalduse protsesside väljatöötamine ja digilahenduse valik lähtuvalt ISO 27001 infoturbe standardist Finestmedia AS näitel
(Development of IT Asset Management Processes and Selection of Digital Solutions Based on the ISO 27001 Information Security Standard: A Case Study of Finestmedia AS)
24.05.2024 | ||
DTOSM/22.DT | Implementation of Project-based Learning in Formal Education at Secondary Schools in Slovakia | 23.05.2024 | ||
DTOSM/22.DT | Exploring the Role of IT Solutions in Addressing the Pandemic in Pakistan: A Case Study of COVID-19 Pandemic Management From Selected Institutions | 23.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTOSM/22.DT | Enhancing Cybersecurity in Small Businesses: Best Practices and Strategies for Mitigating Cyber Threats | 23.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTOSM/22.DT | A Framework Design for Harnessing Estonia-Africa Collaborations | 23.05.2024 | ||
Vabatahtliku tööjõuvoolavuse vähendamise võimalused IKT sektori töötajate näitel
(Possibilities of Reducing Voluntary Labor Turnover on the Example of ICT Sector Employees)
23.05.2024 | ||
Avaandmete kasutamise ajendid ja takistused erasektoris
(Drivers and Challenges for Using Open Data in the Private Sector )
23.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Raamatupidamisprotsessi parendamine Virudent OÜ näitel
(Improving the Accounting Process on the Example of Virudent OU )
23.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
ITSM protsesside juurutamine teenuse kvaliteedi parandamiseks ettevõtte X näitel
(Implementing ITSM Processes for Improving Service Quality Based on the Example of Company X)
23.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tootejuhtimise protsesside parendamine Spotify töömudeli näitel
(Improving Product Management Processes on the Example of Spotify Work Model)
23.05.2024 | ||
Kinnisvarahalduse digitaliseerimine
(Digitalization of Real Estate Management)
23.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Eesti infoturbestandardi E-ITS rakendamise juhise väljatöötamine kooli põhiprotsessile Paikuse Kooli näitel
(Development of the Estonian Information Security Standard E-ITS Implementation Guide for the Core Process of Paikuse School)
23.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
IT strateegia loomise raamistik kohalikele omavalitsustele
(The IT Strategy Development Framework for Local Governments)
23.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTOSM/21.DT | Using Blockchain Technologies to Enhance e-Government Implementation in China | 22.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTOSM/21.DT | Informed Decision Making: Can Understandable, Open and Linked Data Empower People in Work Environments | 22.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTOSM/21.DT | Addressing Unplanned Urbanization to Prevent Flooding: A Case Study of Swat | 22.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTOSM/22.DT | Investigating Chatbot Transparency and Privacy Compliance in Estonian Companies’ Online Customer Support Services | 22.05.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTOSM/22.DT | Exploring the Impact of Big Data Analytics on Firm Performance and Decision Making in e-Commerce Businesses | 22.05.2024 | ||
MLMB/20.DT |
Diferentsiaalvõrrandite lahendite stabiilsus
(Stability of Solutions of Differential Equations)
01.02.2024 | ETERA | |
DTLGM/19.DT | Use of Game-Based Learning Environment to Educate Pakistan’s Children About Cleanliness | 31.01.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTLGM/21.DT | CyberTycoon – Serious Game with a Focus on Cyberattacks on Roblox: Design and Development | 31.01.2024 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/21.DT | Using VR Rock Climbing Games for Exposure Therapy for Anxiety Disorders | 31.01.2024 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/21.DT | The Roles of Games in Supporting Speech and Mathematics Learnings for Autistic and Dyscalculic Children: A Case Study in Turkey and Pakistan | 31.01.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTLGM/23.DT | The Roles of Games in Supporting Speech and Mathematics Learnings for Autistic and Dyscalculic Children: A Case Study in Turkey and Pakistan | 31.01.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Andmepõhine otsustamine Eesti Töötukassa teenuste kvaliteediuuringu näitel
(Data-based Decision-making on the Example of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund's Services' Quality Survey)
31.01.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Eesti sõjamuuseumi turundus sotsiaalmeedias Facebooki näitel
(Estonian War Museum Marketing in Social Media on the Example of Facebook)
31.01.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTOSM/21.DT | A Holistic Approach to Exploring the Boat Schools (Schools on Water) in Bangladesh Using the Activity System Framework | 30.01.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tarkvaraarenduse tellimuste täitmise parendamine Eesti meediaettevõttes Postimees Grupp AS näitel
(Improvement of Software Development Order Execution in Estonian Media Company Postimees Grupp AS)
30.01.2024 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebisaidi otsingu vana ja uue versiooni kasutajakogemuse võrdlus pilgujälgimisseadme abil City24.ee näitel
(Comparison of User Experience between the Old and New Versions of a Website's Search Using Eye-Tracking Device: A Case Study of City24.ee)
30.01.2024 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ukraina sõjapõgenike laste eesti keele õppimise toetamine ALPA Kids hariduslike mängude keskkonna kaudu
(Supporting the Estonian Language Learning of Ukrainian War Refugee Children Through the Alpa Kids Educational Games Environment)
29.01.2024 | ||
Matemaatika kontekstipõhised e-ülesanded inseneeria valdkonnas
(Context-Based E-Tasks in Mathematics in the Field of Engineering)
29.01.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Joonistuspõhise kasutajaliidesega virtuaalreaalsuse rakenduse prototüüp
(Virtual Reality Application with a Drawing-Based User Interface)
29.01.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tehisintellekt piltide genereerimisel ning selle võimalik mõju meie ühiskonnas
(Artificial Intelligence in Picture Generation and Its Possible Effects in Our Society)
29.01.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIFB/19.DT | Using Big Model to Design and Prototype a Role-playing Video Game | 29.01.2024 | ||
Enim kasutatavate eesraamistike kiirust ja ressursitarvet võrdlev analüüs
(Comparative Analysis of Popular Front-end Frameworks Regarding Speed and Resource Demand)
29.01.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
PHPs kirjutatud rakenduse refaktoreerimine JavaScripti teekidega
(Refactoring an Application Written in PHP with JavaScript Libraries)
29.01.2024 | ||
Remix raamistiku tutvustus, luues veebirakendust ettevõttele Hooandja MTÜ
(Introduction to Remix Framework while Developing a Web Application for Hooandja MTÜ)
29.01.2024 | (co-supervisor) | |
Probleemülesannete lahendamist toetavate oskuste arendamine 6. klassi matemaatikatunnis
(Development of Skills Supporting Problem-Solving Tasks in 6th Grade Math Class)
29.01.2024 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/21.DT | Open Learner Models in Language Learning: A Systematic Literature Review | 25.01.2024 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/21.DT | Effect of Dark Patterns on the User Interaction and Frequency of Site Revisit in Travel E-commerce Websites | 25.01.2024 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/21.DT | Adapting User Experience in Mobile Messaging Applications for Individuals With Dyslexia | 25.01.2024 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/21.DT | User Modeling Using Physiological Measurements - A Systematic Review | 25.01.2024 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/21.DT | Web Accessibility Practice in Nigeria: A Comparative Study of Estonia and Nigeria's Policy Frameworks Compliance | 25.01.2024 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/21.DT | Exploring User Engagement Attributes in Human-Computer Interaction | 25.01.2024 | ETERA | |
DTIDM/21.DT | Hidden Poverty and Homelessness in Tokyo. Challenging the Narrow Perception of Homelessness in Japan and the Design Process to Inform More Equitable Services | 19.01.2024 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTIDM/21.DT | Exploring the Relationship Between Aesthetics, Trust, and M-Banking Applications: Designing a Model App of Leading American Financial Institutions | 19.01.2024 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
2023 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
IFITD/17.DT | Designing and Implementing Meaningful Mobile Outdoor Learning in Science Education | 15.08.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFITD/17.DT | A Trade-off Model for Evidence-Informed Decision-Making to Support Educators' Digital Competence Assessment | 16.06.2023 | ETERA | |
DTIDM/20.DT | An Ethnographic Study of Digital Sex Workers: Protection of Sexual Rights Within the Digital Ecosystem of Exchange | 02.06.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTIDM/21.DT | Communication Is Key: Considering Parents' Values in Technical Design Decisions Regarding Children's Smartphone Usage and Online Activities | 02.06.2023 | ETERA | |
DTIDM/21.DT | Turning Digital Interactions Into Employment Access Points: Using Accessibility and Participatory Principles to Onboard Unemployed Youth Onto an Interactive Employment Platform | 02.06.2023 | ETERA | |
DTLGM/19.DT | The Possibilities of Maintaining the Quality and Expression of Speech in Game Translation With Limited Resources: Studying the Shortcomings of Speech Synthesis in Comparison to Voice Acting | 02.06.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/20.DT | Gamified Crowdsourcing: Detect Censorship Manipulation in Soviet Estonian Literary Translation | 02.06.2023 | ETERA | |
DTLGM/21.DT | A Study of Actual Game Use in Classrooms in International Schools in Estonia | 02.06.2023 | ETERA | |
DTLGM/21.DT | The Development of the Polish and Finnish Gaming Industries: A Comparative Perspective | 02.06.2023 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTLGM/21.DT | The Impact of SuperBetter Game on Mental Health: A Case Study of a Social Media Group Using a Game Named SuperBetter for Improving Mental Health | 02.06.2023 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/20.DT | Data Visualization in Educational Decision-Making | 02.06.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/20.DT | Understanding the Needs of Children With Type 1 Diabetes Through Co-design Workshops | 02.06.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/21.DT | Improving User Engagement and Interaction With Videoconferencing Applications in Online Learning Contexts. The Case of Google Meet | 02.06.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/21.DT | Identification of Behavioral Patterns in Instagram Overuse | 02.06.2023 | ETERA | |
DTIDM/20.DT | Defining Design Recommendations for Nudging Sustainable Behaviour. A Mobility Case-study | 01.06.2023 | ETERA | |
DTIDM/20.DT | Design for Sustainable Decision Making: Design Recommendations for Maritime Transportation. A Case Study for Vessel Routing Softwares | 01.06.2023 | ETERA | |
DTIDM/20.DT | Fostering Trust in Creative Human-AI Collaboration Within Conceptual Phases of New Product Development | 01.06.2023 | ETERA | |
DTIDM/21.DT | The Impact of Trust Design Patterns on User’s Trust Perception. The Case of Cryptocurrency Exchange Platforms | 01.06.2023 | ETERA | |
DTOSM/21.DT | Value-Transaction: Secondary Benefits for Mildly Cognitively Impaired Individuals and Informal Caregivers Through Knowledge Management Techniques and Policy Changes | 01.06.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTOSM/21.DT | A Practical Framework Toward Social Listening for the Public Policy Co-creation | 01.06.2023 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/20.DT | Improving Web Accessibility Through Continuous Evaluation of Component Libraries | 01.06.2023 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/20.DT | Designing for Better Care: A Case Study of Estonian Patient Portal Using Empathetic Design for Presenting Medical Data | 01.06.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/20.DT | Visual Attention in Distance Learning | 01.06.2023 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/21.DT | Exploring the Relationship Between Social Media Use Patterns and Anxiety: A Diary Study | 01.06.2023 | ETERA | |
Põhikooli õpilaste raalmõtlemise hindamismudel MATIK-projektõppes
(Designing a Rubric for Assessing Computational Thinking in STEAM Education Projects in Primary School)
01.06.2023 | ETERA | |
Informaatika teemade juhendamine ja hindamine põhikooli digiloovtöö kontekstis
(Supervising and Assessing Informatics-Related Learning in Digital Project Work at Key Stage III)
01.06.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Informaatika valikaine õpetamine Saaremaa koolides
(Teaching Informatics as a Separate Subject in Schools of Saaremaa)
01.06.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Haridustöötajate digipädevuse hindamine ja arendamine: võrdlusuuring kahes omavalitsuses
(Assessment and Development of Digital Competence of Educators: A Comparative Study in Two Municipalities)
01.06.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Raalmõtlemine ja robootika lõimitud MATIK projektõppes II kooliastmes
(Integrating Computational Thinking and Robotics into STEAM Project-Based Learning in Key Stage II)
01.06.2023 | ETERA | |
Digivahendite kasutamine spetsiifiliste õpiraskustega õpilaste õppetöö toetamiseks
(Using Digital Tools to Support Learning for Pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties)
01.06.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Haridustöötajate digipädevuse hindamine ja arendamine: võrdlusuuring kahes omavalitsuses
(Assessment and Development of Digital Competence of Educators: A Comparative Study in Two Municipalities)
01.06.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Raalmõtlemine ja robootika lõimitud MATIK projektõppes II kooliastmes
(Integrating Computational Thinking and Robotics into STEAM Project-Based Learning in Key Stage II)
01.06.2023 | ETERA | |
MLMB/20.DT |
Duo ringid
(Duo Rings)
01.06.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/20.DT |
Niveni teoreem erinevate trigonomeetriliste funktsioonide jaoks ja selle rakendusi
(Niven's Theorem for Different Trigonometric Functions and Its Applications)
01.06.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/20.DT |
(Block Matrices)
01.06.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/20.DT |
Mõned n-järku determinandid ja rekurrentsed võrrandid
(Some Determinants of Order n and Recurrence Relations)
01.06.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kasutajakeskse disaini meetodid veebiteenuse kasutatavuse parendamisel
(Methods of User-Centered Design for Improving the Usability of Web Service)
31.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kasutajaliideste värviskeemide ja värvitoonide mõju lõppkasutajale e-kaubanduse näitel
(The Effect of User Interface's Color Schemes and Tones on the End User on the Example of E-commerce)
31.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Väikeettevõtjale sobiva e-poe tarkvara valik mee e-poe näitel
(Choosing a Suitable E-Commerce Software for a Small Capital Entrepreneur by the Example of Honey E-Shop)
31.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Telia Eesti töötajate teenindusveebi kasutajaliidese ja -kogemuse hindamine ning parandusettepanekute väljatöötamine
(Evaluating and Proposing Suggestions for UI/UX Improvements for the CRM Platform Using Telia Company as an Example)
31.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebirakenduse disain ja arendus spordiväljakute rentimisega tegelevale ettevõttele
(Design and Development of a Web Application for a Sports Field Rental Company)
31.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebirakenduse disain ja arendus spordiväljakute rentimisega tegelevale ettevõttele
(Design and Development of a Web Application for a Sports Field Rental Company)
31.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Raamistik personaliseeritud õppe kavandamiseks nüüdisaegse õpikäsituse kontekstis
(Framework for designing personalised learning practices in the context of modern learning concept)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Väljakutsed STEAM-õppe rakendamisel koolieelses lasteasutuses
(Challenges in Implementing STEAM Education in Pre-Schools)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kaasava võrgustikumudeli valideerimine ProgeTiigri programmi näitel
(Validation of the Inclusive Network Model on the Example of the ProgeTiger Programme)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | |
Innovaatilised õpistsenaariumid õpilaste motivatsiooni tõstmiseks kehalises kasvatuses
(Innovative Learning Scenarios to Increase Students’ Motivation in Physical Education)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | |
Õpilaste digipädevuse arendamine Pernova Hariduskeskuse õppeprogrammide näitel
(Developing Students‘ Digital Competence on the Example of Pernova Education Center Study Programs)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | |
Personaliseeritud õpiteede loomine õpetajate digipädevuse arengu toetamiseks Kose Gümnaasiumi näitel
(Creating Personalized Learning Pathways to Support the Development of Teachers' Digital Competences on the Example of Kose Gymnasium)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eelkooliealiste laste õppimise toetamine digitehnoloogia abil
(Supporting the Learning of Kindergarten Children Through Digital Technologies)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti rahvatantsu koreograafia veebirakenduse tagasüsteemi disain ja arendus
(Design and Development of a Web Application Backend for Estonian Folk Dance Choreography)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | |
(Poetry Bank)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Võistlusprogrammeerimise ja tarkvaraarenduse seosed
(The Connections Between Competitive Programming and Software Development)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Lastekeele korpuse realiseerimine veebirakendusena
(Realization of Children's Language Corpus as a Web Application)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Heitjate seeriavõistluse mitmevõistluse infosüsteemi loomine
(Creation of Heitjate Seeriavõistluse Multi Sport Information System)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | |
Flutteri õppematerjali koostamine kursusele Veebiraamistikud
(Flutter Learning Material for Web Frameworks Course)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebipõhise hindamisvahendi prototüübi arendus raalmõtlemise hindamiseks
(Prototyping an Online Tool for Assessment of Computational Thinking)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Heitjate seeriavõistluse mitmevõistluse infosüsteemi loomine
(Creation of Heitjate Seeriavõistluse Multi Sport Information System)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | |
Arendusplaatide sobivuse katsetamine ja soovitused Asjade interneti kursuse tarbeks
(Testing the Suitability of Development Boards and Giving Recommendations for the Internet of Things Course)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Lugemisnõustamine Eesti rahvaraamatukogudes
(Readers’ Advisory in Estonian Public Libraries)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Teaduskommunikatsioon Tervise Arengu Instituudis: teaduse kommunikeerijate vaade
(Science Communication in the National Institute for Health Development: A Science Communicators Perspective)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
TAI veebilehe Terviseinfo.ee kasutuslikkuse uuring
(Survey on the Usability of the TAI Website Terviseinfo.ee)
30.05.2023 | (co-supervisor) | |
Gümnaasiumi õpikeskuse arendamine Rakvere Riigigümnaasiumi näitel
(Development of School Study Centre on the Example of Rakvere Secondary State School)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Klienditeenindusüksuse teadmusbaasi andmekvaliteedi testimine Itella Estonia OÜ näitel
(Data Quality Testing of the Knowledge Base of Customer Service Unit of Itella Estonia OÜ)
30.05.2023 | (co-supervisor) | |
Näonaha hooldusega seonduv infokäitumine internetikeskkonnas Eesti noorte näitel
(Information Behavior Related to Skincare Among Young Adults in Online Environments: The Case of Estonia)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti arstide erialane infokäitumine
(Professional Information Behaviour of Estonian Doctors)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ülikoolide muusikakollektiivide infokeskkond ja liikmete infokäitumine
(Information Environment and Information Behavior of Higher Education Institutions Musical Groups)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IKT vahendite kasutamine ja sügav õppimine Hiiumaa koolide 7.-12. klasside matemaatikatundides
(Usage of ICT Tools and Deep Learning in Mathematics Lessons in Grades 7-12 at Hiiumaa Schools)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpetaja võimalused kaasatuse toetamiseks põhikooli matemaatikaõppes õpilaste erivajadusi arvestades
(Opportunities of Teacher to Support Involvement of Learners with Special Needs in Elementary School Mathematics)
30.05.2023 | ||
Eesti matemaatikaõpetajate uskumused ja hoiakud seoses õpetamisega Tallinna Ülikooli Innovatsioonilabori koolituse näitel
(Beliefs and Attitudes of Estonian Math Teachers Regarding Teaching as per Tallinn University Innovation Lab Training Course Example)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Korrutamise ja jagamise intuitiivsed mudelid
(The Role of Implicit Models in Multiplication and Division)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Esimese kursuse tudengite strateegiad probleemülesannete lahendamisel
(Problem Solving Strategies Used by First-Year Undergraduates via Digital Testing)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ajaloolised meetodid täisarvude korrutamiseks
(Historycal Methods of Multiplying Integers)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
9. klassi matemaatika lähtetaseme testi reliaablus ja valiidsus
(Reliability and Validity of a Diagnostic Test on Mathematics for 9th Grade)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | |
Õpipädevuse toetamine 11. klassi matemaatikatunnis
(Supporting Learning Competences in 11th Grade Mathematics Lesson)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | |
Diagnostiline test õpilase proportsionaalse mõtlemise taseme mõõtmiseks
(Diagnostic Assessment Test for Children's Proportional Reasoning)
30.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digitaalne õppematerjal lapse digipädevuse arendamiseks koolieelses eas
(Digital Learning Material for Supporting Digital Competence Development in Early Childhood Education)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | |
E-portfoolio rakendamine õpetaja professionaalsuse arendamisel ja hindamise toetamisel
(Implementation of E-portfolio in Supporting the Development and Evaluation of Teachers’ Professionalism)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Turvatöötaja digipädevuse mudeli valideerimine
(Validation of the Security Guards' Digital Competence Model)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpetajakoolituse õppejõudude professionaalse digipädevuse arengu toetamine Tallinna Ülikooli näitel
(Supporting the Development of Digital Competences of Teacher Education Professors on the Example of Tallinn University)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | |
Personaliseeritud õppe rakendamine alushariduses lapse arengu hindamise põhjal
(Implementation of Personalized Learning in Early Childhood Education Based on Child Development Assessment)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õppedisaini loomine hüdraulika ja pneumaatika kursusele
(Instructional Design for Hydraulics and Pneumatic Course)
29.05.2023 | (co-supervisor) | |
Erinevate huvigruppide vajadused eelkooliealise lapse digipädevuse hindamiseks ja dokumenteerimiseks
(The Needs of Different Stakeholders for the Assessment and Documentation of Digital Competence Of Kindergarten Children)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Javascripti teegid heli manipuleerimiseks veebis, võrdlus
(JavaScript Libraries for Sound Manipulation, a Comparison)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Sõnade sageduse, konteksti ja naabersõnade otsing ELLE keeleõppekeskkonnas
(Analysis of Word Frequency, Context and Collocates in the ELLE Language Learning Environment)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | |
Asukohapõhine linnaruumi liikluskaamerate videovoogu salvestav rakendus
(Application for Recording Location-Based Urban Traffic Camera Video Feeds)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kõnesünteesi rakenduse arendus keeleõppijatele
(Implementing Speech Synthesis for Language Learners)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | |
Avatud lähtekoodiga digitaalvarade haldussüsteemi valimine fotode haldamiseks Digitehnoloogiate instituudis
(Selecting an Open Source Digital Asset Management System for Managing Digital Photos at the School of Digital Technologies)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | |
Veebikammija rakenduse loomine Kubernetes platvormile
(Creating a Web Scraper Application on the Kubernetes Platform)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
WebAssembly võimalused
(Possibilities of WebAssembly)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Dünaamiliselt rakenduste turvatestimist teostava tööriista valik finantsettevõttele
(Selection of the Dynamic Application Security Testing Tool for the Financial Institution)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Asukohapõhine linnaruumi liikluskaamerate videovoogu salvestav rakendus
(Application for Recording Location-Based Urban Traffic Camera Video Feeds)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Sotsiaalse ja emotsionaalse õppimise rakenduse prototüüpi loomine
(Creating a Prototype of a Social and Emotional Learning Application)
29.05.2023 | ETERA | |
IKT arendushangete parimate praktikate juhendi väljatöötamine
(Developing Best Practices Guidelines for ICT Public Procurements)
26.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Rohelise IT praktikate muudatuste rakendamine Eesti finantssektori näitel
(Implementation of Changes in Green IT Practices on the Example of the Estonian Financial Sector)
26.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ettevõtte IT-süsteemide integreerimine omandava ettevõtte IT keskkonda Foxway grupi näitel
(Integration of the Acquired Company's IT Systems Into the Merging Company's IT Environment: A Case Study of Foxway Group)
26.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Äriklientide võrgulahenduste konfigureerimise automatiseerimine Telia Eesti näitel
(Automating the Configuration of Business Customers Network Solutions on the Example of Telia Estonia)
26.05.2023 | ||
IFITM/21.DT | The Role of Social Practices to Build Trust in Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships | 26.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digipöörde väljakutsete ületamine: tehnoloogiate sobivuse hindamise raamistik ettevõtetele
(Overcoming the Challenges of Digital Transformation: A Framework for Assessing Technology Fit for Enterprises)
26.05.2023 | ETERA | |
Tootepõhise kasvu strateegiate rakendamine tootejuhtimise protsessis rahvusvahelise idufirma Single.Earth näitel
(Implementing Product-Led Growth Strategies in the Product Management Process Using the Example of an International Startup Single.Earth)
26.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IT juhiks kujunemise teekond Eesti avaliku sektori IT juhtide näitel
(IT Manager Career Roadmap Based on Estonian Public Service IT Managers Example)
25.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eetilise juhtimise ja läbipõlemise vahelised seosed rahvusvahelise finantsettevõtte näitel
(The Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and Burnout on the Example of an International Financial Corporation)
25.05.2023 | ||
Reaalajamajanduse juurutamisest Eesti jäätmekäitluses
(On the Implementation of Real-Time Economy in Estonian Waste Management)
25.05.2023 | ETERA | |
Küberturvalisuse võimekuse tõstmise väljakutsed Dominikaani Vabariigis Eesti kogemuse jagamise näitel
(Challenges for Cybersecurity Capacity Building in the Dominican Republic Based on Estonian Experience)
25.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IT ja äri koostöö parandamise võimalused Telia Eesti AS näitel
(Possibilities for Improving IT and Business Cooperation on the Example of Telia Eesti AS)
25.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tehisintellekti kasutamine e-teenuse disainimisel
(The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Design of an e-Service)
25.05.2023 | ETERA | |
Andmete liigutamise automatiseerimine energeetikaettevõtte näitel
(Automation of Data Movement on the Example of an Energy Company)
25.05.2023 | ETERA | |
Kirjastustegevuse kajastamine online portaalides aastatel 2010-2020
(The Coverage of Publishing the Online Portals between 2010-2020)
24.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Teabe jagamise ja kasutamisega seotud probleemid ettevõttes Nerostein OÜ
(Problems in Sharing and Using Information in Nerostein OÜ)
24.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Organisatsiooni teabehalduse analüüs Enefit Connect OÜ näitel
(Analysis of Information Governance of an Organization on the Example of Enefit Connect)
24.05.2023 | (co-supervisor) | |
Eesti avaandmete kasutuslugude kaardistamine ja analüüs
(Estonian Open Data Usage Stories - Mapping and Analysis)
24.05.2023 | (co-supervisor) | |
Uimastitemaatika käsitlused Eesti ajalehtedes aastal 2022
(The Treatment of Drug Issues in Estonian Newspapers in 2022)
24.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Uimastitemaatika kajastamine Eesti, Rootsi ja Portugali ingliskeelsetes uudisteportaalides aastatel 2021 ja 2022
(Coverage of Illicit Drugs in English-Language News Websites of Estonia, Sweden and Portugal in 2021 and 2022)
24.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Valeuudiste ja desinformatsiooni väljaselgitamine sotsiaalmeedias ning info õigsuse hindamine Eestis elavate vene keelt emakeelena kõnelevate isikute hulgas
(Identifying Fake News and Disinformation in Social Media and Evaluating the Accuracy of Information Among Native Russian Speakers Living in Estonia)
24.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Raamatukoguhoidjate kujutamine Eesti ajalehtedes aastatel 2013-2022
(The Portrayal of Librarians in Estonian Newspapers in 2013-2022)
23.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Personali värbamine rahvaraamatukogudes: töökuulutuste sisuanalüüs Facebook’i näitel
(Staff Recruitment in Public Libraries: Content Analysis of Job Advertisements Using the Example of Facebook)
23.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kasutajakoolituse praktikad Eesti rahvaraamatukogudes
(User Education Practices in Estonian Public Libraries)
23.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digitaalse kultuuripärandi kasutamine hariduses Europeana näitel
(The Use of Digital Cultural Heritage in Education as an Example of Europeana)
23.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IT-teenuste haldus- ja infosüsteemi rakendamine haigla näitel
(Implementation of IT Service Management System and Information System in the Hospital)
23.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Andmehalduspraktikad tootmisalastes süsteemides telekommunikatsioonitehnoloogiat valmistava ettevõtte näitel
(Data Governance Practices in Manufacturing Systems of a Company Producing Telecommunications Technology)
23.05.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/19.DT | Visual Communication in Educational Game for Preschool Children: Case Study of Lustakad Õhupallid Game | 03.02.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digitaalse õpiobjekti loomine 4.-6. aastaste laste jaoks 21. sajandi oskuste arengu toetamiseks LEGO Education baasil
(Digital Educational Platform Based on LEGO Education Framework for Preschoolers' 21st Century Skills Development)
03.02.2023 | (co-supervisor) | |
Digipädevuse hindamismudeli ja hindamisinstrumendi disainimine asutuse X näitel
(Designing a Digital Competence Assessment Model and Assessment Instrument on the Example of Institution X)
31.01.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IT-arendusüksuse loomine välisriikides
(Setting Up an IT Development Centre in a Foreign Country)
31.01.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Manuaalsete kannete haldusprotsessi hindamine ABB AS näitel
(Evaluation of the Manual Journal Entry Management Process on the Example of ABB AS)
31.01.2023 | ||
Eesti infoturbestandardi turvameetmete rakendatuse automaatkontrolli põhimõtted
(Towards Automated Compliance Checking for Estonian Information Security Standard)
31.01.2023 | ETERA | |
Soovitused loovisikute konkurentsivõimet toetava e-portfoolio loomiseks
(Recommendations for Developing an e-Portfolio for Supporting the Competitiveness of Creatives)
30.01.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Juturoboti loomine Shepherd OÜ näitel kasutades Azure teenuseid
(Chatbot Creation for Shepherd OÜ Using the Azure Services)
30.01.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Pärnu linna veebilehe juurdepääsetavus eakate hinnangul
(Accessibility of the Pärnu City Website from the Seniors Perspective)
30.01.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/19.DT | Mediating Touch Through Vibrotactile Display in the Context of Public Speaking | 25.01.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/20.DT | Enriching User Research for Digital Behaviour Change Interventions With COM-B Model | 25.01.2023 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/20.DT | Towards an Ethical Ecology: Bridging the Gap(s) of Persuasive Design | 25.01.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTIDM/20.DT | Towards the Development of a Pedagogical Toolkit for Interaction Design Educators to Elicit an Ethical Mindset Within Future UX Practitioners | 24.01.2023 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTIDM/20.DT | Dark Patterns or Bad Design? A Study on the Consequences of Deceptive Design | 24.01.2023 | ETERA | |
DTIDM/20.DT | Design Team Collaboration Around Design Systems in IT Start-Ups | 24.01.2023 | ETERA | |
IFITD/17.DT | Towards Enabling Human-Computer Symbiosis Through Trust: Empirical Guidelines for Developing Psychophysiological Models to Assess Users' Trust in Real Time | 20.01.2023 | ETERA | |
2022 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
Põhikooli laste digivahendite kasutamise reguleerimine lastevanemate poolt
(Regulation of the Usage of Digital Devices Among Parents of Basic School Children)
03.06.2022 | ||
Nutirakenduse prototüübi arendusuuring raalmõtlemise õpiraja haldamiseks põhikoolis
(Prototyping a Smartphone App fo Computational Thinking Learning Paths in Basic Schools)
03.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Nutirakenduse prototüübi arendusuuring raalmõtlemise õpiraja haldamiseks põhikoolis
(Prototyping a Smartphone App for Computational Thinking Learning Paths in Basic Schools)
03.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Projektide portfoolio haldamise lahenduse kasutusele võtmine teenusettevõtte näitel
(Implementing a Project Portfolio Management Solution on the Example of a Service Company)
03.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Äri- ja IT juhtimise kooskõla tagamine kontserni Silikaat Grupi näitel
(Ensuring the Coherence Between Business and IT Management on the Example of Silikaat Grupp)
03.06.2022 | (co-supervisor) | |
Keskkonnahoidliku IT rakendamise praktika Eesti avalikus sektoris: hetkeseis ja arenguvõimalused
(Practice of Implementing Sustainable IT in the Estonian Public Sector: Curren Situation and Development Opportunities)
03.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTIDM/20.DT | Evaluating the Effects of Audio Instructions Through a Virtual Assistant During Menu Navigation and Complex Cognitive Tasks in a Virtual Reality Application for Athletes | 02.06.2022 | ETERA | |
DTIDM/20.DT | Trust in Text-Based Chatbots for Customer Support. Investigating How the System’s Expertise Impacts the Users’ Perception of Trust | 02.06.2022 | ETERA | |
DTIDM/20.DT | What Effect Does an Interactive Learning Environment Have on Engagement and Retention of Students of Primary Education Who Are First Generation Learners and Were Out of School Due to COVID-19 Pandemic In West Bengal, India? | 02.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Masintõlke lahenduste kasutuselevõtmine avalikele IT teenustele Registrite ja Infosüsteemide Keskuse näitel
(Implementation of Machine Translation Solutions for Public IT Services on the Example of the Center of Registers and Information Systems)
02.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tarkvara varahalduse probleemid ja võimalikud lahendused rahvusvahelise ettevõtte näitel
(Software and License Management in a Multinational Company: Problems and Possible Solutions)
02.06.2022 | ETERA | |
Klienditeenindusprotsesside loomine IT ettevõtte näitel
(Developing Customer Service Processes Based on an IT Company)
02.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Infoturbealase järelevalveprotsessi kaardistus ja parendamise võimalus Riigi Infosüsteemi Ameti näitel
(Mapping the Information Security Supervisory Process and How It Can Be Improved, Using the Example of Information System Authority)
02.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
ITSM protsesside automatiseerimine IT-kasutajatoe töö paremaks koordineerimiseks ja teenuse kvaliteedi parendamiseks
(Automation of ITSM Processes to Improve Company IT Service Desk Workflow and Service Feedback)
02.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digipädevuse hindamise protsess kõrge ametivariatiivsusega asutuses Riigi Kaitseinvesteeringute Keskuse näitel
(Digital Competency Evaluation Process in Organizations With High Job Variability in the Example of the Centre for Defence Investment)
02.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Läbipõlemise ennetamise võimalused IT-spetsialistide näitel
(Burnout Prevention Opportunities on the Example of IT Specialists)
02.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/18.DT |
Epideemiate modelleerimisest suletud populatsioonis: Kermack-McKendricku mudeli edasiarendustest
(On Modelling of Epidemics in Closed Population: Further Developments of Kermack-McKendrick Model)
02.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/19.DT |
Miks on topoloogias kohvitass ja sõõrik homöomorfsed
(Why a Coffee Cup Is Homeomorphic to a Doughnut in Topology)
02.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/19.DT |
Mänguteooria: kahe ja kolme isiku nullsummalised mängud
(Game Theory: Two- and Three-Person Zero-Sum Games)
02.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/19.DT |
Joonte ja pindade võrrandid determinantide abil
(Equations of Lines and Surfaces Using Determinants)
02.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/19.DT |
Aegridade analüüs
(Time Series Analysis)
02.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/19.DT |
Bezier splainid ja B-splainid
(Bezier Splines and B-Splines)
02.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/19.DT |
Diferentsiaal- ja integraalarvutusest ajaskaaladel
(On Differentiation and Integration on Time Scales)
02.06.2022 | ETERA | |
MLMB/19.DT |
Sohva liigutamise ülesanne
(Moving Sofa Problem)
02.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/19.DT |
Analüütilise geomeetria mõnede ülesannete lahendamine Monge’i meetodi abil
(Solving some Problems of Analytic Geometry Using Monge’s Method)
02.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Prike AS töötajate rakenduse arendus
(Prike AS Employee Application Development)
01.06.2022 | ETERA | |
Bakalaureuseõppe üliõpilaste hinnangud Tallinna Ülikooli informaatika eriala õppekava õpiväljundite saavutamisele
(Undergraduate Study's Students Perspectives on Tallinn University's Computer Science Curriculums Learning Outcomes)
01.06.2022 | ETERA | |
Scrumi metoodika elementide kohandamine ning juurutamine firma X näitel
(Adaptation and Implementation of the Elements of Scrum Methodology in Company X)
01.06.2022 | ETERA | |
Krüptorahade kasutamisega seotud riskistsenaariumid
(Risk Scenarios Related to the Use of Cryptocurrencies )
01.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Anonüümsuse saavutamine internetis tasuta tarkvara kasutades
(Achieving Anonymity on the Internet Using Free Software)
01.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Rakendus võtmesõnade leidmiseks eestikeelsetest tekstidest
(Keyword Search Software for Estonian Texts)
01.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Firebase rakenduse turvalisus
(Firebase App Security)
01.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Hambaravi mobiilirakenduse arendamine
(Dental Mobile Application Development)
01.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Angulari veebiraamistiku õppematerjali koostamine
(Development of Angular Web Framework Study Material)
01.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
RFID lugemisvälja optimeerimine interferentsiga
(RFID Interrogation Zone Optimization with the Help of Interference)
01.06.2022 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/19.DT | Seeking Emotion Labels for Bodily Reactions in Simulated Asylum Interview: An Experimental Study | 01.06.2022 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/19.DT | Measuring Trust Across Three Different Countries. Trust, Technology Adoption, and How to Improve the Design of a Solution Across Cultures | 01.06.2022 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/20.DT | The Impact of Dark Design Patterns on the Users' Trust and Intention to Buy | 01.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/20.DT | The Effect of Credibility-Related Design Cues on Responses to a Deep Fake Message About Fake News | 01.06.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/20.DT | Objective Differences in Empathic Responses Towards a Real Person and a Virtual Character | 01.06.2022 | ETERA | |
3D printeri juurutamine Sauga Põhikooli näitel
(Deploying a 3D Printer in Sauga Elementary School)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Automaatne tekstianalüüs: Klastrileidja arendamise põhimõtted ja veebirakendus
(The Clusterfinder Web Application and its Development Principles)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | |
Eestikeelse teksti sõnavara mitmekesisuse mõõtmine
(Measuring Lexical Diversity in Estonian Language Texts)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | |
Raamistiku React Native uue arhitektuuri uuring
(Study of React Natives new architecture)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eestikeelse teksti keerukuse automaatne hindamine
(Automated Assessment of the Complexity of Estonian Language Texts)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | |
Andmekonveierite ülevaade teenindusettevõtte näitel
(Overview of Data Pipelines Using a Service Company as an Example)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Robotteatri veebirakendus
(Robot Theaters Web App)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Multidimensionaalsete pillide arendamine ning nendega performance etenduse loomine
(Development of Multidimensional Instruments and their Application in a Performance Show)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | |
Ülikooli sportlike väljakutsete rakenduse disain
(Application Design for University's Athletic Challenges )
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Unity-keskkonna sobivus tarkvaraarenduse õpetamisel keskkooli õpilastel
(The Suitability of the Unity Platform for Teaching Software Development to High School Students)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Arvutikasutaja emakeele määramine tema klaviatuuri kasutusdünaamika järgi
(Predicting Users Native Language by Their Keystroke Dynamics)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | |
Mentorluse programmi loomine tarkvara spetsialistidele Eesti idufirma näitel
(Developing a Mentorship Program for Software Specialists on the Example of an Estonian Startup)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/16.DT | Implementation of Digital Interventions Strategies for Behavior Change in Design Patterns | 31.05.2022 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/18.DT | Trustworthiness in AI - A Literature Review | 31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/19.DT | Developing a Chrome Extension for Limiting Browser Screen Time and Combating Digital Addiction | 31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/19.DT | The Influence of Adaptive Feedback on Users Trust During Interaction With Intelligent Technology Under Varying Risk Conditions | 31.05.2022 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/19.DT | Tracking Mood When Using Digital Tools | 31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Vaiketeadmuse jagamine Swedbank AS-i personali- ja haldusdivisjonis
(Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Swedbank AS Human Resources & Infrastructure Division)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Viimsi Gümnaasiumi gümnasistide terviseinfokäitumine
(Health Information Behaviour Among Students of Viimsi Gymnasium)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tallinna Mürakaru Lasteaia lapsevanemate terviseinfokäitumine
(Tallinn Mürakaru Kindergarten Parents Information Behavior: On the Basis of Health Information)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebiajakiri Estonian World kasutajate ja toimetuse vaates
(Estonian World Online Magazine in the View of Its Readers and Editors)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti noorsportlaste tervisega seotud probleemid ja terviseinfokäitumine
(Health Related Problems and Health Information Behavior of Young Athletes in Estonia)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Lugemiskogemuste jagamine sotsiaalmeedias Instagrami näitel
(Sharing Reading Experiences on Social Media: On the Example of Instagram)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpilaste tüüpilised vead matemaatikas
(Students’ Common Errors in Mathematics)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Keskkonnahariduse integreerimine matemaatikaõppesse gümnaasiumiastmes Läänemaa Ühisgümnaasiumi 10. ja 11. klassi näitel
(Integration of Environmental Education and Mathematics at the Gymnasium Level on the Example of the 10th and 11th Grades of Läänemaa Ühisgümnaasium)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Mõisteliste ja protseduuriliste teadmiste ja oskuste kujunemist toetavad õpitehnikad 6. klassi matemaatikatunnis
(Learning Techniques that Support Formation of Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge and Skills in the 6th Class Math Lesson)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | |
Motivatsiooni ja mõtestatud omandamise suurendamine põhikooli trigonomeetria õppimisel
(Increasing Motivation and Meaningful Acquisition in Basic Trigonometry)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | |
Raalmõtlemine 11. klassi matemaatikaõppes
(Computational thinking in 11th grade mathematics)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | |
9. klassi õpilaste tüüpvead algebraliste murdudega
(Typical Mistakes of 9th Grade Students in Algebraic Fraction)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Trigonomeetriakursuse kavandamine gümnaasiumis
(Planning a Trigonometry Course in a Gymnasium)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Matemaatilise mõtlemise paindlikkuse mõõtmine lineaarvõrrandite lahendamisel
(Measuring the Flexibility of Mathematical Thinking in Linear Equation Solving)
31.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Saadetiste transpordiarvutuste süsteemi loomine hulgimüügiettevõttele kasutades PHP Yii2 raamistikku
(Development of a Parcel Transporting System With PHP Yii2 Framework Using a Wholesale Company Project as an Example)
30.05.2022 | ETERA | |
TypeScripti õppematerjali koostamine gümnaasiumiealistele õpilastele
(Development of TypeScript Study Materials for High School Students)
30.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIFB/19.DT | Designing a Quiz Game to Support the Revision of Educational Content | 30.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IT-abi siseveebi kasutajakogemuse parandamine
(Improving the User Experience of the IT-Support Intranet)
30.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Pildistamiskohtade soovitamise veebirakenduse disain
(Design of a Web Application for Recommending Photography Locations)
30.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tõuketeavituste kasutamine reaalajas infot vahetavate rakenduste loomiseks Laravel ja React Native raamistikega
(Using Push Notifications to Create Real-Time Applications With Laravel and React Native)
30.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti ülikoolide õppeainete valimise mobiilirakenduse prototüübi disain
(Design of a Mobile Application Prototype for Selecting Courses in Estonian Universities)
30.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
eDidaktikumi kasutajakogemuse uuring ja parandusettepanekud
(A User Experience Study and Redesign Suggestions for eDidaktikum)
30.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
E-sporti tutvustava veebilehe prototüübi loomine
(Creation of an Introductory Website Prototype for Esports)
30.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIFB/19.DT | Developing a Web Application for Arvutiait OÜ | 30.05.2022 | ETERA | |
Infoteenindus rahvaraamatukogudes: Ida-Virumaa raamatukogude näitel
(Information Service in Public Libraries: on the Example of Libraries in Ida-Virumaa)
30.05.2022 | (co-supervisor) | |
Põimõppe rakendamine gümnaasiumiastmes Lasnamäe Vene Gümnaasiumi näitel
(Blended Learning Organisation on the Upper Secondary Level Based on the Example of Lasnamae Russian Gymnasium)
30.05.2022 | (co-supervisor) | |
E-raamatute komplekteerimine Eesti teadusraamatukogudes
(E-book Acquisition in Estonian Academic Libraries)
30.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebileht muuseumi digiturunduse kanalina virtuaalsete teenuste kajastamise näitel
(Website as a Museum's Digital Marketing Channel to Reflect Virtual Services)
30.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Rahvaraamatukogude personali erialane enesetäiendamine
(Professional Development of Public Library Staff)
30.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ajaveebid muuseumiturunduses Eesti Rahva Muuseumi, Kumu kunstimuuseumi ja Tallinna Linnamuuseumi näitel
(Blogs in Museum Marketing Based on the Examples of Estonian National Museum, Kumu Art Museum And Tallinn City Museum)
30.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Lindude rändeteemalise digimängu loomine eelkooliealistele lastele
(Creating a Video Game on Bird Migration for Preschool Children)
27.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Avatud veebikursuse väljatöötamise põhimõtted mitteformaalhariduses
(Design Principles for an Open Online Course in Non-formal Learning)
27.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpimärkide kasutamine kujundavas hindamises noortespordis
(Using Open Badges for Formative Assessment in Youth Sport)
27.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
E-koolikoti kasutajaskonna kasvu mõjutavad tegurid
(Factors Affecting the Growth of e-Schoolbag's User Community)
27.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/15.DT | Personalized Learning in Early Childhood Education in Estonia and Opportunities to Support it Through Technology: Using ALPA Kids Application | 26.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/18.DT | Development of a Serious Game for Vector Algebra | 26.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/19.DT | Mindfulness in Museums: Designing Mindful Interactions | 26.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/19.DT | Game World Color Preferences and Their Effect on Game Immersion Across the Cultures Among Kindergarten Children | 26.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/19.DT | Creating Digital Bas Reliefs Using Procedural Materials on Hard Surfaces | 26.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/19.DT | Designing a Course on Learning Game Design: An Action Research Study | 26.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/20.DT | Choosing Video Communication Platforms in Educational Settings | 26.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Lasteaiaõpetajate ootustest ja vajadustest lähtuvad mudelid digitehnoloogia rakendamiseks ja digipädevuse toetamiseks alushariduses
(Models Based on the Expectations and Needs of Kindergarten Teachers for the Application of Digital Technology and the Support of Digital Competence in Early Childhood Education)
26.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpetaja professionaalset arengut toetava digipädevuse enesehindamise tagasiside prototüüp
(Digital Competence Assessment Feedback Prototype for Supporting Teachers Professional Development)
26.05.2022 | ETERA | |
Proviisorite ja farmatseutide digipädevuse arendamise võimalused
(Developing Digital Competence for Pharmacists)
26.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digitaalse õpiraja loomine Tallinna Teletornis
(Creation of a Digital Learning Path in Tallinn TV Tower)
26.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Multimodaalse õpianalüütika efektiivsus rühmatöös
(The Effects of Applying Multimodal Learning Analytics in Collaborative Learning)
26.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebikeskkonna kontseptuaalse disaini väljatöötamine õpetaja toetamiseks projektipõhise õppe läbiviimisel III kooliastmes
(The Development of a Conceptual Design of a Web Environment to Support Teachers in Conducting Project-Based Learning in Grades 7-9)
26.05.2022 | ETERA | |
Liitreaalsuse rakendamise mõju I kooliastme õpilaste ainealastele teadmistele ja õpimotivatsioonile matemaatikas
(Augmented Reality Application Impact on the Mathematics Subject Knowledge and Learning Motivation of Students Grades 1-3)
26.05.2022 | ||
Andmehalduse praktikad Statistikaameti näitel
(Data Governance Practices in Statistics Estonia)
25.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Lasteaiaõpetajate hinnangud ja ootused Peetri raamatukogu teenustele
(Kindergarten Teachers Assessments and Expectations for Peetri´s Library Services)
25.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Dokumendihaldussüsteemi metaandmete olulisus ja ühilduvus Viimsi ja Rae Vallavalitsuse näitel
(Importance and Compatibility of the Metadata of a Document Management System on the Example of Rae and Viimsi Municipality)
25.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Lõppklientide isikuandmete haldus Eesti turundusagentuuride näitel
(The Management of End Customers' Personal Data on the Example of Estonian Marketing Agencies)
25.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Lennujaama info koordineerimine lennuõnnetuse korral
(Airport Information Coordination in the Event of an Aviation Accident)
25.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Avaandmete kasutamine andmepõhisel otsustamisel
(Use of Open Data in Data-Driven Decision Making)
25.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tallinna Ülikooli digitehnoloogiate instituudi teadlaste publitseerimise ja viidete analüüs
(The Analysis of Publications and References of Researchers at the Institute of Digital Technologies of Tallinn University)
24.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Vaiketeadmuse kogumine ja jagamine Riigi Infosüsteemi Ametis
(Capturing and Sharing Tacit Knowledge in Information System Authority)
24.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Teadmusjuhtimine ja infokultuur Telia Eesti AS Suurkliendi lahenduste tehnilises toes
(Knowledge Management and Information Culture in Telia Eesti AS Business Customer Technical Support Department)
24.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Teabehalduse publikatsioonide bibliomeetriline uuring 2005-2020
(Bibliometric Survey of Information Governance Publications 2005-2020)
24.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Rahapesu tõkestamiseks vajaliku informatsiooni kättesaadavus ja kasutamine Eesti pädevate institutsioonide ja asutuste näitel
(Availability and Efficiency of Use of Digital Information Necessary for the Prevention of Money Laundering on the Example of Estonian Competent Institutions and Authorities)
24.05.2022 | ETERA | |
Teadmusjuhtimine rahvusvahelistes meeskondades
(Knowledge Management in International Teams)
24.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Organisatsiooni veebilehe kasutamine Politsei- ja Piirivalveameti näitel
(Using the Organisation’s Website on the Example of the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board)
24.05.2022 | (co-supervisor) | |
Info- ja teadmusjuhtimine projektipõhises organisatsioonis: STEP-programmi näitel
(Information and Knowledge Management in Project-based Organization: The Example of the STEP program)
24.05.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFITD/19.DT | Possibilities to Implement Cost Accounting in the Evaluation of Library Work Processes | 14.03.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebidisaini psühholoogilised ja esteetilised aspektid: interaktiivsed materjalid üliõpilastele
(Psychological and Aesthetic Aspects of Web Design: Interactive Resources for University Students)
04.02.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTOSM/19.DT | A Comparison of 5G Implementation in Two Advanced Countries | 03.02.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
3D skaneerimise juhend Tallinna Ülikooli õpilasakadeemia kursusele
(3D Scanning Manual for Tallinn University's Student Academy Course)
31.01.2022 | (co-supervisor) | |
Hulgateooria ja loogika õppimine Prologi toel
(Learning Set Theory and Logic with Prolog)
31.01.2022 | ETERA | |
Digilahenduste disainisüsteem Tallinna Ülikoolile
(Digital Products Design System for Tallinn University)
31.01.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Dünaamilisel lähenemisel põhineva kompetentsusjuhtimise protsessi ja kompetentsimaatriksi loomise põhimõtted organisatsioonis ettevõtte Eolane Tallinn AS näitel
(Principles of Creating Competency Management Process and Competency Matrix in an Organization Based on Dynamic Approach on the Example of Enterprise Eolane Tallinn AS)
28.01.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/18.DT | Designing Real-Time Wearables to Benefit Long-Distance Runners | 27.01.2022 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/19.DT | Towards a Better Understanding of Elderly Users - Developing Guidelines to Relieve Loneliness | 27.01.2022 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/19.DT | Influence of Transparency on Users' Trust in e-Banking | 27.01.2022 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/19.DT | Comparing External Stimuli for Enhancing Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Training With Guided Breathing | 27.01.2022 | ETERA | |
IT teenuste portfelli optimeerimine avaliku sektori organisatsiooni näitel
(Optimization of IT Service Portfolio Based on the Example of a Public Sector Organization)
27.01.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/19.DT | Designing Digital Learning Assets for Behavior Change | 26.01.2022 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/19.DT | Developing Driver Drowsiness Detection Framework by Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network | 26.01.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/19.DT | Understanding the User Interface Elements that Draw People's Attention: An Eye-Tracking Study of YouTube's Website and Mobile Application | 26.01.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpetajakoolituse paindlikkuse toetamise veebirakenduse prototüüp
(Web Application Prototype for Supporting the Flexibility of Teacher Education)
26.01.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/18.DT | Using Games as a Medium to Teach Basic Arithmetic Concepts in Mathematics to the School Children in Egypt | 25.01.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/19.DT | Game Based Learning for Teaching and Learning Computer Science in Nigerian High Schools: A Case Study of Abia State District, Nigeria | 25.01.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/19.DT | Factors Influencing Children’s Engagement and Immersion in Digital Games | 25.01.2022 | ETERA | |
DTLGM/19.DT | GamEmo: Designing a Serious Game for Emotion Recognition for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders | 25.01.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/19.DT | Using Game Design Principles to Enhance Classroom Instructional Design | 25.01.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/19.DT | The Effects of Audio on Immersion in Serious Games: The Case of Methodyca | 25.01.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/19.DT | Improving Student Motivation Through Gamification: Gamified Homework in Online Learning | 25.01.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Protsentide õpetamise näitlikustamine kuuendas klassis
(Exemplifying Teaching of Percentages in 6th Grade)
20.01.2022 | (co-supervisor) | |
Algaja juhi infokäitumine organisatsioonis
(Information Behaviour of a Novice Manager in an Organization)
18.01.2022 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/18.DT |
Diferentsiaalarvutus ajaskaaladel
(Differential Calculus on Time Scales)
18.01.2022 | ETERA | |
2021 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
IFITD/16.DT | Aligning Learning Design and Analytics in Mobile Learning | 09.12.2021 | ETERA | |
IFITD/20.DT | Information Culture and Coping With Information Overload: The Case of Estonian Higher Education Institutions | 10.11.2021 | ETERA | |
IFITD/13.DT | Actionable Service Design Deliverables. Supporting Service Designers in Empowering Their Business Clients | 28.10.2021 | ETERA | |
DTOSM/19.DT | Fair’s Fair: Scenarios and Implications for Predictive Policing in the Year 2030 | 04.06.2021 | ETERA | |
DTOSM/19.DT | Friend or Foe: The Implications of Microchipping in Open Society | 04.06.2021 | ETERA | |
DTOSM/19.DT | Change Management in Digital Transformation | 04.06.2021 | ETERA | |
DTOSM/19.DT | The Challenges of E-government Implementation in Afghanistan: A Case Study of the Afghanistan Postal Service | 04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTOSM/19.DT | Barriers to Open Data in the National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA) of Afghanistan | 04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTOSM/19.DT | Re-modelling the E-Governance Strategy for Afghanistan | 04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTOSM/19.DT | Digital Transformation Sustainability Challenges in Afghanistan | 04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTOSM/19.DT | The Role of the E-government in Reducing Corruption and Enhancing Transparency in the Afghan Public Sector: Case of E-Tazkira in NSIA | 04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Parimad praktikad kaugtööle üleminekul Eesti ettevõtetes
(Best Practices for Transitioning to Remote Work in Estonian Companies)
04.06.2021 | ||
Eesti üldhariduskoolide valmisolek Eesti infoturbestandardi E-ITS rakendamiseks
(Readiness of Estonian General Education Schools for the Implementation of the Estonian Information Security Standard E-ITS)
04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti infoturbestandardi (E-ITS) rakendamine keskmise suurusega energiaettevõttes
(Implementation of the Estonian Information Security Standard (E-ITS) In a Medium-Sized Energy Company)
04.06.2021 | (co-supervisor) | |
IT hinnastamise mudel Eesti Kaitseväe näitel
(IT Cost Model on the Example of Estonian Defence Forces)
04.06.2021 | ETERA | |
Infoturbeüksuse rakendamise võimalused tervishoiuteenuse osutaja näitel
(Possibilities of Implementing an Information Security Unit on the Example of a Health Care Provider)
04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Riigi lairibavõrgu toetuspoliitika analüüs
(Analysis of the National Broadband Network Support Policy)
04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Uute töötajate sisseelamise raamistiku loomine
(New Employee Onboarding Framework Design)
04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFITM/19.DT | Using Data-Driven Storytelling and Augmented Analytics to Improve End-User Adoption of Business Intelligence and Analytics Systems | 04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
FRAM meetodi rakendamine mittetriviaalsete sotsiotehniliste süsteemide arendamiseks universaalses tarkvaraarendusprotsessis
(Implementation of the FRAM Method for the Development of Non-Trivial Sociotechnical Systems Within Universal Software Development Process)
04.06.2021 | ETERA | |
Hoonete projekteerimise lähteülesande digitaliseerimine
(Digitalisation of Project Brief in Construction of Buildings)
04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tarkvaraarenduse teenust pakkuvate ettevõtete arveldamis- ja tasustamismudelid
(Billing and Compensation Models of Software Development Companies)
04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tarkvaraarenduse täiendusõppe koostöö edendamise võimalused
(Continuing Software Development Training - Opportunities to Promote Cooperation)
04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Väikeettevõtte IT teenuste protsesside parendamine Merada OÜ näitel
(Improving IT Service Processes for Small Company on the Example of Merada OÜ)
04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Matemaatikaõpetajate distantsõppe kogemus
(Mathematics Teachers’ Distance Learning Experience)
04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Matific keskkonna mänguliste õppematerjalide sobivuse hindamine kolmandas ja neljandas klassis
(Assessment of the Suitability of Playful Learning Materials in the Matific Environment in the Third and Fourth Grades)
04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpetajate uskumuste seos klassiruumis rakendatavate praktikate ning õpilaste uskumustega matemaatikast Viimsi valla põhikoolide näitel
(Relationship Between Teachers’ Beliefs, Practices and Students’ Beliefs in Mathematics)
04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Matemaatikapädevus 6. klassis - profiilide eristamine indiviidile suunatud käsitlusviisi abil
(Mathematical Literacy in 6th Grade: Profile Analysis Through Person-Oriented Approach)
04.06.2021 | ETERA | |
Matemaatikaärevuse mõõtmine 7. ja 9. klassi õpilastel
(Measuring Math Anxiety Among the Year 7 and Year 9 Students)
04.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õppijakeele korpuse virtuaalse õpikeskkonna prototüübi disain
(Design of a Virtual Learning Environment Prototype for a Learner Language Corpus)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | |
Isikuandmete kaitse seaduse rakendamine X kooli näitel
(Implementing the General Data Protection Regulation in an Example School X)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digitaalse arengumapi prototüübi arendamine ja evalveerimine alushariduses
(Development and Evaluation of a Digital Development Portfolio Prototype in Early Childhood Education)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | |
Jagatud juhtimise toetamine läbi haridustehnoloogia õpivõrgustiku alushariduse näitel
(Supporting Distributed Leadership in Early Childhood Education Through an Educational Technology Learning Network)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | |
Haridustehnoloogilise koosloome toetamise partnerlusmudeli välja töötamine ja evalveerimine
(Creation and Evaluation of the Education Technology Partnership Model for Supporting Co-Creation)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Koolieelikute omadussõnavara rikastamine digitaalse õpimängu abil
(Enriching the Adjective Vocabulary of Preschool Children Through a Digital Learning Game)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | |
Algklasside programmeerimisõpetuse õppematerjalide kvaliteedi hindamine ja valideerimine
(Validating and Evaluating the Quality of Primary School Programming Learning Materials)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tumeda ja heleda värvilahendusega kasutajaliideste mõju kasutajakogemusele
(Light and Dark Mode User Interfaces - Influence on User Experience)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kooliealiste noorte nutiseadme kasutamist piirava rakenduse nõuete analüüs
(Requirements Analysis for Limiting Smart Device Usage Among School-Age Children)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIFB/16.DT | Differences Between Vue.js 2 and Vue.js 3 Framework Versions and a Migration Guide Using an Application as an Example | 03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tarkvaraarendusprojekti haldamise probleemid metoodikate rakendamata jätmisel, juhtimisanalüüs
(Possible Problems With Software Development Project When No Methods Are Used, Case Analysis)
03.06.2021 | (co-supervisor) | |
IT-seire lahendus Tallinna Sadama näitel
(IT Monitoring Solution on the Example of Tallinna Sadam)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | |
Teisaldatavate elektrigeneraatorite kaugmonitoorimise kasutajaliidese prototüübi väljatöötamine
(User Interface Prototype Development for Deployable Electric Generator Remote Monitoring)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | |
Ellujäämis-õudusmängu arendamine veebipõhise mängumootori Construct 3 abil
(Survival Horror Game Development Using Web-Based Game Engine Construct 3)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Sulgpalli väljakutsete rakenduse prototüübi disain ja arendus
(Design and Development of a Prototype for Badminton Challenge Application)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebipõhise kunstiportfoolio disain ja arendus
(Design and Development of a Web-Based Art Portfolio)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Regiviiside genereerimine kasutades masinõpet
(The Generation of Folk Tune Using Machine Learning)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/19.DT | Towards a Toolkit to Support Online Generative Design Research | 03.06.2021 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/19.DT | Pleasure in Daily Interactions With Technology | 03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/19.DT | Designing Just in Time Adaptive Interventions for Behaviour Change in Context of Social Isolation | 03.06.2021 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/19.DT | Hedonic and Pragmatic Qualities of UX in Computer Games | 03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/19.DT | Designing in Troubled Waters: Bringing Design Thinking to a Project Based Learning Program | 03.06.2021 | ETERA | |
Digipädevuste hindamisvahendi disainimine ja piloteerimine Raplamaa 3. klassi õpilaste seas
(Design and Pilot a Digital Competencies Assessment Instrument for 3th Grade Students of Rapla)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ozobot haridusrobotile töölehtede loomine 2. klassi loodusõpetuse teema „Ilm“ läbimise toetamiseks
(Creating Worksheets for Educational Robot Ozobot to Support the Teaching of Natural Science Topic 'Weather' in Second Grade)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Projektõppe koostamine kursusele intelligentne transpordisüsteem maanteetranspordi üliõpilastele Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkoolis
(Development of Project Based Intelligent Transport Systems Course for Transport- and Traffic Management Students in TTK University of Applied Sciences)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Matemaatika ja informaatika omavaheline lõiming 8. klassi näitel
(The Integration of Mathematics and Informatics in the 8th Grade)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õppevara loomine riistvara ja operatsioonisüsteemide alused kursusele TLÜ Haapsalu kolledžis
(Creating Learning Resources for the Basics of Computer Hardware and Operating Systems Course at Tallinn University Haapsalu College)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Vanemaealiste digipädevuse arendamise mudel digitaalsete õpiampsude abil
(a Model for Developing Digital Competence of Elderly Using Digital Learning Nuggets)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpetajate digipädevuse kaardistamine Järveküla kooli näitel
(Mapping the Digital Competence of Teachers: A Case of Järveküla School)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | |
Raalmõtlemise integreerimine Eesti õpetajakoolitusse
(Integrating Computational Thinking Into Teacher Training in Estonia)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
III kooliastme informaatika valikkursuse digiõppevara tegevusuuring
(Action Research on Designing Digital Learning Resources for an Elective Course on Informatics in Key Stage III)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Enesereguleeritud õppimise toetamine informaatika distantsõppes 6. klassi näitel
(Supporting Sixth Grade Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Skills in Computer Science Distance Learning Lessons)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | |
Tegevusuuring informaatika lõimingust teiste õppeainetega
(Action Research on Integrating Informatics With Other Subjects)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Informaatika õpetamine Narva koolides: õppeaine eesmärgid, sisu ja õppevara
(Teaching Informatics in Narva Schools: Course Goals, Content and Learning Resources)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Rakvere linna ja Vinni valla koolide valmisoleku kaardistamine uue informaatika ainekava rakendamiseks
(Mapping Readiness to Implement New Informatics Curriculum - Example of Rakvere and Vinni Schools)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | |
Eesti gümnaasiumide ootused põhikooli lõpetanute digipädevusele
(The Expectations of Estonian Upper Secondary Schools for the Digital Competence of Basic School Graduates)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/17.DT |
(Taxicab Geometry)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/18.DT |
Kompleksarvud ja trigonomeetria
(Complex Numbers and Trigonometry)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/18.DT |
Epideemiate matemaatilisest modelleerimisest
(On Mathematical Modelling of Epidemics)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/18.DT |
Afiinsed teisendused tasandil
(Affine Transformations in a Plane)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/18.DT |
(Life Insurance)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/18.DT |
Fibonacci arvud
(The Fibonacci Numbers)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/18.DT |
Hüperboolsed funktsioonid ja nende rakendused
(Hyperbolic Functions and Their Applications)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
OPIQu 6. klassi geomeetria õppematerjalide kvaliteedi hindamine
(Quality Assessment of 6th Grade OPIQ Geometry Learning Materials)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpilaste uskumused matemaatikast, selle õppimisest ja õpetamisest gümnaasiumiastme lõpus
(Students’ Beliefs About Mathematics, Its Learning and Teaching at the End of Upper Secondary School)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tallinna Ülikooli matemaatikaõpetaja eriala vilistlasuuring (2010-2020)
(A Survey of Teacher of Mathematics Graduates in Tallinn University (2010-2020))
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
STEM-õppe elementide integreerimine matemaatikatunnis 4. klassi näitel
(Integrating STEM Learning Elements in a Math Lesson on the Example of 4th Grade)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Funktsiooni mõistest arusaamine III kooliastme matemaatikas
(Development of the Concept of Function in Grades 7 – 9)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tehisintellekti lõiming põhikooli matemaatikaga
(Integration of Artificial Intelligence With Secondary School Mathematics)
03.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/19.DT | Designing an Existential Video Game to Facilitate Death Acceptance | 02.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/19.DT | Designing an Interactive Narrative Based on Narrative Therapy Principles | 02.06.2021 | ETERA | |
DTLGM/19.DT | Interactive Action Films as Training Material for Real-World Situations in Police Education | 02.06.2021 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTLGM/19.DT | Digital Games as a Gateway to Incidental Learning: Case Study of Final Fantasy Wiki and Religious References | 02.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Innovaatiliste õpistsenaariumite rakendamisvõimalused matemaatikas kutsekooli kontekstis
(Implementing Innovative Learning Scenarios in Mathematics in Vocational School)
02.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpetajate hoiakute muutumine sensorpõhiste teaduslaborite kasutamise näitel kodanikuteaduse koolidevahelises kompetentsikeskuses
(Teachers´ Attitude Change on the Example of Using Sensor-Based Science Laboratories in the Inter-School Citizen Science Competence Center)
02.06.2021 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tegevusuuring põhikooli õpilaste kõrgemate kognitiivsete mõtlemisoskuste arendamiseks füüsikaõppe kontekstis
(Action research to Study Higher Order Thinking Skills of Primary School Physics Students)
02.06.2021 | ETERA | |
Distantsõppe kogemus lastevanemate pilgu läbi 2020. aasta kevadel
(The Experience of Distance Learning for Parents in Spring 2020)
02.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Arvutipõhine võõrkeele rääkimisoskuse välishindamine Eesti kontekstis - võimalused ja kitsaskohad
(Computer-Based External Assessment of Foreign Language Speaking Skill in the Estonian Context – Opportunities and Challenges)
02.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpilaste digipädevuse tasemetöö ülesandemudeli arendusuuring
(Design Research on Task Model for Learners’ Digital Competence Test)
02.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Mitmik-juhtumiuuring: kooli visiooni mõju digiküpsuse arengu kavandamisele ja elluviimisele
(Multiple Case Study: The Impact of a School's Vision on the Planning and Implementation of Digital Maturity Development)
02.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Prototüübi loomine suuremahuliste päringute mooduli jaoks e-kinnistusraamatus
(Creating a Prototype for a Large-scale Query Module in the e-Land Register)
02.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õppekavade sisehindamise keskkonna prototüübi disain
(Designing a Prototype of an Online Application for Internal Assessment of Study Programmes)
02.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kasutajate vajaduste arvestamine nutitelefoni rakenduse prototüübi disainis
(Considering User Needs in the Design of a Smartphone Application Prototype)
02.06.2021 | (co-supervisor) | |
Kontakttundides osalemise rakenduse disain Tallinna Ülikoolile
(Design of a Lecture Attendance App for Tallinn University)
02.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Masinõppe lahendus aegridade ennustamiseks Google’i pilveplatvormil
(Machine Learning Solution on the Google Cloud Platform for Timeseries Estimation)
02.06.2021 | ETERA | |
Andmebaasi migratsiooni tööriista Flyway ja Liquibase võrdlus
(Comparison of database migration tool Flyway and Liquibase)
02.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Raamistiku Vue.js versiooni 2 migreerimine versioonile 3 ettevõtte projekti näitel
(Migrating Vue.js Version 2 Framework to Version 3 on the Example of Company’s Project)
02.06.2021 | ETERA | |
Varade registri loomine tootele Depowise
(Asset Register Development for Depowise)
02.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Poppy-roboti abil tehisintellekti võimalustega tutvumine
(Exploring the Possibilities of Artificial Intelligence With the Help of Poppy Robots)
02.06.2021 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/18.DT | Building Trust Towards Contact Tracing Apps: The Case Study of the HOIA app | 02.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/18.DT | Predicting Personality Traits Based on the Eye Movements of the User | 02.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/18.DT | Taskpal: Mobile Application to Help Students to Tackle Procrastination | 02.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/19.DT | Cross-Cultural Factors Influencing Trust in Technology: Trust in WhatsApp | 02.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/19.DT | The Impacts of Perceived Trust in the Adoption of Internet Banking in Nigeria: Case Study of Guarantee Trust Bank (GTBank) Lagos | 02.06.2021 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/19.DT | Effectiveness of Methodologies for Introducing Accessibility Standards in Web Development Practice | 02.06.2021 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTLGM/18.DT | Using Quiz Game to Increase Motivation for Growing Trees Among Pakistanian Children | 01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/18.DT | Exploring User Perspectives on Educational Immersive Virtual Reality Systems to Understand Engagement Factors | 01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/18.DT | Specific Digital Games for Teaching Geometric Angles: Influence on the Performance of Primary School Students in Pakistan | 01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/18.DT | Designing an Educational Game to Teach Basic Turkish Literacy to Children with Dyslexia | 01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/19.DT | Impact of Language Learning Games for Preschool Children Based on the Case Study of Alpa Kids Application | 01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/19.DT | Methodyca: A Study of the Development Process of a Game About Research Methods | 01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
AWS Lambda funktsioonide seire
(Monitoring AWS Lambda Functions)
01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Klient-server vahekihi loomine GTA:V FiveM platvormi näitel
(Client-Server Intermediate Layer Development for GTA:V FiveM Platform)
01.06.2021 | ETERA | |
Veebilehe keskkonna loomine Azures
(Creating a Website Environment in Azure)
01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kliendi visioonile vastava veebilehe arendamine kasutades JavaScripti raamistikke
(Creating a Website Based on Clients' Needs Using JavaScript Frameworks)
01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Peamudelile näoilme lisamine liikumishõive abil Blender keskkonnas
(Creating Facial Expressions on a Head Model With Facial Motion Capture in Blender Environment)
01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Pärandtarkvara migreerimine pilvetehnoloogiale
(Migrating Legacy Software to Cloud)
01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kaasaegsed küberkaitse meetodid ja nende rakendamine Linux operatsioonisüsteemis
(Modern Cybersecurity Methods and Their Implementation in the Linux Operating System)
01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Raamistike React ja Svelte võrdlus üheleherakenduse kontekstis
(Comparison of React and Svelte Frameworks in Context of Single-Page Applications)
01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Automaatne lasergraveerimine Dobot Magician robotkäe abil
(Automatic Laser Engraving with Dobot Magician Robotic Arm)
01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Erinevad teavikute laadid ja nende otsing digitaalarhiivis DIGAR
(Different Types of Editions and Their Search in the Digital Archive DIGAR)
01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Leetrite temaatika kajastus Delfis ja Postimehes ning probleemi teadvustamine Facebooki terviseteemalistes gruppides
(Coverage of Measles in Two Estonian Media Outlets, Delfi and Postimees, and Awareness of the Problem in Health-Related Groups on Facebook)
01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Soolise palgalõhe käsitlemine eesti trükimeedias aastatel 2010-2021
(The Gender Pay Gap in the Estonian Print Media in 2010-2021)
01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
INITM/19.DT | Integration of an Information System in the Technology Community in Telia Eesti AS | 01.06.2021 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tütarlaste ja emade seksuaalteemadega seonduv infokäitumine
(Mother and Daughter Information Behaviour Related to Sexual Topics)
01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Nägemispuudega õpilased infokasutajatena veebis Tartu Emajõe Kooli näitel
(Visually Impaired Students as Information Users on the Webs on the Example of Tartu Emajõgi School)
01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Sisekommunikatsioon Eesti Loodusmuuseumis
(Internal Communication in the Estonian Museum of Natural History)
01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Teabehalduse küpsuse hindamine Eesti mereväes
(Evaluation of the Maturity of the Information Governance in the Estonian Navy)
01.06.2021 | (co-supervisor) | |
Infoaudit infosüsteemide ja infoallikate kasutamisest: Rahandusministeeriumi näitel
(Information Audit on the Use of Information Systems and Information Sources: The Example of the Ministry of Finance)
01.06.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Raamatukoguteenuste turundus Facebooki vahendusel Tallinna Keskraamatukogu näitel
(Marketing of Library Services Through Facebook in the Case of Tallinn Central Library)
25.05.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti kirjastuste sisuloome Instagramis
(Content Creation of Estonian Publishers on Instagram)
25.05.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DIGAR Eesti Artiklid portaali kasutuslikkuse uuring
(Usability Study of DIGAR Estonian Articles Web Portal)
25.05.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Vigurraamatute kirjastamine Eestis ja nende kirjeldamine Eesti rahvusbibliograafia andmebaasis
(Toy-Book Publishing in Estonia and Their Descriptions in the Database of the Estonian National Bibliography)
25.05.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Distantsõppe ajal kasutatud digitaalsed keskkonnad Tallinna linna koolide näitel
(Digital Environments Used Distance Learning On The Example Of Tallinn City Schools)
29.01.2021 | ETERA | |
DTLGM/18.DT | Game Learning Analytics to Support the Development of Learner-Centered and Adaptable Educational Games | 27.01.2021 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTLGM/18.DT | A Team-Based Sports Game Effect on Team Performance and Cooperative Behaviors Among Office Team Employees | 27.01.2021 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTLGM/18.DT | Development of the Financial Literacy Game for Smart Phones | 27.01.2021 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTLGM/18.DT | Game Mechanics Design Influence to the Financial Literacy | 27.01.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/18.DT | The Use of Visual Rhetoric Principles in Game Design - Designing Financial Literacy Game for Children | 27.01.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tegevusuuring matemaatika õpetamisest III kooliastmes distantsõppena
(Action Research on Online Distance Teaching of Mathematics in Stage 3)
27.01.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Teadmusloome kontekstid üldhariduskoolis ja selle ülekande toetamise võimalused
(Exploring Knowledge Creation Contexts and Opportunities to Facilitate Knowledge Transfer at Middle School)
27.01.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Probleemipõhine digioskuste algkoolituse valikmoodulitega kursuse disan täiskasvanutele
(Design of the E-Course for Problem Based Basic Level Digital Competence Training for Adults)
27.01.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFHTM/18.DT | A Digital Game to Teach Computing Health, Hygiene, and Ergonomics | 27.01.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Andmeanalüüsi õppematerjal, kursus IFI7041.DT (kirjeldav statistika)
(Data Analysis Study Material, Course IFI7041.DT (Descriptive Statistics))
27.01.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Reapõhise ja veerupõhise andmetesalvestuse integratsioon ühes andmebaasis SAP HANA näitel
(Integration of Columnar Storage and Row Storage in One Database in the Example of SAP HANA)
27.01.2021 | ETERA | |
Digitaalse privaatsuse tajumine Eestis COVID-19 pandeemia ja GDPR-i kontekstis
(Perception of Digital Privacy in Estonia in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and GDPR)
26.01.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/17.DT | Perceived Trust of Developer Documentation Sites | 19.01.2021 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/18.DT | Understanding How Risk Influences Trust Perception in the Use of Autonomous Vehicle | 19.01.2021 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/18.DT | A Cross-Cultural Comparison of User's Trust Predisposition to Interact with Complex Systems | 19.01.2021 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/18.DT | Body-Centric Vibrotactile Display for Social Support at a Distance | 19.01.2021 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/18.DT | Assessing Physiology Based Music Emotion Recognition: An Exploratory Study | 19.01.2021 | ETERA | |
2020 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
IFITD/15.DT | Developing a Scale to Measure Human Computer Trust | 14.12.2020 | ETERA | |
Digipädevuste õpetamine digiklassides II kooliastmes ühe Harjumaa üldhariduskooli näitel
(Teaching Digital Competences in Digital Classes in Stage II on The Example of a General Education School in Harju County)
19.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
5.klassi informaatika õpilaste autonoomia- ja kompetentsusvajaduse toetamine distantsõppe ajal
(Supporting 5th Grade Computer Science Students’ Autonomy and Competence Needs During Distance Learning)
19.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Windowsi operatsioonisüsteemide halduse mooduli väljatöötamine kutseõppele
(Developing the Module on Windows Operating System Management for Vocational Education)
19.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digiõppevara kogumiku loomine õpperobotite integreerimiseks koolieelikute õppe- ja kasvatustegevustesse
(Creating Digital Learning Resources to Integrate Educational Robots Into Preschool Learning Activities)
19.06.2020 | ETERA | |
Muutused Tallinna EduInnoLabs koolide õpikäsituses ja informaatikaõppes
(Changes in Approach to Learning and Informatics Education in Tallinn Eduinnolabs)
19.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ida-Virumaa üldhariduskoolide võimalused süvendatud IT-õppeks põhikooli tasandil
(Possibilities for In-Depth IT Education in Lower and Middle Secondary Schools in Ida-Viru County)
19.06.2020 | ETERA | |
Veebidisaini e-õpiku prototüübi arendusuuring
(Web Design E-Textbook Prototype Design-Based Research)
19.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Huviringide võrgustik abistava vahendina reaal- ja tehnoloogiahariduse omandamisel – tegevusuuring Eesti Kosmosekoolide Võrgustiku näitel
(Network of Extracurricular Study Groups as a Support for STEM Learning – Action Research on Estonian Space School Network)
19.06.2020 | ETERA | |
Koostöine õpetamine robootikaga rikastatud tunnis 3. klassi matemaatika näitel
(Co-teaching Robot-Supported Math Lessons in Third Grade)
19.06.2020 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/18.DT | Designing for Values: Value Elicitation Toolkit | 18.06.2020 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/18.DT | Trust in Computing in Intercultural Contexts | 18.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/18.DT | Designing for Wearable Instrumentality Using Generative Design Methods | 18.06.2020 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/18.DT | Voice Matters: The Potential of Paralinguistic Traits as a Design Material for Sonic Interactions | 18.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/18.DT | Concept of the Adaptive Learning System for Online Education Using Implicit Signal | 18.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/18.DT | The Impact of Personalization on the SaaS User Adoption Rate - A Case Study on Scoro Software Product Experience | 18.06.2020 | (co-supervisor) | |
Valgamaa rahvaraamatukogud kogukonna vaates aastatel 2015 - 2019
(Valga County Public Libraries in the Community View in 2015 - 2019)
17.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Teabehalduse kutsestandardite kompetentsusnõuete muutuste vastavus praktilisele vajadusele
(Compliance of Changes in the Competence Requirements of Information Governance Professional Standards to a Practical Need)
17.06.2020 | (co-supervisor) | |
Digitaalsed fotoarhiivid Eesti mäluasutustes raamatukogu, muuseumi ja arhiivi näitel
(Digital Photo Archives in Estonian Memory Institutions. Analysis Based on a Library, a Museum and an Archive)
17.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Autismispektri häiretega laste vanemate terviseinfokäitumine
(Health Information Behaviour of Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders)
17.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Teabehalduse korraldamine kohalikus omavalitsuses Rae Vallavalitsuse näitel
(Information Governance in Local Municipality Based on the Example of Rae Municipality)
17.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Põhikooli lõpetajate infokäitumine õppimisvõimaluste leidmisel
(Information Behavior of Elementary School Graduates in Finding Learning Opportunities)
17.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti Avaandmete Portaal ja privaatsete andmete kaitstus
(Estonian Open Government Data Portal and Protection of Private Data)
17.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/17.DT | Guidelines for Supporting 2D Character Design in Games | 16.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/18.DT | Increasing STEM Popularity Through Art and Game Design: Project G.A.STEM and a Game About Light Reflection | 16.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/18.DT | Effects of Negative Feedback on Gameplay Behavior in Video Games | 16.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/18.DT | Disseminating Game Related Education Among Parents | 16.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/18.DT | Mapping Out the Principles of Narrative Design in Learning Games | 16.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/18.DT | Developing a Taxonomy of Gamification Elements That Facilitate User Motivation | 16.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/18.DT | Developing Autonomous Agents’ AI With Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Resource Gathering in Real-Time Strategy Games | 16.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Sotsiaalministeeriumi veebilehel avalikustatud uuringud ja analüüsid 2014-2018 ja nende leidumus
(Research and Analysis Reports Published on the Ministry of Public Affairs Website Between 2014-2018 and Their Occurence)
16.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti Kaitseväe raamatukogude võrgustik ja kasutajad
(Library Network and Users of Estonian Defence Forces)
16.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti avalik-õigusliku asutuse töötajate küberhügieenialane teadlikkus
(Awareness of Cyber Hygiene of Employees of an Estonian Public Sector Institution)
16.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Biblioteraapia Eesti raamatukogude lasteosakondades ja kodudes: eeldused ja valmidus kasutamiseks
(Bibliotherapy in Estonian Library’s Children Departments and Homes: Suppositions and Willingness to Use)
16.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Raamatute reklaami ja turundamise meetodid Eestis üliõpilaste vaates
(The Methods of Book Advertising and Marketing in Estonia from Students` Viewpoint)
16.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Matemaatika õpetamine II kooliastmes õppijakesksete õpistsenaariumite kaudu kasutades digivahendeid
(Teaching Mathematics in Fifth and Sixth Grade Using Learner Centered Learning Scenarios and Technology)
16.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Matemaatilise teksti mõistmisoskuse arendamine 7. klassis
(Improving 7th Grade Students’ Mathematical Reading Comprehension)
16.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpilaste ja õpetajate arvamused kujundava hindamise põhimõttel koostatud matemaatika III kooliastme e-testi tagasisidest
(Pupils’ and Teachers’ Opinions About Feedback Based on Formative Assesment on Mathematics´ Basic School E-Test)
16.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
11. klassi õpilaste matemaatikateadmiste taseme saavutuse hindamine
(Assessment of Mathematics Knowledge Among 11-Grade Students)
16.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Mõtestatud matemaatikaõppe kujundamine 7. klassi näitel
(Developing Meaningful Mathematics Lessons for 7th Grade)
16.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
E-maili turbelahenduste kasutuselevõtt õngitsusrünnete vähendamiseks Eesti domeenis
(Implementation of E-Mail Security Solutions to Reduce Phishing Attacks in the Estonian Domain)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Elutähtsat teenust tagavate info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia teenuste seesttellimine ja väljasttellimine Elering AS näitel
(Insourcing and Outsourcing of the Information and Communication Technology Services to Ensure Vital Services. The Case of Elering AS)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Teenuse juhtimise kvaliteedi suurendamine maatriksstruktuuriga ettevõttes Elisa Eesti AS näitel
(Improving the Quality of Service Management in an Organization With a Matrix Structure on the Example of Elisa Eesti AS)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tehnoloogia arengu mõju töötamise tulevikutrendidele Eesti IT ja tehnoloogia ettevõtetes
(The Impact of Technology Development on the Future of Work in Estonian IT and Technology Companies)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IT-teenuste küpsuse hindamise mudel üldhariduskoolides
(Model of Assessing the Maturity of IT Services in General Education Schools)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Sprindi retrospektiivide analüüs Scaled Agile Framework programmilise arendusperioodi tõhusamaks korraldamiseks
(Analysis of Sprint Retrospectives to Improve the Organization of Program Increments in Scaled Agile Framework)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | |
Serverihalduse protsessi kavandamine avaliku sektori asutuse näitel
(Designing Server Management Process on the Example of a Public Sector Institution)
15.06.2020 | (co-supervisor) | |
Automatiseerimise eeldused, edutegurid ja efektid Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutuse välisinvesteeringute keskuse näitel
(Prerequisites, Success Factors and Effects of Automating Investment Promotion on the Example of Estonian Investment Agency)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Äriarendusjuhi rollist rahvusvahelise suurettevõtte ABS näitel
(The Role of a Business Development Manager on the Example of a Large International Company ABS)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Organisatsiooni väärtused ja nende sisekommunikatsioon Siseministeeriumi infotehnoloogia- ja arenduskeskuse näitel
(Organizational Values and Their Internal Communication in the Case of the Information Technology and Development Centre of the Ministry of the Interior)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti muuseumide sisuloome Instagramis Eesti Rahva Muuseumi, Kumu kunstimuuseumi ja Lennusadama näitel
(Instagram Content Creation of Estonian Museums Using the Examples of the Estonian National Museum, the Kumu Art Museum and the Seaplane Harbour)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Lugemisnõustamine Harjumaa rahvaraamatukogudes
(Readers’ Advisory in the Public Libraries of Harju County)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Teenuste turunduse põhimõtete rakendamine ülikooliraamatukogudes
(The Implementation of Marketing of the Services in University Libraries)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Hiina Eesti raamatuturul: Hiina-teemalised raamatud ja hiina kirjanduse tõlked
(China on the Estonian Book Market: Chinese-Themed Books and Translations From Chinese Literature)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Rahvaraamatukogude rahvusvaheline koostöö
(Public Libraries International Collaboration)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/16.DT |
Kupongikoguja probleem ja selle rakendusvõimalused
(Coupon Collector's Problem and it's Applications)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/17.DT |
Funktsioonist, mis võimaldab leida erinevaid tuntud keskmisi
(A Function that Allows to Find Various Known Means)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/17.DT |
Pidevad populatsioonimudelid
(Continuous Population Models)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/17.DT |
Gamma- ja beetafunktsiooni omadustest ja rakendustest
(On the Properties and Applications of Gamma- and Beta Functions)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/17.DT |
Nimelised integraalid
(Named Integrals)
15.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õppematerjalide väljatöötamine meediakirjaoskuse arendamiseks loodusainetes
(Development of Learning Resources for Advancing Media Literacy in Natural Science)
10.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digipöördega seotud muudatused üldhariduskoolide õpetajate igapäevatöös Tallinna koolide näitel
(Digital Transformation Related Changes in General Education Teachers Daily Work on the Example of Schools of Tallinn)
10.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Lasteaialapse digipädevused ja nende arendamine õpetajate arvamuses
(Preschool Educators Opinions on Children's Digital Competences Development in Kindergarten)
10.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Arendusprogramm digipädevuste kujundamiseks rakenduskõrghariduse õppejõududele Tallinna Ülikooli Haapsalu kolledži näitel
(Development Program for Digital Competences for Applied Higher Education Teachers on the Example of Tallinn University Haapsalu College)
10.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Plagiaadi ennetamine ja tuvastamine Eesti kõrghariduses
(Plagiarism Prevention and Detection in Estonian Higher Education)
10.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digitaalne õppevara toiduõppe toetamiseks
(Digital Learning Resource for Food Education)
10.06.2020 | ETERA | |
Sotsiaalainete diagnostilise e-hindamise mudeli arendus
(Development of a Diagnostic e-Assessment Model for Social Studies)
09.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Matemaatikaõpetajate täienduskoolituskursus raalmõtlemise õpetamisest: õppedisain ja prototüübi arendus
(Continuing Education Course for Math Teachers on Computational Thinking: Course Design and Development)
09.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Teaduspõhine lähenemine teemale “ilm” põhikoolis
(Scientific Approach on the Topic “Weather” in Basic School)
09.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Psühholoogilisi baasvajadusi toetavaid elemente sisaldava rollimängu kavand
(Concept of a Role-Playing Game with Elements Supporting Basic Psychological Needs)
09.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digiküpsuse hindamismudeli Digipeegel sobivuse analüüs kasutamiseks noortekeskustele
(Digital Maturity Assessment Tool „Digipeegel“ Suitability Analysis For Youth Centers )
09.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Koolieelse lasteasutuse õpetaja toetamine õpperobootika juurutamisel teadmiste omaksvõtu mudelit kasutades
(Using the Knowledge Appropriation Model for Supporting Preschool Teacher to Implement Educational Robots)
09.06.2020 | ETERA | |
Emotsioonide regulatsioonioskuste toetamise võimalused digitaalsete õpimängudega koolieelses eas
(Supportive Opportunitises Provided by Digital Learning Games to Develop Emotion Regulation Skills for Preschool Kids)
09.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kasutajaliidese prototüüpimise rakenduste võrdlus
(Comparison of User Interface Prototyping Software)
04.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Mängu tegelaskujude terviku kavandamine ja tasakaalustamine
(Game Character Set Design and Balance)
04.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
3D mudelite kuvamine veebis
(Visualizing 3D Models in Web)
04.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Haagiste rentimise rakenduse funktsioneeriva prototüübi loomine Android operatsioonsüsteemile
(Trailer Renting Application Prototype for Android Operating System)
04.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õppija töölaua disain Digitehnoloogiate instituudi üliõpilastele
(Design of a Student Dashboard for the School of Digital Technologies)
04.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Platvormist sõltumatu mobiilse transporditellimuste süsteemi prototüübi loomine
(Creating Platform Independent Mobile Transport Orders Management System Prototype)
04.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Python Turtle'i õppematerjal kursuse Hariduslikud programmeerimiskeeled toetuseks
(Learning Material about Python Module Turtle to Support the Course Educational Programming Languages)
04.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebikoorimist toetav Pythoni raamistik Scrapy. Õppematerjal.
(Python's Web-Crawling Framework Scrapy. Learning Resource)
04.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kasutajakogemuse ja kasutajaliidese hindamine ja parendamine Auto24 veebilehe näitel
(User Interface and User Experience Analysis and Improvement of the Auto24 Webpage)
04.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Nutiseadet sisendseadmena kasutava tarkvara prototüübi loomine
(Prototyping of Software for Using Mobile Device as an Input Device)
04.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Rakenduse loomine X-tee kasutust iseloomustavate mõõdikute kuvamiseks
(Developing an Application for Displaying X-tee Usage-Specific Metrics)
04.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Valmis eesrakenduse ületõstmist võimaldava veebilehe sisuhaldussüsteemi loomine
(Creating a Content Management System That Allows You to Implement a Production Ready Front-End Application)
04.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Patsiendi ravimirakenduse prototüübi loomine
(Creating a Prototype for Patient Medication Application)
04.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Arvutimängude ajalugu tutvustava tõsimängu kavandamine
(Designing a Serious Game About the History of Video Games)
03.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti vahekeele korpuse uue platvormi arendus ning teenuste liidestamine
(Estonian Interlanguage Corpus: Implementation and Service Integration of the New Software Platform)
03.06.2020 | ETERA | |
Reaalaja suhtlusrakenduse loomine Socket.io ja Node.js näitel
(Real-Time Chat Application Development with Socket.IO and Node.Js)
03.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Orienteerumispäevakute osavõtjate rajal oleku kontroll reaalajas kasutades SPORTidenti
(Checking the Participants Course Completion During Orienteering Events in Real Time Using Sportident)
03.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti siseturismi tutvustava rakenduse planeerimine
(Design of Estonian Domestic Tourism Application)
03.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
React Native raamistiku kasutamine kettagolfi mobiilirakenduse näitel
(Using React Native Framework to Develop a Disc Golf Mobile Application)
03.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Spring Batchil põhineva rakenduse administreerimisliidese arendamine
(Development of Spring Batch Based Application's Administration Interface)
03.06.2020 | ETERA | |
FEST18 DV andmete põiming
(FEST18 DV Sensor Fusion)
03.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tõsimängu arendamine programmeerimisalaseid teadmisi õpetava mängu näitel
(Developing Serious Game Based on Teaching Basic Concepts of Programming)
03.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õngitsusründe eksperiment Tallinna Ülikooli tudengite ja töötajate näitel
(Phishing Experiment on the Example of Tallinn University's Students and Employees)
03.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
RFID tehnoloogiat kasutava nutistendi loomine firmale Piar OÜ
(Development of Rfid Smart Stand Prototype for Piar OÜ)
03.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Meediapleier koreograafidele
(Media Player for Choreographers)
03.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Keelekümbluse õpimängu disain
(Immersion Learning Game Design)
02.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Mikrotehingud arvutimängudes
(Microtransactions in Video Games)
02.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebipõhise turismiteenuste vahendamise keskkonna nõuete analüüs riigihanke läbiviimiseks
(Requirements Analysis for Online Tourism Marketplace of Services to Conduct Public Procurement)
02.06.2020 | ETERA | |
Kasutajaliidese disain ja rakenduse prototüüp MTÜ Seiklushunt veebilehe näitel
(User Interface Design and Prototype Based on the Example of MTÜ Seiklushunt's Website)
02.06.2020 | ETERA | |
Platvormist sõltumatu meedia konvertimise lahendus
(Platform Independent Solution for Media Conversion)
02.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Mobiilirakenduste arendamine kasutades Xamarin.Forms raamistikku. Õppematerjal
(Learning Material for Mobile Application Development Using Xamarin.Forms Framework)
02.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Konversioonimäära suurendamine e-poes
(Increasing the Conversion Rate of an Online Store)
02.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IKT kõrghariduse võimaluste tutvustamine naistele mobiilirakenduse kaudu
(Introducing the Possibilities of ICT Higher Education for Women Through a Mobile Application)
02.06.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFITD/15.DT | Learning Interactions Across Spaces: A Framework for Contextualised Multimodal Observations | 22.05.2020 | ETERA | |
IFITD/15.DT | Schools’ Development into Smart, Digitally Enhanced Learning Ecosystems | 16.03.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/17.DT | Effective Learning Games for School Students | 31.01.2020 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/16.DT | Heart Rate Variability Assessment From iPhone Using Photoplethysmography (PPG): Boredom Experience Sampling Study | 31.01.2020 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/17.DT | Public Sector Innovation Through Design Thinking: Public Services Design Guideline Created in Context of Afghanistan | 31.01.2020 | ETERA | |
Õppeinfosüsteemi kasutusjuhendite otstarve, koostamine ja analüüs Tallinna Ülikooli õppeinfosüsteemi kasutusjuhendite näitel
(Purpose, Composition and Analysis of Study Information System User Guides’: Tallinn University Study Information System User Guide Example)
29.01.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Mikroteenuse arendamine ärivajaduse X näitel
(Microservice Development Based on Business Need X)
28.01.2020 | (co-supervisor) | |
Juturobotite kvaliteedi tagamine Telia Eesti AS näitel
(Quality Assurance of Chatbots Using an Example From Telia Eesti AS)
28.01.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tehnoloogiapõhise õppe võimalused ja kitsaskohad õppivas organisatsioonis
(Opportunities and Limitations in Technology-Based Learning Within the Learning Organization)
27.01.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Avatud panganduse API’del põhineva rakenduse arendus kasutades Electron raamistikku
(Developing a Budgeting Application Using Open Banking Apis Based on the Electron Framework)
27.01.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Raadiovõrgus töötava automaatikasüsteemi kavandamine ja loomine
(Design and Creation of a Wireless Automation System)
27.01.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Muusikaürituste infoportaali mobiilirakenduse prototüübi disain
(Design of a Mobile Application Prototype for Music Events Portal)
27.01.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Andmete visualiseerimine JavaScripti teekide abil
(Data Visualization with JavaScript Libraries)
27.01.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Taktiilse tagasisidega kantava seadme arendamine füüsiliste harjutuste korrigeerimiseks
(Creating a Wearable Device with Tactile Feedback for Improvement of Physical Exercises)
27.01.2020 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Failide jagamise ja virtualiseeritud tööjaama serveri lahendus väikeettevõttele
(File Sharing and Virtualized Workstation Server Solution for a Small Business)
27.01.2020 | ETERA | |
2019 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
Rasedusega seotud terviseinfokäitumine
(Pregnancy-Related Health Information Behaviour)
07.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Riigiportaali eesti.ee kasutatavus Tallinna Ülikooli Digitehnoloogiate Instituudi tudengite näitel
(Usability of the State Portal eesti.ee on the Example of Students of the Tallinn University School of Digital Technologies)
07.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Raamatukoguhoidjate kutsesüsteem Eestis
(Librarians Occupational Qualifications System in Estonia)
07.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Info ülekülluse tajumine reisikonsultandi töös Estraveli näitel
(Information Overload Among Travel Consultants in Estravel)
07.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Infokultuur riigiasutuses Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Ameti näitel
(Information Culture in a Government Agency: Based on the Example of Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority)
07.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Põlvamaa raamatukogudes haldusreformi kontekstis toimunud muudatused
(Changes in Põlva County Libraries in the Context of Local Government Reform)
07.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti artiklite bibliograafilised andmekogumid
(Bibliographical Data Sets of Estonian Articles)
07.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Enesepresentatsioon ja informatsiooni jagamine sotsiaalmeedias
(Self-Presentation and Information Sharing on Social Media)
07.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
E-raamatukogu ETERA ja selle kasutuslikkuse analüüs
(E-Library ETERA and its Usability Analysis)
07.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Uutest regulatsioonidest tulenevate nõuete rakendamine eraettevõtte lepingute haldamisel
(Impact of Regulatory Changes on Enterprise Contract Management)
07.06.2019 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tallinna Rõõmupesa Lasteaia lapsevanemate infokäitumine: terviseinfo näitel
(Tallinn Rõõmupesa Kindergartens Parents Information Behavior: On the Basis of Health Information)
07.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tallinna Ülikooli infoteaduse eriala vilistlasuuring (2012–2018)
(A Survey of Information Science Graduates in Tallinn University (2012-2018))
07.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
6. klassi matemaatikaõppe aktiviseerimine
(The Excitation of Study of 6th Grade Mathematics)
07.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ennastjuhtiva õppija kujundamine 10. klassi matemaatikatunnis
(The Possibilities of Developing Self-Regulated Learners in Teaching the 10th Grade Mathematics)
07.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Uussisserändajad Eesti matemaatikahariduses: probleemid ja lahendusteed
(New Immigrants in Estonian Mathematical Education: Problems and Solutions)
07.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
E-arvete mõju finantsteenustele
(The Impact of E-Invoicing on Financial Services)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Andmekvaliteedi mõõtmise võimalused pärandsüsteemis
(Possibilities of Data Quality Measurement in Legacy Systems)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Protsesside juhtimine tarkvaraga tegeleva ettevõtte kasutajatoe ja müügi osakonnas
(Process Management in a Helpdesk and Sales Department of a Software Company)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Isikuandmete kaitse nõuetest ja andmekaitsespetsialisti rollist e-teenuseid osutava ettevõtte X näitel
(On the Requirements of Personal Data Protection and the Role of the Data Protection Officer in an E-services Providing Company)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Töötajate õpe digitaliseerimise kontekstis tootmisettevõtte X näitel
(Employees' Learning in the Context of Digitalization in the Case of Manufacturing Company X)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Pilvetaristu kulude vähendamise meetmete tuvastamine Adcash OÜ näitel
(Identifying the Cloud Infrastructure Cost Reduction Measures on the Example of Adcash OÜ)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IT riskijuhtimine Eesti meditsiinisektori näitel
(IT Risk Management Based on the Example of the Estonian Medical Sector)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFITM/17.DT | Developing a Tool for Self-Assessment of ITSM Process Maturity: A Design Science Research Initiative | 06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Asjade interneti ökosüsteemide koostalitlusvõime Xiaomi Mi ja Apple HomeKit näitel
(Towards the Interoperability of the Internet of Things Ecosystems on an Example of Xiaomi Mi and Apple HomeKit)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tehnilise järelevalve infosüsteemi ja tarbijate teeninduskeskkonna infosüsteemi ühendamine
(Integration of the Technical Surveillance Information System and the Consumer Service Information System)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebilehe Eesti Fotopärand kasutuslikkuse hindamine
(Evaluating the Usability of the Website Estonian Photo Heritage)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Üliõpilaste sotsiaalmeedia kasutusharjumused ja teadlikkus turvalisusest ning andmekaitsest: Tallinna Ülikooli üliõpilaste näitel
(University Students' Social Media Usage Habits and Awareness of Safety and Data Protection: Based on the Students of Tallinn University )
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Raamat nõudmisel (Print-on-Demand) tehnoloogia rakendamisest Eestis
(Print-on-Demand Publishing in Estonia)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti kirjastuste tegevus sotsiaalmeedias Facebooki näitel
(Social Media Usage by Estonian Publishers: on the Example of Facebook )
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti üldhariduse õppevara metaandmete rakendusprofiil
(Metadata Application Profile for Learning Resources in General Education in Estonia)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | |
Gümnaasiumiõpilaste lugemisharjumused Lääne-Virumaa koolide näitel
(Reading Habits of High School Students on the Example of Lääne-Virumaa Schools)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
E-raamatute laenutamisvõimalused Eesti rahvaraamatukogudes maakonnaraamatukogude hoiakute, vajaduste ja ootuste vaates
(E-book Lending Opportunities in Estonian Public Libraries: Attitudes, Needs and Excpectations of County Libraries)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/15.DT |
Bayesi analüüsi alused
(Basics of Bayesian Statistics )
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/15.DT |
Feynmani kolmnurga ülesanne ja Routhi teoreem
(Feynman's Triangle Problem and Routh’s Theorem)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/15.DT |
Maatriksitega seotud kvaasirühmad
(On Quasigroups Associated to Matrices)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/16.DT |
Mõnede tsükliliste rühmade otse- ja poolotsekorrutised
(Direct and Semidirect Products of Some Cyclic Groups)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/16.DT |
Riemanni-Stieltjesi integraalist
(On the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/16.DT |
Arvu jagajate summaga või arvuga seotud naturaalarvud
(Natural Numbers Related to the Sum or the Number of Their Divisors )
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/16.DT |
Borsuk-Ulami teoreem
(The Borsuk-Ulam Theorem)
06.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
E-kursuse disain Eesti Erasmus+ üldharidusprojektide taotlejatele
(E-Learning Design for Erasmus+ School Education Applicants in Estonia)
05.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpimärkide kasutamine e-ohutuse pädevuste hindamisel esimeses kooliastmes
(Using Open Badges to Assess E-Safety Competencies at the First School Level)
05.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eelkooliealise lapse programmeerimisoskuse arengu toetamine LEGO robotite rakendamisel
(Supporting the Development of Programming Skills Using LEGO Robotics in Early Childhood)
05.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Riskinoorte hariduse juurde toomine sotsiaalmeediaga: interaktsioonide disain koomiksitega
(Guiding Marginalized Youth to Adult Education with Social Media: Interaction Design with Comics)
05.06.2019 | ETERA | |
Hajutatud kordamist sisaldavate õpiobjektide loomise ja esitamise keskkonna disain ja hindamine
(Design and Evaluation of a Learning System for Creating and Presenting Learning Objects with Built-In Spaced Repetition)
05.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
VALI IT! ümberõppeprogrammi tulemuslikkust mõjutavad tegurid
(Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Performance of VALI IT! Retraining Program)
05.06.2019 | ETERA | |
Digitaalse lugemispäeviku rakendamine lugemismotivatsiooni toetamiseks esimeses kooliastmes
(Using Digital Reading Diary to Support the Reading Motivation in Primary Education)
05.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Hindamismudelite tehniline ja didaktiline lahendus e-Koolikoti kontekstis
(The Technical and Didactical Solution of Evaluation Models in the Context of e-Koolikott)
05.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Foneemanalüüsil põhineva õigekirjaoskust arendava digitaalse õpimängu prototüübi disain ja evalveerimine
(Digital Learning Game for Developing Grammar Skills Based on Phonemic Analysis: Design and Evaluation of a Prototype)
05.06.2019 | ETERA | |
Generatiivne disain Solid Edge'is: ülevaade ning juhendi loomine
(Generative Design in Solid Edge: Overview and Creating a Tutorial)
05.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Laste eesti keele õpet toetava rakenduse kontseptuaalne disain
(Conceptual Design of an Application that Supports Teaching the Estonian Language to Children)
05.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Dünaamilise veebilehe loomine sisuhaldussüsteemiga Voog
(Developing a Web Page and Applying it to Voog CMS)
05.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Nutikodu garaažilahendus AlexaPi abil
(Smart Home Garage Solution with AlexaPI)
05.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tallinna tornide mobiilse liitreaalse mängu arendamine
(Developing Mobile Augmented Reality Game Tallinn Towers)
05.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Lapse arengu hindamiseks virtuaalreaalse õpimängu kavandamine
(Virtual Reality Educational Game Designed to Measure Children's Development)
05.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/17.DT | Designing a Game Tutorial Level on the Example of a Serious Game about Recycling | 04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/17.DT | Market Study of Digital Learning Games Master's Program | 04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/17.DT | Neuruto: A Neuroadaptive Virtual Reality Serious Game for Health | 04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/17.DT | Facilitating and Assessing Self-Regulated Learning Behaviors in Game-Based Learning | 04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Põhikooli õpilaste toimetulek veebis leviva vale informatsiooniga
(Primary School Students Coping with the False Information on the Web)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Noorsootöötajate digipädevuste arendamine nutikas noorsootöös
(Developing the Digital Competences of Youth Workers in Smart Youth Work)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Võõrkeelte diagnostilise e-hindamise arendusvõimalused
(Development Possibilities of Foreign Language Diagnostic e-Assessment)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | |
Informaatika õpetamise korralduse seos digipädevuste tasemetöö tulemustega põhikoolis ja gümnaasiumis
(Relationship Between Teaching of Computer Science and the Results of the Digital Competence Testing in Primary and Secondary Schools)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digipeegli kohandamine innovatsiooni juhtimiseks lasteaias
(Adaptation of Digipeegel for Innovation Management in Kindergarten)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Mitteformaalne õppimine Tartu haridustehnoloogide võrgustiku näitel
(Technology-Based Non-Formal Learning. The Case of Tartu Educational Technology Network)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Põhikooli III kooliastme õpilaste loovuspädevuse arendamine lõimitud õpistsenaariumite toel
(The Development of Creativity of Basic School Students on the Basis of Integrated Learning Scenarios)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Interdistsiplinaarne õpe ja digitaalne õppevara III kooliastmes – võimalused ja kitsaskohad
(Interdisciplinary Learning and Digital Learning Resources in Basic School - Opportunities and Limitations)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Multikultuurse tausta mõju digipädevustele
(Multicultural Background Affecting Digital Competencies)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Arvutipõhine võõrkeeleoskuse välishindamine Eesti kontekstis – võimalused ja kitsaskohad
(Computer-Based Foreign Language External Assessment in the Estonian Context – Opportunities and Challenges)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Wordpressi-põhise e-poe jõudluse parandamine kasutades React teeki
(Improve the Performance of a Wordpress Based E-shop with the Use of the React Library)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | |
WebRTC tarkvara kasutava video-fonoluku protoüübi arendus
(Development of Video Intercom that Uses WebRTC)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | |
Veebiraamistiku Ionic kolmanda versiooni rakenduse neljandale versioonile migreerumise eelised ja takistused
(Advantages and Obstacles of Ionic Framework Application Migration From Third Version to Fourth )
04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Olulisemate graafialgoritmide programmeerimise eripärad erinevates programmeerimiskeeltes
(The Properties and Realizations of Different Graph Algorithms in Different Programming Languages)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Virtuaalreaalse teraapiamängu arendamine arahnofoobia näitel
(Development of the Virtual Reality Therapy Game by the Example of Arachnophobia)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Otsekaubandusliku veebipoe loomise ja haldamise võimaluste võrdlus veebikaubanduse platvormidel
(Possibilities Comparison for the Creation and Management of a Dropshipping Store on Ecommerce Platforms)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Põlvkondade interaktsioonide erinevused arvutite sisendseadmete kasutamisel
(Generational Differences in Usage of Computer Input Devices)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | |
Sisuhaldussüsteemi Ghost võrdlus WordPressiga
(Comparison of Content Management Systems Ghost and WordPress)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Mobiilirakenduse arendamine React Native raamistikuga hulgimüügi ettevõtte näitel
(Developing a Mobile App Using React Native Framework with an Example of a Wholesales Company)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | |
Androidi mobiilirakenduse arendamine ilusalongi soovitamise rakenduse näitel
(Develop an Android Mobile App for an Example of a Beauty Salon Recommender Application)
04.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/15.DT | Exploring the Potential of Using Digital Games to Teach Topography: Estonian School Teachers’ Needs and Expectations | 03.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/16.DT | Enhancing Collaboration Competencies in Digital Learning Games in Theatre Context | 03.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/17.DT | Measuring Immersion Factors for the First-Person Games | 03.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/17.DT | The Monetisation Strategies for Digital Learning Games | 03.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/17.DT | The Effect of Video Game Music on Reading Comprehension | 03.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/17.DT | Moonbird - Travelers Pocket Guide for Culture, Customs, and Etiquette | 03.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Dockeri graafilise kasutajaliidese loomine
(Developing a Docker Graphical User Interface)
03.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digitehnoloogiate instituudi kodulehekülje informatsiooni arhitektuuri analüüs
(Information Architecture Analysis for the School of Digital Technologies Website)
03.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Mitmest erinevast materjalist koosneva 3D mudeli printimine
(Multimaterial 3D Model Printing)
03.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õppeinfosüsteemi ÕIS instituudi büroo vaate prototüüpimine
(Prototyping the School’s Office View for Study Information System ÕIS)
03.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
CSS Grid tehnoloogia kasutus dünaamilise sisuga veebirakenduste loomiseks eri platvormidel digitaalse lauamängu näitel
(Usage of CSS Grid for Designing Multi-Platform Web Applications with Dynamic Content. Case Study of a Digital Board Game)
03.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Videomängu arendamine Pythoni multimeedia teegi pyglet näitel
(Development of a Video Game Using Python’s Multimedia Library pyglet)
03.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Azure DevOps migratsioonitarkvara prototüübi loomine
(Prototype Development of Azure DevOps Migrations Software)
03.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õppeinfosüsteemi ÕIS mobiilse kasutajaliidese prototüübi disain
(Design of a Mobile User Interface Prototype for Study Information System ÕIS)
03.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Skulptuurne modelleerimine tarkvara Sculptris näitel
(Sculptural Modeling Using Sculptris Software)
03.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
3D printerite kasutus Eesti koolides
(The Usage of 3D Printers in Estonian Schools)
03.06.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/10.DT | The Impact of Website Design on Users' Trust Perceptions: Building Customers' Trust in a Website and, Consequently, the Brand/Company | 30.05.2019 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/16.DT | Using Biofeedback to Avoid Concentration Distraction | 30.05.2019 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/16.DT | Charting the Design Space for Physical Variables via an End User Perspective | 30.05.2019 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/16.DT | Using Vibro-Tactile Feedback on an Example of Posture Correcting Wearable Device | 30.05.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/16.DT | Trust and Usefulness Related to the Use of the Tool Google Assistant | 30.05.2019 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/17.DT | Usability & Risk Perception Between Pin Based and Credential Based Two-Factor Login Systems | 30.05.2019 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/17.DT | User Attitudes Towards Facebook: Perception and Reassurance of Trust | 30.05.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/17.DT | Emotion Detection When Using Digital Media: A Study of Usability Evaluation Supported by Measuring Facial Expressions | 30.05.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/17.DT | Usage of Animations in Web User Interfaces on Example of Sõnasõber | 30.05.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/17.DT | Difference of User's Experience with Popular Dating Apps in Southern and Northern European Countries | 30.05.2019 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/17.DT | A Value-Sensitive Toolkit: Bringing Values into the Design Process to Design for the Elderly | 30.05.2019 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/17.DT | Bridging the Communication Gap Through the Analysis of Interactions Between Digital Cultural Heritage Artefacts and Museum Stakeholders | 30.05.2019 | ETERA | |
Väikeettevõtte küpsustaseme tõstmine OÜ Resta näitel
(Increase in the Small Company's Maturity Level on the Example of Resta LTD)
29.01.2019 | (co-supervisor) | |
Kasvuhoone automatiseerimine asjade interneti vahenditega
(Greenhouse Automation with IoT)
25.01.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Brändi edendamine uues meedias ettevõtte näitel
(Promoting Brand in the New Media on the Example of the Company)
25.01.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ravimite hinnavaatluse mobiilirakenduse prototüübi loomine iOS platvormile
(Creating a Medications Price Tracking Mobile Application Prototype for iOS Platform)
25.01.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Iseõppimist toetava rakenduse loomine Angular ja Spring Booti abil
(The Development of a Self-Study Web Application Using Angular and Spring Boot)
25.01.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ettevõtete veebiprofiilide automaatseks võrdlemiseks tarkvararakenduse loomine
(Automatic Matching of Company Web Profiles )
25.01.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Githubi põhise õpikeskkonna arendus
(Development of Github-Based LMS)
25.01.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Gümnasistide lugemisharjumused ja -eelistused Tallinna Inglise Kolledži ja Tallinna Laagna Gümnaasiumi näitel
(Reading Habits and Preferences of High Schools, by the Example of Tallinn Laagna High School and Tallinn English College’s)
25.01.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Taastuvenergia teema kajastamine Eesti päevalehtedes
(Review Energy Theme in the Estonian Daily Newspapers)
25.01.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/14.DT |
Pidevate 2π-perioodiliste funktsioonide lähendamisest trigonomeetriliste polünoomidega
(On Approximation of Continuous 2π-Periodic Functions by Trigonometric Polynomials)
23.01.2019 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
2018 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
INDLM/15.DT | The Use of LibGuides in United Arab Emirates Academic Libraries: a Case Study | 23.11.2018 | (co-supervisor) | |
INDLM/15.DT | Implementation of Digital Curation for Effective Administration in College of the North Atlantic - Qatar: An Exploratory Case Study | 14.08.2018 | (co-supervisor) | |
INDLM/15.DT | The Influence of Effective Leadership Behaviours on Information Culture at Departmental Level in Higher Education | 11.07.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
INDLM/16.DT | Implementing Integrated Library Management System KOHA in the College Libraries of Royal University of Bhutan | 11.07.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
INDLM/16.DT | Exploring Digital Libraries Education in Latin American Universities | 11.07.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFITD/13.DT | Secure Agile Agent-oriented Software Development | 06.07.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFITD/13.DT | A New Design Approach for Multi-Agent Based Business Intelligence Generation | 04.07.2018 | ETERA | |
IFITD/13.DT | The Challenges of ICT Implementation into Teaching and Learning in Ghanaian Basic Schools | 22.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/15.DT | Conceptual Design and Development of a Serious Game for Learning Topographical Maps | 08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/16.DT | The Effects of Music on Gameplay in Video Games | 08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/16.DT | Embedded Assessment in Learning Games: Addressing the Gap Between Theory and Practice | 08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/16.DT | Designing a Propaedeutic Game for Children with Speech and Communication Impairments | 08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/16.DT | The Impact of Engaging Game Mechanics on Learning Experience: A Study of Educational Game about XX Century Art | 08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/16.DT | Conceptual Design of a Digital Reading Diary | 08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/16.DT | Process of Participatory Game Design as a Catalyst for Reflection on Experience of Immigration | 08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Nutirakenduste ratta kohandamine Eesti oludele
(Adjustment of the Padagogy Wheel to Estonian Circumstances)
08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Interaktiivsete tahvlite kasutamine Eesti koolides – hetkeseis ja väljakutsed
(Interactive Whiteboards in Estonian Schools – Current Situation and Challenges)
08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
E-ülesannete kasutamine õppeprotsessis – õpetajate hoiakud ja vajadused
(Using e-Tasks in the Learning Process – Teachers' Attitudes and Needs)
08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Lihtsustatud õppe õpilaste digipädevused ja nende toetamine IV kooliastmes Raikküla Kooli näitel
(Development of Digital Competences of Secondary School Students with Simplified Curriculum. Case Study of Raikküla School)
08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Organisatsioonisisese teadmushalduse vahendi disain ja arendus üldhariduskoolile
(The Design and Development of an Organizational Knowledge Management Tool for the School)
08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digitaalsete õppematerjalide koostamine käsitöötehnikate õpetamiseks
(Compiling Digital Resources for Teaching Handicraft Techniques)
08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digitaalse arengumapi rakendamise võimalused lasteaias
(Opportunities for Implementing Digital Portfolios in Kindergarden)
08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õppeanimafilmid lasteaia õppetöös: õpetajate suhtumine, kogemused ja vastuvõtt
(Educational Animations in Kindergarten Study Process: Teacher's Attitude, Experiences and Acceptance)
08.06.2018 | ETERA | |
Raamatukogu kasutamine ja kasutatavus Jõhvi Keskraamatukogu näitel
(Usage and Usability of the Library Based on the Example of the Jõhvi Central Library)
08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digitaalse info haldamise ja säilimisega seotud riskide analüüsimine Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu Digitaalarhiivi näitel
(The Analysis of Digital Information Management and Preservation Risk of Estonian National Library)
08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Külastajate ootused infoteenindusele ja selle kvaliteet Hotel Management Services OÜ-s
(Customer Expectations of Information Service and its Quality in Hotel Management Services OÜ)
08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti põhikooli õpetajate infokäitumine ja info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia kasutamine
(The Information Behaviour and Usage of Information and Communication of Estonian Primary School Teachers)
08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Infokultuur ja infopraktikad Tartu Täiskasvanute Gümnaasiumis
(Information Culture and Information Practices in Tartu Adult Gymnasium)
08.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Haridustehnoloogi ja kooli dokumentide roll kooli digiküpsuse saavutamisel
(The Role of Educational Technologist and School Documents in Achieving School Digital Maturity)
07.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Mobiilse õuesõppe rakendamise võimalused põhikoolis Avastusraja näitel
(The Possibilities of Combining Outdoor and Mobile Learning Among Elementary School Students: the Case of Avastusrada)
07.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kooli digiküpsuse Digipeegli ja SELFIE e-hindamisvahendite integreerimine
(Integrating the School Digital Capability Maturity e-Tools Digipeegel and SELFIE)
07.06.2018 | ETERA | |
Muldade määramise rakenduse arendamine ja selle kasutusvõimalused üldhariduskoolis
(Development of a Web Application for Soil Classification and its Usage in General Education)
07.06.2018 | ETERA | |
Õppeainete lõimimise võimalikkusest Avastusraja toel Valga linna lasteaia näitel
(The Feasibility of Curriculum Integration Using Avastusrada on the Example of a Kindergarden in Valga Town)
07.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Äristrateegia arendamine klienditeadmusjuhtimise abil Põhjakeskuse näitel
(Developing Business Strategy by Customer Knowledge Management in the Example of Põhjakeskus Shopping Centre)
07.06.2018 | (co-supervisor) | |
Infohalduse rakendamine inimressursside juhtimisel AS Eesti Post (Omniva) Tallinna kullerpunkti näitel
(Omniva (AS Eesti Post) Tallinn Courier Point Information Governance Implementation in Humanresources Management)
07.06.2018 | ||
Info ülekülluse tajumine juhiabi töös avalikus sektoris
(Perceived Information Overload Among Assistants in Public Sector)
07.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpilaste infopädevus uurimistöö koostamisel Rocca al Mare kooli 11. klassi näitel
(Information Competency Among Year 11 Students of Rocca al Mare School)
07.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Teabe jagamise ja kasutamisega seotud probleemid ettevõttes Smarten Logistics AS
(Problems with Information Sharing and Using at Smarten Logistics Ltd)
07.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Projektõppe võimalusi 5. klassi matemaatikatunnis
(Opportunities for Project-Based Activities in 5th Grade Mathematics)
07.06.2018 | ETERA | |
Uurimusliku õppe juurutamisest 7. klassi matemaatikaõppes
(Inquiry-Based Learning of Mathematics: Action Research in Grade 7)
07.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õuesõpe põhikooli matemaatika tundides
(Outdoor Maths Lessons in Basic School Education)
07.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ruleti kasutamine tõenäosusteooria õpetamisel gümnaasiumis
(Use of the Roulette in Teaching Probability Theory in Upper Secondary School)
07.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Konstruktsiooniülesanded põhikooli matemaatikaõppes
(Lower Secondary Mathematics Exercises on Constructing)
07.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Number Talks metoodika võimalused arvutaju arendamisel 10. klassi matemaatikas
(The Possibilities of Using the Number Talks Methodology to Develop Number Sense in Teaching the 10th Grade Mathematics)
07.06.2018 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/15.DT | User Acceptance of Information System in Work Environment. A Case Study in Telia Eesti AS | 06.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/16.DT | Dark Patterns of Web Design | 06.06.2018 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/16.DT | Control of Balance in Virtual Reality Interactions with a Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation | 06.06.2018 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/16.DT | The Interactive Carpet - E-Textile Based Interface for Children on Autism Spectrum Disorder for Social Interactions. | 06.06.2018 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/16.DT | Designing a Research Experiment to Efficiently Study the Relationship Between Trust and Emotions | 06.06.2018 | ETERA | |
Kirjastustegevus Lääne-Virumaal 2005-2015: väljaanded ja kirjastajad
(Publishing Activities in Lääne-Virumaa County in 2005-2015: Publications and Publishers)
06.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kirjastustegevus Pärnu maakonnas aastatel 2010-2015: väljaanded ja kirjastajad
(Publishing in Pärnu 2010-2015: Publications and Publishers)
06.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ülikoolide kirjastustegevuse arengusuunad Eestis (Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli ja Tallinna Ülikooli kirjastuste näitel)
(University Publishing Activity Development Directions in Estonia on the Example of Tallinn University of Technology and Tallinn University Publishers)
06.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Infokultuur Tallinna Majanduskoolis
(Information Culture in Tallinn School of Economics)
06.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Info liikumisest ja kasutamisest tööprotsessis Dada Gopal OÜ näitel
(Information Flow and Usage in the Work Process as Exemplified by Dada Gopal OÜ)
06.06.2018 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/12.DT |
Tehete pidevus ruutmaatriksite algebras korrutistopoloogias
(Continuity of Operations in the Algebra of Square Matrices Equipped with the Product Topology)
06.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/14.DT |
Tööturu sobitamisfunktsioonist
(On the Labour Market Matching Function)
06.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/14.DT |
Mõned teisenduste rühmad
(Some Transformation Groups)
06.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/15.DT |
Taylori valemist ja selle jääkliikmetest
(Taylor´s Formula and its Remainders)
06.06.2018 | ETERA | |
ITILi rakendamine Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla IT kasutajatoes
(Applying ITIL in the North Estonia Medical Centre Service Desk)
05.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Isikliku portfoolio kujundusmalli disain ja arendus WordPress sisuhaldussüsteemile
(Design and Development of Personal Portfolio Template for WordPress)
05.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Pythoni veebiraamistike Bottle ja Flask võrdlus
(Comparison of Python's Frameworks Bottle and Flask)
05.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Rakenduse arenduse õppematerjal iOS platvormile
(Learning Resource about Application Development for iOS Platform)
05.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ainekursuste tagasiside visualiseerimine õppeinfosüsteemis ÕIS
(Data Visualization for Course Feedback in Study Information System ÕIS)
05.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Andmete visualiseerimine D3 abil, õppematerjal
(Data Visualization Using D3, Study Material)
05.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Iseteenindusliku veebikeskkonna kasutatavuse suurendamine Telia AS Online Abi näitel
(Expanding the Usage of Self-Service Web Environment: a Case Study of Telia AS Online Help)
05.06.2018 | (co-supervisor) | |
Ettevõtete ootused IT-juhi kompetentsidele
(Enterprise Expectations for the CIO Competencies)
05.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IT kasutajatoe tegevuste parendamine SA Pärnu Haigla informaatikateenistuses
(Improving IT Help Desk Activities at Pärnu Hospital´s IT Department)
05.06.2018 | ETERA | |
Vektorgraafika lühikursus üldhariduskoolile veebipõhise tarkvara baasil
(Vector Graphics Short Course for General Education School Using Web-Based Software)
04.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Broneerimissüsteemi loomine Laraveli raamistiku toel
(Creating a Booking System by Using Laravel Framework)
04.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Spordiennustusportaali mobiilirakenduse arendus kasutades React Native raamistikku
(Sportsbook Mobile Application Development with React Native Framework)
04.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Autonoomse laeva loomine Robotex võistluse tarbeks
(Creating an Autonomous Boat for the Robotex Competition)
04.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Vue.js rakenduse arendus isikliku portfoolio lehe näitel
(Vue.js Application Development by the Example of Personal Portfolio Site)
04.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Alustava väikeettevõtte IT-täislahendus
(The Complete IT Solution of a Small Starting Company)
04.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tarkvarakomponendi nõuete analüüs SFOSi dokumendimooduli näitel
(Requirement Analysis of a Software Component: The Case of a Document Module in SFOS)
04.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
VHS-video digiteerimine ja töötlemine
(VHS-Video Digitization and Processing)
04.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Virtuaalreaalsuse arendusvõimased Unity näitel
(Virtual Reality Development Using Unity)
04.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Vabavaralisel kõnetuvastusel põhinev autentimisrakendus
(An Authentication Application Based on Open-Source Speech Recognition)
04.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Scratch keele õppematerjal kursuse „Hariduslikud programmeerimiskeeled“ läbiviimise toetamiseks
(Learning Material for Scratch Language to Support the Conducting of Educational Programming Languages Course)
04.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Masinõppel rajaneva tarkvararakenduse loomine keeleoskustaseme ennustamiseks
(Development of a Language Skill Prediction Software Using Machine Learning)
04.06.2018 | ETERA | |
IFITD/12.DT | Aesthetics in Interaction Design | 01.06.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFITD/13.DT | Approaches for Improving Voice Over Internet Protocol Quality of Service in Wireless Mesh Networks | 15.05.2018 | ETERA | |
IFITD/13.DT | A Reference Architecture for a National e-Learning Infrastructure | 24.04.2018 | ETERA | |
IFITD/13.DT | Ontology-Driven Reference Model for the Vocational ICT Curriculum Development | 23.04.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFITD/13.DT | HCI Practice Uptake in Software Development Companies: Improving Through Process Self-assessment | 28.03.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFITD/11.DT | Pattern Library for Supporting the Design of Distributed User Interfaces | 14.03.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
INDLM/15.DT | The Professional Competencies and Attitude of Library Personnel to Digital Library Services in Nigerian Academic Libraries | 24.01.2018 | (co-supervisor) | |
Digitaalne innovatsioon ja muutunud õpikäsitus muusikaõpetuse õpistsenaariumites
(Digital Innovation and Changed Treatment of Study Process in the Musical Education Study Scenarios)
19.01.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Muusikaõpetuse digitaalse stsenaariumitsükli rakendamine II kooliastmes
(The Cycle of Musical Education Digital Learning Scenarios in Year 4 - 6 Education)
19.01.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Staatilise kujunduse lisamine sisuhaldussüsteemis Drupal 8
(Implementing Static Design in Drupal 8 CMS)
19.01.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebilehtede turvalisus ja selle rakendatus Eesti haridusasutuste näitel
(Websites Security and Usage on the Websites of Estonian Educational Institutions)
19.01.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Väikeste ja keskmiste suurustega WordPressi-põhiste e-poodide optimeerimisprotsessid Google'i otsingumootori näitel
(Small and Medium Sized WordPress Based E-Commerce Store Search Engine Optimization Processes for Google)
19.01.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/15.DT | Taxonomies in DUI Design Patterns: A Systematic Approach for Removing Overlaps Among Design Patterns and Creating a Clear Hierarchy | 19.01.2018 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/16.DT | Confirmatory Web Search and Polarisation: A Correlational Study of a Collaborative Search Task | 19.01.2018 | ETERA | |
Digipädevuste hindamine põhikooli väikeklassis
(Assessment of Digital Competency in a Small Class of Basic School)
19.01.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Infosüsteemi strateegia kavandamine Rahvusraamatukogu digitaalarhiivi näitel
(Strategy Planning of Information System Based on the Example of National Library of Estonia)
19.01.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
E-arvete juurutamise lähenemise valik piiriüleselt tegutseva ettevõtte näitel
(Selecting an Approach for e-Invoicing on Example of a Cross-Border Company)
19.01.2018 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
2017 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
Digitehnoloogia lõimimise võimalused ja väljakutsed vene keele kui võõrkeele õpetamisel
(The Opportunities and Challenges of Integrating Digital Technology in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language)
09.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpimärkide rakendamine kujundaval hindamisel üldhariduskoolis
(Using Open Badges for Formative Assessment in General Education)
09.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Vabatahtlike päästjate koolitussüsteemi analüüs ning kaasajastamine
(Volunteer Rescuers Training System Analysis and Modernization)
09.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kolmandas kooliastmes ja gümnaasiumis kasutatavate e-keskkondade turvalisus ja privaatsus
(Security and Privacy in the E-environments for Stage III of Basic Education and Upper Secondary Education)
09.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Infosüsteemide toetus juhtimisülesannete ja juhtimisrollide täitmisel alushariduses
(The Support of Information Systems in Management Tasks and Management Roles in Preschool Education)
09.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Projektõpe koostöös koolivälise partneriga läbiva teema Tehnoloogia ja innovatsioon rakendamiseks
(Technology and Innovation in Project-Based Learning with External Partners)
09.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Valikmooduli haridustehnoloog lasteasutuses läbinud õpetajate pädevuste rakendamise võimalused lasteaia õppeprotsessis
(Digital Competency Formation in the Elective Module Education Technologist in Kindergarten and Integration Possibilities in Kindergarten Learning Process)
09.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Projektipõhine õpe: lineaarvõrrandite õpimängu kontseptuaalne kavandamine Eidapere Kooli 7. klassi näitel
(Project-Based Learning: Conceptual Design of Equation Solving Learning Game by Eidapere School's 7th Grade Students)
09.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Matemaatilise teksti mõistmisoskus ja selle arendamine
(Comprehension of Mathematical Texsts and its Development)
09.06.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
Matemaatilise teksti mõistmine 8. klassi õpilastel
(Reading Comprehension of Mathematical Texts of 8th Grade Students)
09.06.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
Matemaatikaga seotud majandusülesanded ühe Eesti bussiettevõtte näitel
(Mathematical Problems in Economics Based on One Estonian Bus Company)
09.06.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
Õppesisu pedagoogiline teadmine: protsentõpetus 6. ja 7. klassis
(Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Percentages in 6th and 7th Grade)
09.06.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
Pindala mõiste kujundamine II ja III kooliastmes
(Developing Students’ Understanding of the Concept of Area in Elementary Mathematics)
09.06.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/13.DT | Crowdsourcing Risk or Threat Assessment for Tourism | 08.06.2017 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/15.DT | Evaluating User's Aesthetic Experience During Interaction | 08.06.2017 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/15.DT | The Influence of Trust on User Interactions in e-Transaction Platforms: The Context of a Developing Country | 08.06.2017 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/15.DT | Supporting Seamless Visual Attention Distribution in Second Screen Games | 08.06.2017 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/15.DT | Affordances of a Learning Scenario Sharing Tool LePlanner for Teachers | 08.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/15.DT | The Impact of Interface Animations on the User Experience: Directing Customer's Attention in Online Shopping Sites | 08.06.2017 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/15.DT | Co-designing Mobile Music Making Apps for Novice Users | 08.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti avaliku sektori asutustes olemasolevad teadmised ja oskused digitaaldokumentide arhiveerimiseks ja säilitamiseks
(Assessing Readiness for Digital Archiving and Preservation in Estonian Public Sector Agencies)
08.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Juhtimise ja eestvedamise mõju organisatsiooni infokultuurile Keskkonnaministeeriumi näitel
(The Impact of Management and Leadership on Organizational Information Culture: Based on the Example of the Ministry of the Environment)
08.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Spetsialistide infokäitumine ja organisatsiooni infokultuur SYNLAB Eesti ja SYNLAB Soome näitel
(Information Behaviour and Organisational Information Culture Among Specialists in SYNLAB Estonia and SYNLAB Finland)
08.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Infokultuur militaarses organisatsioonis
(Information Culture in a Military Organization )
08.06.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tallinna Ülikooli ja Grazi Ülikooli välisüliõpilaste argieluline infokäitumine
(Everyday Life Information Behaviour of International Students at Tallinn University and the University of Graz)
08.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/11.DT |
Reaalarvuliste kordajatega polünoomide reaalarvuliste juurte arvust
(On Number of Real Roots of Polynomial with Real Coefficients)
08.06.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/12.DT |
Arvuteooria rakendusi krüptograafias
(Some Applications of Number Theory in Cryptography)
08.06.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/14.DT |
Integraalide ligikaudse arvutamise meetoditest
(About Numerical Integration Methods)
08.06.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/14.DT |
Ringi kvadratuuri probleem
(The Problem of the Quadrature of the Circle)
08.06.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/14.DT |
Funktsioonide teravikest ja platoodest
(On Spikes and Plateaus of Function)
08.06.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/14.DT |
Logistilised funktsioonid ja nende rakendamine erinevates eluvaldkondades
(Logistic Functions and Their Applications in Different Fields of Life)
08.06.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/14.DT |
Kompleksarvud ja trigonomeetria
(Complex Numbers and Trigonometry)
08.06.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
DTLGM/15.DT | Digital Devices Related to Social Skills, the Usability of the Digital Learning Game Fabulous Family in Real Life | 07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
DTLGM/15.DT | Virtual Game Museum: Gamified E-learning Environment for Learning Digital Games History | 07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebipõhiste statistika rakenduste kasutatavus
(Online Statistics Software Usability)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Sisuhaldussüsteemi Drupal 8 uued võimalused
(The New Possibilities of Drupal 8 CMS)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Estlexi kohtulahendite importimise kontseptsioon ja arendus
(Court Decisions Import Concept and Development for ESTLEX Database)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
ÕISi funktsionaalsused Tallinna Ülikooli personali vaates
(The Functionalities of ÕIS. The View of Tallinn University Staff)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Sissejuhatav õppematerjal R-keelde
(Introductory Learning Material for the R Programming Language)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Vabavaralised lahendused liitreaalsuse loomiseks
(Freeware Solutions for Creating Augmented Reality)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tuutorlusteenuseid vahendava veebipõhise platvormi loomine
(Developing a Web-based Platform for Tutoring Exchange Services)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Restorani menüü rakenduse arendamine Androidi platvormile
(Development of a Restaurant Menu Application on Android Platform)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebisaidi kasutajaliidese testimise rakenduse arendamine
(Development of Website User Interface Testing Software)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kursuseprogrammide haldamise keskkonna nõuete analüüs ja disain
(Requirements Analysis and Design for the Course Programme Management System)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kujundusmalli loomine sisuhaldussüsteemile Magento
(Custom Template Development for Magento CMS)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Failide jagamine ilma internetiühenduseta kasutades Android operatsioonisüsteemi
(Sharing Files Without Internet Connection Using Android Operating System)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digitehnoloogiate instituudi uudiseportaali ja siseveebi arendus
(Development of News Site and Intranet for the School of Digital Technologies)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kvaliteedijuhtimise mõjust IT-organisatsiooni tulemuslikkusele
(The Effect of Quality Management on the Performance of an IT Organization)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IT arendusprojektide metodoloogiate Waterfall ja Scrum kombineerimislähenemine eeskirjalike piirangutega
(Combining Waterfall and Scrum Methodology Approach in IT Development Projects with Policy Limitations)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Mittefunktsionaalsete nõuete määratlemine turvalise tarkvaraarenduse hankimiseks Eesti avalikus sektoris
(Defining Non-functional Requirements for Secure Software Development Procurement in Estonian Public Sector)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Äriprotsesside põhine tarkvara kavandamine
(Business Process Based Software Designing)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Sotsiaalmeedia kasutamine Tartu Ülikooli erialaraamatukogude turunduses Tartu Ülikooli maailma keelte ja kultuuride kolledži raamatukogu näitel
(The Use of Social Media in Marketing the Branch Libraries of the University of Tartu Based on the Example of the Library of the University of Tartu College of Foreign Languages and Cultures)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Muuseumi turundus Facebookis Kunda tsemendimuuseumi näitel
(Museum Marketing in Facebook Based on the Example of the Kunda Cement Museum)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Instagram ülikooliraamatukogu turunduskanalina Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Raamatukogu näitel
(Instagram as University Library Marketing Tool Based on the Example of the Tallinn University of Technology Library)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Arhiivide kirjastustegevus Eestis: olukorra kaardistus
(Publishing Activities of Archives in Estonia: Mapping of the Situation)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Suhtlusturunduse kasutamise vajadus ja võimalused rahvaraamatukogus Viimsi Raamatukogu näitel
(Needs and Opportunities for Public Library to Use the Relationship Marketing Based on the Example of the Viimsi Public Library)
07.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Gurmeeteater mobiilirakenduse arendamine
(Gourmet Theatre Mobile Application Development)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Automaattestide koostamine Robot Framework raamistikul pangandustarkvara näitel
(Test Automation with Robot Framework. The Case of Banking Software)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tennisemängu edendavad tehnoloogiad
(Technologies in Tennis)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Camunda platvormil protsessimootori rakendamine Elektrilevi äriprotsessides
(Camunda Business Process Model Engine Implementation on the Example of Elektrilevi)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Spring Boot veebirakenduse loomine
(Building Spring Boot Web Application)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Autoremonditöökoja CRM võimaluste loomine Viruauto näitel
(CRM Opportunities of an Autovehicle Workshop on the Example of Viruauto)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ühistranspordi sõiduplaani andmete optimeerimine nutiseadmetele
(GTFS Data Optimization for Smart Devices)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti kinode infosüsteem
(Estonian Cinema Network)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Nutiriide prototüübi loomine Arduino platvormi abil
(Smartcloth Prototype Creation Using Arduino Platform)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Praktikumimaterjalide koostamine õpikule R for Data Science
(Composing Practical Materials for the Book R for Data Science)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Universaalse disaini hindamisvahendi disain ja haldamine
(Design and Development of Universal Design Assessment Tool)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Voogmeedia mitmes asukohas sünkroonselt esitamise vahendid
(Means of Synchronizing Streaming Media Between Multiple Users)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MIDI faile võrdleva tarkvara arendamine ja testimine
(The Development and Testing of a MIDI File Comparing Software)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IT juhi roll- võimalused ja raskused naisjuhi pilgu läbi
(The Role of an IT Manager- Opportunities and Difficulties Through the Perspective of Female Leader)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Automatiseeritud testimise praktikate juurutamine rahvusvahelise finantsasutuse näitel
(Implementing Automated Testing Practices on the Example of an International Financial Institution)
06.06.2017 | ||
Pragmaatilised ja hedoonilised aspektid kasutajakogemuse hindamisel Maanteeameti e-teeninduse näitel
(Pragmatic and Hedonic Aspects in Evaluation of User Experience Based on E-service of the Estonian Road Administration)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Avaliku e-teenuse rakendamine SA Innove näitel
(Implementation of Public E-service. The Case of Foundation Innove)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Waterfallist agiilseks
(Transformation from Waterfall to Agile)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
ERP süsteemi pääsuõiguste halduse analüüs ettevõtte ärivajaduste näitel
(Analysis of the ERP System Access Privileges Management: the Business Case)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
E-residentsuse riskianalüüs panganduses
(Risk Analyze of E-residency in Banking Sector)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kutsekooli digiküpsuse hindamisraamistiku Digipeegel valideerimine
(Validation of the Assessment Framework for Digital Maturity of Vocational School)
06.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
C++ spetsifikatsiooni uuendusega kaasnevate muudatuste kasulikkuse analüüs
(Analysis of Usefulness on Changes in C++ Specification)
05.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Arvutikasutajate teadlikkus sotsiaalmanipulatsioonist Tallinna Ülikooli üliõpilaste näitel
(Social Engineering Awareness Among Computer Users by the Example of Tallinn University Students)
05.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kõnetuvastuse rakendamine keeleõppe mängu näitel
(The Usage of Speech Recognition Based on a Language Learning Game)
05.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Dota 2 Workshop Tools õppematerjal kohandatud mängude loomiseks
(Dota 2 Workshop Tools Studying Paper for Creating Custom Games)
05.06.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
Vabavaralisel näotuvastusel põhinev autentimisrakendus
(Authentication App Based on Open Source Face Recognition)
05.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Arduino ühendamine Microsoft IoT-ga
(Connecting Arduino with Microsoft Internet of Things)
05.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Teadlikult ebaturvaliselt kirjutatud veebirakenduse valimine õppetöös kasutamiseks
(Using Deliberately Insecure Web Applications in Teaching Process)
05.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Mänguelementide disain rollimängudes
(Design of Game Elements in Role-Playing Games)
05.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kodulooma toitmise automatiseerimine Raspberry Pi abil
(Automating Pet Feeding with Raspberry Pi)
05.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Linuxis kasutatavate veebiserverite turvalisuse analüüs
(Security Analysis of Web Servers Used in Linux)
05.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Sõltumatu videomängu arendus Bunnyhop'i näitel
(Indie Game Development and Dissemination by the Example of Bunnyhop Mobile Game)
05.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebilehe nähtavuse tõstmise võimalused Google otsingumootori näitel
(Website Visibility-Raising Opportunities in Google Search Engine)
05.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Andmebaasi struktuuri ja dokumentatsiooni korrastamine küsitlustarkvara Ankeet.ee näitel
(Improvement of Database Structure and Documentation: The Case of Survey Software Ankeet.ee)
05.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
E-raamatukogu ETERA: kasutuslikkuse uuring
(ETERA e-Library: Web Usability Analysis)
01.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õppurite autoriõiguse alased teadmised Tallinna Ülikooli infoteaduse eriala üliõpilaste näitel
(Knowledge of Students about the Copyright Issues in Terms of Tallinn University's Information Science Faculty)
01.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Info ülekülluse põhjused ja tagajärjed Tallinna Ülikooli üliõpilaste seas
(Information Overload Reasons and Consequenses Among Tallinn University Students)
01.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Sotsiaalmeedia ohud ja probleemid Tallinna gümnaasiumiõpilaste näitel
(Tallinn`s High School Students` Awareness and Contact with Dangers and Problems Related to Social Media)
01.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Infokäitumine sotsiaalmeedias Swedbank AS töötajate näitel
(Information Behaviour in Social Media Based on Swedbank AS’ Employees)
01.06.2017 | ETERA | |
Tallinna Saksa Gümnaasiumi ja Kadrioru Saksa Gümnaasiumi gümnaasiumiastme õpilaste infopädevus ning õpilasuurimuste teemade kujunemist mõjutavad tegurid
(Information Literacy in Upper Secondary Pupils of Tallinn German Secondary School and Kadriorg German Upper Secondary School and Factors Influencing Pupils` Choice of Research Topics)
01.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Enesekohase informatsiooni privaatsuse probleemid Internetis: TLÜ Digitehnoloogiate Instituudi üliõpilaste uuring
(Personal Information Privacy Problems Online: Tallinn University School of Digital Technologies Students Research)
01.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ilukirjanduslikud menukid Eestis aastatel 2006-2015
(Fiction Bestsellers in Estonia in 2006-2015)
01.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kohaliku teabe kättesaadavus eakatele linnakodanikele Saue linna näitel
(Local Information Availability to Elderly Citizens in the Example of Saue)
01.06.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Andmete varundamine Digitehnoloogiate instituudi õppejõudude seas
(Data Backup Amongst the Faculty Members of the School of Digital Technologies)
25.01.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Viirusetõrjete võrdlev analüüs
(Comparative Analysis of Antiviruses)
25.01.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veaseisundid ja nende määramine Testlio platvormil
(Error States and Their Determination on Testlio’s Platform)
25.01.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kolmanda osapoole teenused rakenduse logimiseks
(Third-Party Serivces for Application Log Management)
25.01.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Autode meedia- ja teabesüsteemi Apple Carplay rakenduse prototüübi loomine
(Creating an Application Prototype for Car Infotainment System)
25.01.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Koolide enesehindamise keskkonna Digipeegel testimine
(Testing of the Digipeegel Environment for Self-assessment of Schools)
25.01.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebipõhiste hindamismudelite rakendamine uurimistööde kujundaval hindamisel gümnaasiumis
(Applying Online Assessment Rubrics in Formative Assessment of High School Inquiry Projects)
24.01.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Haridustehnoloogia oskussõnavara kujundamine praktikakogukonna poolt
(Collaborative Development of Terminology by a Community of Practice in the Domain of Educational Technology)
24.01.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/14.DT | Persuasive Power on Motivating Computer User to Change Behavior | 24.01.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/15.DT | Assessing the Expressiveness of the Distributed User Interface Pattern Language | 24.01.2017 | ETERA | |
Õpilased õpiku kaasautorina: 3D-printimise digiõpiku arendusuuring
(Pupils as Co-Authors: A Design Research on a Digital Textbook about 3D Printing)
24.01.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti omavalitsuste infotehnoloogia valitsemismudelite analüüs
(Analysis of Estonian Local Government Information Technology Governance Models)
24.01.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFITM/14.DT | E-Campaigning on the Example of the Estonian European Parliament Elections in 2014 | 24.01.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/12.DT |
Lagrange´i interpolatsioonist ja selle barütsentrilisest kujust
(On Lagrange Interpolation and Its Barycentric Form)
20.01.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/13.DT |
Parameetriga p-trigonomeetrilised funktsioonid ja vastav arv pii
(On the p-Trigonometric Functions and Corresponding Number Pi)
20.01.2017 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFITD/10.DT | A Digital Safety Model for Understanding Teenager Internet User's Concerns | 18.01.2017 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
2016 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
Mänguelementidega e-õppe rakendamine õpetajate täiendkoolitusel
(Implementing Game Elements to E-Learning Course in In-Service Teacher Training)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digitaalse narratiivi kasutamise võimalused lasteaias
(Opportunities for Using Digital Narratives in Kindergarten)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Põhikooli õpilaste kaasamise võimalused digitaalse õppevara väljatöötamisel loodusainete näitel
(Engagement Possibilities of Primary School Students in Development of Digital Learning Resources in Natural Sciences)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kooli digiküpsuse hindamise vahend Digipeegel
(Digipeegel: An Instrument for Evaluating School’s Digital Maturity)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFHTM/14.DT | Digital Transformation: Learning Practices and Organisational Change in a Regional VET Centre | 08.06.2016 | ETERA | |
Vaba tarkvara vs omanduslik tarkvara - kumma juurutamine on säästlikum?
(Free Software vs Proprietary Software - Which Deployment is More Cost Effective?)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Paindliku tarkvaraarendusmetoodika juurutamisest firma X näitel
(Applying Agile Software Development Methodology. The Case of Company X)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Turvateadlik tarkvaravalik haridusasutuses
(Security Conscious Software Choice in Educational Institution)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
3D modelleerimise lühikursus algklasside õpilastele iPadi kasutades
(3D Modeling Short Course for Primary School Students Using iPad)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Testimisprotsessi parendamine lõppkasutajate efektiivsema kaasamise läbi Statistikaameti näitel
(Improving Software Testing Process Through Efficient Involvement of End Users. The Case of Statistics Estonia)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Arvutikasutaja töökeskkonna hindamine Fortum CFS Eesti OÜ näitel
(Evaluating Work Environment of Computer Users in Example of Fortum CFS Eesti OÜ)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Juhuslik - meelelahutusrakenduse prototüüp
(Random - Entertaining Application Prototype)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Mängumaailma emotsionaalsete aspektide disain Unity näitel
(Game World Emotional Aspect Design-Based Research by the Example of Unity)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Toitumisalase õpimängu arendusuuring
(Nutrition Learning Game Design-Based Research)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kütteseadmete simuleerimisprototüübid Tallinna Ülikooli robootika kursuse tarbeks
(Heating Systems Simulation Prototypes for Tallinn University Robotics Course)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digitaalse jalajälje vähendamine vabavara abil
(Reducing Digital Footprint by Using Free Software)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
E-portfoolio võimalused õpilaste karjäärivalikute toetamiseks
(Possibilities of Implementing E-Portfolio for Career Choices for Students)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digipädevuste kujundamine põhikoolis füüsika õpetamise kaudu
(Teaching Digital Competences on the Physics Course in Basic School)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Vabavaralised vahendid arvutipõhiseks testimiseks
(Freeware Tools for Computer-Based Assessment)
08.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/12.DT |
Väärtpaberite portfellide matemaatiline haldamine
(Mathematical Management of Portfolios)
08.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/12.DT |
Kuubi duplikatsiooni probleem
(The Problem of the Duplication of the Cube)
08.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/13.DT |
Runge fenomen
(Runge`s Phenomenon)
08.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/13.DT |
Määratud integraali rakendused
(Applications of Integration)
08.06.2016 | ||
MLMB/13.DT |
Perspektiivsed teisendused
(Perspective Maps)
08.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/13.DT |
Kõrgemat järku determinandid
(Determinants of Higher Order)
08.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/13.DT |
Õnnelikest murdudest ja nende valest taandamisest
(About the Lucky Fractions and Anomalous Cancellation)
08.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
Mobile-first seadmetundlik arendusmeetod
(Mobile-First Responsive Development Method)
07.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Mängu reeglite kavandamine ja balansseerimine Unity näitel
(Designing and Balancing of Game Rules on the Example of Unity)
07.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Xamarin ja Mvvmcross iOS ja Android rakenduste loomiseks. Õppematerjal
(Xamarin and MvvmCross for Developing iOS and Android Applications. Study Material)
07.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Teadus- ja arendusprojektide halduskeskkonna tarkvarade soovitussüsteemi kontseptsiooni arendamine
(Developing a Concept for Recommendation System of Research and Development Projects Management Software)
07.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tavakasutaja tehniline võimekus veebivideoülekannete edastamiseks ja vastuvõtmiseks
(The Technical Capabilities of a Standard User to Set Up and Receive Web Video Broadcasts)
07.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ülevaade andmete hoiustamisest ja haldamisest Androidi tarkvaraarenduses
(Overview of Data Storage and Management Options in Android Software Development)
07.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tarkvaravaliku mõju haridusele, majandusele ja julgeolekule Eestis
(The Impact of Software Selection on Education, Economy and Security in Estonia)
07.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Empiiriline uuring muusika- ja rütmimängudest
(An Empirical Study on Music and Rhythm Games)
07.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Üliõpilaste akadeemiliste tööde teemade registri arendus
(The Development of Students’ Academic Thesis Register)
07.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Adobe Photoshop tarkvara kasutamine veebidisaini ja eeskomponendi arendamiseks
(Using Adobe Photoshop for Web Design and Front End Development)
07.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Virtuaalne tunnustamise süsteemi Open Badges ülesseadmine ja kasutamine
(Virtual Recognition System Open Badges Setup and Use)
07.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Üheleherakenduse loomine Ruby on Rails raamistiku abil
(Creating a Single-Page Application Using Ruby on Rails Framework)
07.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/13.DT | A Step Toward Humanizing Online Art-Viewing Experience | 07.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/13.DT | The Role of Trust in Long Distance Computer-Mediated Communication: A Study on Skype | 07.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/13.DT | Augmented Reality Games for Increasing Physical Activity | 07.06.2016 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/14.DT | Users' Intention to Continue Using Redesigned Information System. Redesign Exploration and Case Study of a Web-Based Platform | 07.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/14.DT | Analysing User Engagement Methods in Microblogging Platforms | 07.06.2016 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/14.DT | Exploring Motivation and Engagement in Digital Artefacts: a Self-Determination Theory Perspective | 07.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/14.DT | Software Tools for Supporting Literature Reviews: An Overview and a Case Study | 07.06.2016 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/14.DT | Assessing the Influence on User Experience of Web Interface Interactions Across Different Devices | 07.06.2016 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/14.DT | Including Schoolchildren and Educators in the Participatory Design. The Case of Museum Kadriorg Group Visits | 07.06.2016 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/14.DT | Designing Interactions for Experiencing Mindfulness | 07.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/12.DT |
Joone parameetrilised võrrandid
(Parametric Equations of Curve)
07.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/12.DT |
Markovi ahelad
(Markov Chain)
07.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/12.DT |
Poissoni protsessid
(Poisson Processes)
07.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/13.DT |
Kõrgema astme kongruentsid ja nende süsteemid
(Congruences of Higher Power)
07.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/13.DT |
Diferentsiaalvõrrandite süsteemide lahendamismeetoditest
(Methods for Solving Systems of Differential Equations)
07.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/13.DT |
Maatrikseksponent, selle omadused ja rakendused
(Matrix Exponential, its Computations and Applications)
07.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/13.DT |
Mitmesuguseid populatsioonimudeleid
(Some Population Models)
07.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
Intelligentse õppekorralduse abisüsteemi prototüübi arendamine
(Developing a Prototype of Intelligent Assistant for Study Regulations)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Fotoreaalsete kujutiste visualiseerimine vabavara või kommertsvaraga
(Rendering Photorealistic 3D Images with Freeware or Commercial Software)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti vahekeele korpuse klasteranalüüsi vahendite kasutamine teksti keeletaseme prognoosimisel
(Using Estonian Interlanguage Corpus's Cluster Analysis Tools to Predict Language Level of Text)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Lingvistika analüüs R-keele abil: õppematerjal
(Analyzing Linguistics with R. A Learning Material)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Solid Edge valikharjutus
(Optional Solid Edge Exercise)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Piiratud funktsionaalsusega seadmete asjade interneti andmevahetusprotokollid
(Internet of Things Protocols for Constrained Devices)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Vabavara juurutamine Statistikaameti näitel
(Implemention of Free Software. The Case of Statistics Estonia)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Clanbeat.com kasutajate sisseelamise toetamise protsessi disain ja arendus
(Clanbeat.com User Onboarding Process Design and Development)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Koduse sahvrirakenduse prototüübi loomine
(Creating the Prototype of Household Pantry Management Application)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Heli manipuleerimine veebilehel Web Audio API't kasutades
(Manipulation of Sound on a Web Page Using Web Audio API)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kasvuhoone töö automatiseerimine
(Automatic Control of Greenhouse)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
CSS ja JS animatsioonid Internetis
(CSS and JS Animations on the Internet)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Puutevabade kaardimaksete süsteemi juurutamine
(Implementation of Contactless Card Payments)
06.06.2016 | ||
Infosüsteemide muudatuste haldus haigla näitel
(Change Management of Information Systems on the Example of a Hospital)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Riigi IT koosvõime raamistiku hindamine
(Assessment of Estonian National Interoperability Framework of Information System)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ärirakenduste üleviimine pilvepõhisele lahendusele ettevõtte X näitel
(Moving Business Applications to the Cloud. The Case of Company X)
06.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
Personaalsete nutiseadmete kasutamise kaardistus Eesti koolides
(Mapping the Use of Personal Smart Devices in Estonian Schools)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Riigi infosüsteemide koosvõime tagamine esimeseks registripõhiseks loenduseks Eestis
(Securing Interoperability of State Information Systems for the First Register-Based Census in Estonia)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Keskmise suurusega ettevõttele sobiva ettevõttearhitektuuri määratlemine AS Sunorek näite varal
(Specification of Enterprise Architecture for SME. The Case of Sunorek)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Mobiilseadmete haldustarkvara kasutamine ja turvalisus Eesti avaliku sektori asutuse näitel
(Usage and Security of Mobile Device Management Software. The Case of an Estonian Public Sector Institution)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IT teenuste portfellihaldus Eesti avalikus sektoris
(IT Service Portfolio Management in the Public Sector of Estonia)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Rahvaraamatukogude kasutajakoolituse praktikad Eesti keskraamatukogude näitel
(User Education Practices of Estonian Public Central Libraries)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Infokultuur ja infopraktikad Tallinna Keskraamatukogu näitel
(Information Culture and Information Practices in Tallinn Central Library)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
E-raamatute kirjastamine Eestis 2011−2015: arengud ja perspektiivid
(E-book Publishing in Estonia 2011−2015: Developments and Prospects)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti raamatukogud kui kirjastajad aastatel 2000-2015
(Estonian Libraries as Publishers 2000-2015)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Elektroonilise infoteeninduse kvaliteedi hindamine Tallinna Keskraamatukogu näitel
(Evaluating the Quality of Electronic Reference at Tallinn Central Library)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Sotsiaalmeedia kasutamine kaasavas raamatukogunduses Eesti avalik-õiguslike ülikooliraamatukogude näitel
(Social Media Usage in Participatory Librarianship Based on Public Law Based University Libraries of Estonia)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Teist maailmasõda käsitlev kirjandus Eestis 1991-2015 - väljaanded, autorid ja kirjastused
(World War II in Estonian Literature 1991-2015 - Books, Authors, Publishing Houses)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Raamat Eesti kujutavas kunstis. Maal, skulptuur, graafika
(Book in Estonian Art: Painting, Sculpture and Graphics)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kehtna valla noorte info- ja meediapädevus poliitikaga seotud inforessursside leidmisel, hindamisel ja kasutamisel
(The Information and Media Literacy in Relation to Finding, Assessing and Using Information about Politics Among the Students of Kehtna Parish)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Muuseumite kirjastustegevus Eestis 2011-2015
(Publishing Activities of Museums in Estonia in 2011-2015)
06.06.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Projektide meetod ja rühmatöö põhikooli matemaatikas Kuusalu Keskkooli näitel
(Project-based and Collaborative Learning of Mathematics in Secondary School with the Example of Kuusalu High School)
06.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
Erinevate metafooride kasutamine täisarvude liitmise ja lahutamise õpetamisel 6. klassis
(Using Different Metaphors to Teach Integers` in the Sixth Grade)
06.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
Fraktaalgeomeetria algajatele ehk veidrad fraktalid
(Introduction to Fractal Geometry or Weird Fractals)
06.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
Matemaatika kodutööd 8. klassis
(Mathematics Homework in Eighth Grade)
06.06.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
Informaatikaõpetaja, kooli infojuht magistriõppekava õpiväljundite vastavus informaatikaõpetaja ootustele ja vajadustele töökohal
(Concordance Between Learning Outcomes of Master Curriculum Teacher of Computer Sciences, School ICT Manager” and Informatics Teachers’ Expectations and Needs)
23.05.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Gümnaasiumi uurimistööde juhendamise keskkonna kontseptuaalne disain
(Conceptual Design of an Environment for Supervising Research of Secondary School Students)
25.01.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/10.DT | Video in Design Processes: The Case of Bits & Pieces Video Documentation | 25.01.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Informaatika tasemetöö koostamine 9. klassi õpilastele
(Informatics Exam for the Grade 9 Students)
25.01.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Omandusliku tarkvara asendamine vabatarkvaraga Eesti koolides
(Replacing Proprietary Software with Free Software in Estonian Schools)
25.01.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpistsenaariumide kavandamise vahendi LePlanner disain ja arendus
(Design and Development of a Learning Scenario Planning Tool LePlanner)
25.01.2016 | ETERA | |
IT käitluse teenuste analüüs globaalse organisatsiooni näitel
(IT Operations Services Analysis for Global Organization)
25.01.2016 | ||
Eesti notari tööprotsesside täiustamine infotehnoloogiliste lahenduste abil
(Improvement of Business Processes of Estonian Notary Through Information Technology Solutions)
25.01.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IT riskijuhtimise standardite ja parimate praktikate rakendamisest Eesti avaliku sektori asutustes
(Implementation of IT Risk Management Standards and Best Practices in Estonian Public Sector Institutions)
25.01.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Infrastruktuuri paigaldusprotsessi automatiseerimine Playtech Eesti näitel
(Infrastructure Installation Automation in Playtech Estonia)
25.01.2016 | (co-supervisor) | |
Noored vanuses 14–19 veebiallikate hindajatena Tallinna Järveotsa Gümnaasiumi õpilaste näitel
(Youths Aged 14–19 as Evaluators of Web Sources on the Example of the Students of Tallinn Järveotsa High School)
20.01.2016 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
2015 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
Avalduste esitamise infosüsteem Peetri Lasteaed-Põhikooli näitel
(Application Submission Information System: the Example of Peetri Primary School)
04.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Testimisprotsesside parendamine firma Navionics näitel
(Improvement of Testing Processes: the Case of Navionics)
04.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Sisuhaldussüsteemide turvalisus Harjumaa üldhariduskoolide veebilehtede näitel
(Security of Content Management Systems: The Case of General Education Schools' Websites in Harjumaa)
04.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebiroomaja rakendus vastavalt meediaagentuuri vajadustele
(Web Crawler Adaption According to the Needs of a Media Agency)
04.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
(Virtual Training)
04.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kasutatavuse testimine projektis Touch the Exchange
(Usability Testing in the Project Touch the Exchange)
04.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebiteenuse arendamise teekaart Rada7.ee näitel
(Development Roadmap of a Web Service: the Case of Rada7.ee)
04.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Arvutimängu tegelase loomine kasutades 3D modelleerimistarkvara Blender
(Creating a Video Game Character Using 3D Modelling Software Blender)
04.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
HTML elementide animatsioonide optimeerimine
(Animations Optimization of HTML Elements)
04.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
WebGL'i kasutamine interaktiivsete graafikarakenduste loomiseks veebilehitsejas: õppematerjal
(Using WebGL to Create Interactive Graphics Application in Web Browser: Study Material)
04.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Leap Motion: Uue generatsiooni 3D sensor
(Leap Motion: The New Generation 3D Sensor)
04.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti vahekeele korpuse vigade märgendusmooduli optimeerimine
(Optimisation of the Estonian Interlanguage Corpus' Error Marking Module)
04.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Neurovõrkude kasutamine finantsturgude analüüsiks
(Using Artificial Neural Networks for Financial Market Analysis)
04.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebirakenduste kasutajaliideste kohandatud elementide loomine Polymer projekt vahenditega
(Creating Customized Elements for Web Application User Interfaces Using Tools of Polymer Poject)
04.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Virtuaalse simulaatori praktiline mõju reaalsetele oskustele Gran Turismo näitel
(Effects of a Virtual Simulator on Actual Driving Skills on the Example of Gran Turismo)
04.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
PhoneGap rakendus Rally Estonia piletimüügi näitel
(PhoneGap Application: the Case of Rally Estonia Ticket Sales)
04.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eksamite Infosüsteemi testide rakendamine LTI-arhitektuuriga õpisüsteemides
(Implementing Tests from the Examination Information System within LTI-compliant Learning Systems)
04.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/09.DT |
Hulkade võrdlemine
(Comparison of Sets)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/11.DT |
Graafide värvimine
(Graph Coloring)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/11.DT |
Eukleidilise ruumi võred ja nende omadused
(Lattices of Euclidean Space and their Properties)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/11.DT |
Pokkeri matemaatika
(The Mathematics of Poker)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/12.DT |
Markovi protsessid
(Markov Processes)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/12.DT |
Siinus- ja koosinusfunktsiooni erinevatest määramisviisidest
(Different Ways of Defining the Sine and Cosine Functions)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/12.DT |
(Polygonal Numbers)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/12.DT |
Erinevad meetrilised ruumid ja koonduvad jadad nendes ruumides
(Different Metric Spaces and Convergent Sequences in these Spaces)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/12.DT |
Ülevaade tarkvarapaketist Scilab
(Overwiew of the Package Scilab)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/12.DT |
Teatud keskmiste jada ja selle omadused
(A Certain Sequence of Means and Its Properties)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/13.DT |
(Symmetric Group)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
Hariliku murru mõistest arusaamine 7. klassis
(7th Grade Students` Understandings of the Concept of Fraction)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tõestamine koolimatemaatikas Eesti keskkoolilõpetajate arusaamade põhjal
(Estonian Secondary Graduates` Beliefs about Proof and Proving in School)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
Üldpädevuste arendamine põhikooli matemaatikaõppes
(Development of Competencies in Elementary School Mathematics)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
Õpikute roll põhikooli matemaatikaõppes
(The Role of Textbooks in the Teaching and Learning of Lower-Secondary Mathematics)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
Protsendi mõistest arusaamine 7. klassis
(7th Grade Students` Understandings about Percent)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
Avastusõpe matemaatikas IV kooliastme näitel
(Discovery Learning in Upper Secondary Mathematics Education)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
Väärarusaamad, mis 6. klassi õpilastel seoses ratsionaalarvudega tekivad
(6th Grade Students` Misunderstandings about Rational Numbers)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
Matemaatilised mängud – juhendmaterjal õpetajatele
(Mathematical Games - Manual for the Teachers)
04.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/12.DT | Applying Gamification in an Online Course of Computer Hardware | 03.06.2015 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/13.DT | Towards a Pattern Language for Describing Distributed Interactions | 03.06.2015 | ETERA | |
IFIMM/13.DT | Enabling Free Internet Access in Developing Countries Using a Participatory Design Approach | 03.06.2015 | ETERA | |
Informaatika õppeaine sisu ja seonduv õppevara Tallinna ja Harjumaa koolides
(The Content and Related Learning Resources in Informatics. The Case of Schools in Tallinn and Harjumaa)
03.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesti kutsekoolides kasutatava informaatika õppevara kaardistus
(A Survey on Educational Resources on Informatics Used in Estonian Vocational Schools)
03.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digivahendite kasutusmustrid esimese kooliastme õpetajatel ja õpilastel Tartu Descartes’i Kooli näitel
(Digital Technology Usage Patterns Among Teachers and Pupils in Grades 1-3. The Case Study of Tartu Descartes School)
03.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Google Apps pilveteenustel põhineva e-õppekeskkonna juurutamine Tallinna Kesklinna Vene Gümnaasiumi näitel
(Implementing Google Apps for Education Based E-learning Environment. The Case of Tallinn Central Russian Gymnasium)
03.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Informaatika õpetamine õpilaste isiklike nutiseadmete baasil: tegevusuuring Kohila Gümnaasiumis
(Teaching Informatics on Pupils’ Own Digital Devices: Action Research in Kohila Gymnasium)
03.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Liitreaalsuse rakendamine üldhariduskooli õppetöös: võimalused ja kitsaskohad
(Implementation of Augmented Reality in Study Process in Basic Schools: Opportunities and Bottlenecks)
02.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Akadeemilise raamatukogu tulevik. Delfi uuring
(The Future of Academic Library. A Delphi Study)
02.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebipõhine abimaterjal kirjatehnika oskuste toetamisel I kooliastmes
(Web-based Supportive Materials of Letters Techniques Skills in Primary School)
02.06.2015 | ETERA | |
Hinnang Eesti noorte jalgpalli monitooringule IKT arendamiseks
(Assessing the Monitoring of Youth Football in Estonia for Developing ICT)
02.06.2015 | ETERA | |
Tahvelarvutite lubavuste rakendamine B2 keeletaseme inglise keele e-õpikus
(Application of the Affordances of Tablet PCs in a B2 Level English Language e-Textbook)
02.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Haridustehnoloogilise toe võimalused vaegkuuljate õpetamisel kutsekoolis
(Educational Technological Opportunities to Support Hearing Impaired Students in Vocational School)
02.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digitaalsed tehnoloogiad mitteformaalse õppe toetajana noorsootöös
(Digital Technologies for Supporting Non-Formal Learning in Youth Work)
02.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpianalüütika lahendused töökohal õppes
(Learning Analytics in Workplace Learning)
02.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
HITSA IKT- alased koolitused lasteaiaõpetajatele ja saadud pädevuste rakendumine praktikas
(ICT Training of HITSA for Nursery Teachers and Application of the Competences Gained in the Practice)
02.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Facebooki kasutamine õpikogukonna toetamiseks
(Using Facebook to Support a Learning Community)
01.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Innovaatiliste stsenaariumite rakendusvõimalused algkoolis VOSK kontekstis
(Implementing Innovative Learning Scenarios with BYOD in Primary Schools)
01.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Andmeaida reliisihalduse parendamine finantsettevõttes
(Release Management Process Improvements in a Datawarehouse Department of a Major Financial Institution)
01.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
Võrguseire lahenduste analüüs Eesti riigiasutuste näitel
(Analysis of Network Monitoring on the Example of Estonian Government Agencies)
01.06.2015 | ETERA | |
Tellijate ja arendajate vaheliste erimeelsuste käsitlus agiilse arendusmetoodika rakendamisel
(Handling Disagreements Between Customers and Developers by Applying Agile Development Methodologies)
01.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Infoturve VOSK põhimõtte rakendamisel AS Eesti Telekomi näitel
(Information Security by Applying BYOD Principles on the Example of AS Eesti Telekom)
01.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Riskijuhtimine pilveteenuste kasutuselevõtul
(Risk Management in Implementing Cloud Computing)
01.06.2015 | ETERA | |
Riigihangete teostamise võimalused paindlike tarkvaraarenduste tellimiseks
(Public Procurement Procedures for Ordering Agile Software Developments)
01.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ettevõtte virtualiseerimisplatvormi valik funktsionaalsuse ja käideldavuse kaalutlustel
(Enterprise Virtualization Platform Selection Considering Functionality and Availability)
01.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
Kasutajakogemus veebikeskkondades AS Eesti Telekomi näitel
(The User Experience in Web Environments on the Example of AS Eesti Telekom)
01.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
Erialaajakirja Raamatukogu plaanitav veebiversioon kasutajate vaates
(The Potential Online Version of Professional Journal Raamatukogu (The Library) in the Users Perspective)
01.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Vesimärgid 17. sajandi Tallinna trükistes
(Watermarks in the 17th Century Tallinn Publications)
01.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tallinna Keskraamatukogu kampaania „Tule raamatukokku!“
(Tallinn Central Library’s Campaign „Come to the Library!“)
01.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Integreeritud turunduskommunikatsioon organisatsioonis Viimsi Raamatukogu näitel
(Integrated Marketing Communication in Organization Based on the Viimsi Library)
01.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
Digitaaldokumentide autentsena säilimise riskid Välisministeeriumi näitel
(The Risks of Preserving Digital Records’ Authenticity by the Example of the Foreign Ministry of Estonia)
01.06.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
Kaugtöökeskuste temaatika Eesti kohalike omavalitsuste infojuhtimise kontekstis
(The Topic of Telework Centres in the Context of Information Management of Estonian Local Governments)
01.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Teadmusjuhtimise tehnoloogiad Eesti erialaraamatukogude infoteeninduses
(Knowledge Management Technologies in Information Services of Estonian Special Libraries)
01.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Infokultuur Eesti Statistikaameti näitel
(Information Culture Based on the Example of Statistics Estonia)
01.06.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MLMB/10.DT |
Aeglaselt võnkuvad jadad
(Slowly Oscillating Sequences)
23.01.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
Protsentarvutuse õpetamise metoodika
(Methodology of Teaching Percents)
23.01.2015 | (co-supervisor) | |
E-õppe jätkusuutlikus Sisekaitseakadeemia näitel
(Sustainability of E-Learning: The Example on Estonian Academy of Security Sciences)
20.01.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Catel raamistik ja MVVM muster WPF rakendustes
(Catel Framework and Model-View-Viewmodel Pattern in WPF Applications)
20.01.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õpianalüütika mooduli kavandamine ja arendus EMMA platvormile
(Design and Implementation of Learning Analytics Module for EMMA)
20.01.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/12.DT | Social Media as an Information Operations Platform for the Estonian Defence Forces During a Conflict Scenario in Estonia | 20.01.2015 | ||
Töötajate motiveerimine IT-projektide täitmisel Xbanka näitel
(Motivation of Staff in Running IT-Projects. The Case of Xbank)
20.01.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Töökoht kui oht töötaja privaatsusele
(Workplace as a Danger to Employee's Privacy)
20.01.2015 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
2014 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
Tõestuste visualiseerimine
(Visualizing Mathematical Proofs)
11.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
Kuuendate klasside õpilaste poolt peastarvutamisel ja pranglimisel rakendatavad strateegiad
(Calculation Strategies in Mental Calculation and Pranglimine Used by Sixth Grade Students)
11.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tõestamine koolimatemaatikas Eesti matemaatikaõpetajate arusaamade põhjal
(Estonian Mathematics Teachers` Beliefs about Proof and Proving)
11.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
Matemaatika õpimotivatsiooni erinevus maa- ja linnakoolides 8.klassi näitel
(Learning Motivation Differences in Mathematics at 8th Grade in Rural and Urban Schools)
11.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
Matemaatikaõpetajad Eesti venekeelsetes koolides: pedagoogilised arusaamad ja õpetamispraktika
(Mathematics Teachers in Russian Schools of Estonia: Pedagogical Beliefs and Teaching Practice)
11.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/11.DT |
Tuletiste ja integraalide rakendustest majandusmatemaatikas
(On Applications of Derivatives and Integrals in Mathematical Economics)
10.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/11.DT |
Diferentsiaalvõrrandite lahendite stabiilsus
(Stability of Solutions of Differential Equations)
10.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/11.DT |
Monte Carlo integreerimismeetodid
(Monte Carlo Integration Methods)
10.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/11.DT |
Täisarvulisest lineaarsest planeerimisest
(On Integer Linear Programming)
10.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/11.DT |
(Discriminant Analysis)
10.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/11.DT |
Fourier` ridade koonduvus
(Convergence on Fourier Series)
10.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/12.DT |
Diferentsiaal- ja integraalarvutuse elemendid q-arvutuses
(The Elements of Differential and Integral Calculus in q-calculus)
10.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Kuupvõrrandi ajalugu ja lahendamine
(History and Solving Cubic Equation)
09.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Zenoni paradoksid
(Zeno`s Paradoxes)
09.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/11.DT |
Kimp ja sellega seonduvad põhimõisted
(Sheaf and Related Key Notions)
09.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/11.DT |
Kahekordsete ja joonintegraalide füüsikalistest rakendustest
(On Applications of Double and Line Integrals in Physics)
09.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/11.DT |
Eukleidese V postulaat ja sellega samaväärsed väited
(Euclid`s Fifth Postulate and Equivalent Statements)
09.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/11.DT |
09.06.2014 | ||
IFIMM/11.DT | Personalisation in E-Government Portals. The Case of the Estonian State Portal eesti.ee | 05.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/11.DT | Implementing Game Design Process and Game Elements in Mobile Application. The Case of Walk With me | 05.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/11.DT | State Portal as the Interface of Public e-Services for European Citizens. A Case Study. | 05.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IFIMM/12.DT | The Effects of User Interface Aesthetics in the User's Experience | 05.06.2014 | ETERA | |
Koolitusmooduli Õppeprotsess digiajastul loomine ja hindamine
(Development and Evaluation of the Training Module Learning Process in the Digital Age)
04.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tahvelarvutite rakendusstsenaariumid Eesti koolidele
(Scenarios for Implementing Tablet Computers in Estonian Schools)
04.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Digitaalse õpimapi rakendamine algklasside õppetöös
(Implementing Digital Portfolio in Primary Education)
04.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Klassiõpetajate haridustehnoloogilised pädevused viie Tallinna kooli näitel
(Class Teacher Educational Competences - Case Study in Five Tallinn Schools)
04.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Interaktiivse sisupaketi koostamine Udutu abil: võimalused ja kitsaskohad
(Developing Interactive Content Package with Udutu: Opportunities and Limitations)
04.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Mobiilse klassiruumi juurutamine Kuusalu Keskkooli näitel
(Implementation of the Mobile Classroom. The Case of the Kuusalu Keskkool.)
04.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Koolieelse lasteasutuse õpetaja haridustehnoloogiliste pädevuste kujunemise toetamine õpetajakoolituses TLÜ Pedagoogilise Seminari näitel
(Supporting the Development of Educational Technology Competencies of a Pre-School Teacher in Teacher Training on the Example of Tallinn University Pedagogical College)
04.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebipõhiste mudelite rakendamise mõju visuaalse kirjaoskuse arendamisele põhikooli bioloogias
(The Influence of the Application of Web-based Models on the Development of Visual Literacy in Basic School Biology)
04.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kõrgelt väärtustatud kultuuriväljaanded Eesti rahvaraamatukogude komplekteerimispraktikas
(Highly Valued Cultural Publications in Collection Development of Estonian Public Libraries)
04.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kohustusliku kirjanduse lugemise uuring Jakob Westholmi Gümnaasiumis (2010. ja 2014. aasta võrdluses)
(Required Reading in Jakob Westholm´s Grammar School in 2010 and 2014)
04.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
Raamatukoguhoidjate teadmised, oskused ja hoiakud kasutajate infopädevuse arendamiseks Tallinna kutse- ja kõrgkoolide näitel
(Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes of Librarians in Developing Library Users' Information Competencies Based on Experiences of Librarians in Vocational Schools and Institutions of Higher Education in Tallinn)
04.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Google reklaamitoodete rakendatavus Eesti e-kaubandussektoris
(The Applicability of Google Advertising Products to Estonia's E-commerce)
03.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ajaveebide agregeerimine e-kursusel EduFeedri näitel
(Aggregating Blogs in an Online Course: the Case of EduFeedr)
03.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Arvutiklassi broneerimise veebirakendus Eesti koolidele
(Computer Classroom Scheduling Web Application for Estonian Schools)
03.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Protsessikaardistuse läbiviimine Abieluvararegistri andmete automaatse uuendamise näitel
(Process Mapping: the Case of Automatic Updating of Marital Property Register Data)
03.06.2014 | ETERA | |
FoxPro geneetikaalase pärandrakenduse portimine veebiplatvormile
(Porting to the Web of a Genetics Application Coded in FoxPro)
03.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Automatiseeritud kauplemissüsteemi optimeerimine FOREX-turu näitel
(Optimization of Automated Trading Systems on the Example of Forex Market)
03.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Veebilehtede loomise lühikursus üldhariduskooli õpilastele WYSIWYG veebitoimetaja baasil
(Building Websites Using WYSIWYG Web Editor. Short Course for Public Schools)
03.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
MSSQL 2012 Administreerimine. Õppematerjal.
(Administration of Microsoft SQL Server 2012. Learning Material.)
03.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õppeotstarbelised mängud ja simulaatorid keele õppimiseks
(Educational Games and Simulators for Language Learning)
03.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kasutatavusmeetodite rakendamine kui iduettevõtte edufaktor
(Usability Methods as a Success Factor in Startups)
03.06.2014 | ETERA | |
Õppematerjali koostamine töölauarakenduste loomiseks Mac OS X platvormile
(Creating Study Materials for Programming Desktop Applications for Mac OS X)
03.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Õppematerjal Adobe Edge Animate'i kasutamiseks interaktiivsete rakenduste loomisel
(Learning Material for Creating Interactive Applications with Adobe Edge Animate)
03.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Üliõpilaste kaasamine digitaalsete õppematerjalide koostamisse
(Involving Students in the Development of Digital Course Material)
03.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kasutajaliidese testid programmeerimisoskuste hindamiseks
(User Interface Tests for Assessment of Programming Skills)
03.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Eesrakenduste loomise töövoo parendamine
(Improving the Front-End Development Workflow)
03.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Piiriülese e-teenuse kavandamine digiretsepti näitel
(Planning of Cross-Border E-Services. The Case of Digital Prescription)
02.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Agiilsete metoodikate rakendamine IT töökorraldussüsteemi loomisel SMIT näitel
(Implementation of Agile Methodologies in IT Task Management System on the Example of SMIT)
02.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Avatud lähtekoodiga tarkvarale üleminekuvõimaluste hindamine andmeanalüüsi kursuse näitel
(Evaluating the Transition to Open-Source Software on the Data Analysis Course Case Study)
02.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Infosüsteemide etalonturbe süsteemi ISKE rakendamise mõju IT riskidele Eesti avaliku sektori näitel
(The Impact of Application of the IT Baseline Security System ISKE to the IT Risks on the Example of Estonian Public Sector)
02.06.2014 | ETERA | |
Kohaliku omavalitsuse IT korraldus Kunda linna näitel
(Local Government ICT Organization on the Example of Kunda Town.)
02.06.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Androidil töötavate seadmete turvalisus ettevõtte seisukohast AS Tridens näitel
(The Security of Android-Based Devices from Enterprise Perspective on the Example of Tridens Ltd)
02.06.2014 | (co-supervisor) | |
Õpianalüütika hajutatud õpikeskkondades
(Learning Analytics in Distributed Learning Enviroments)
30.05.2014 | ETERA | |
Õpetajate haridustehnoloogiliste pädevuste ning koolitusvajaduse hindamine Tallinna Polütehnikumi näitel
(Assessment of Teachers' Educational Technology Competencies and Training Needs on the Example of Tallinn Polytechnic School)
30.05.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Scratch'i õpetamisest II kooliastmes
(Teaching Scratch for 10 to 13 Year Old Students)
30.05.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Üldise semantika põhimõtete rakendamine videomängudes keele paremaks mõistmiseks
(Application of the Principles of General Semantics in Video Games for Better Understanding of Language)
30.05.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
IT-juhtimine Eesti mikroettevõttes osaühingu X näitel
(IT Governance in a Micro-Enterprise. The Case of X Limited.)
30.05.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Tellija ja teostaja vaheline koostöö tarkvara sisseostmisel
(Customer and Contractor Cooperation in Software Outsourcing)
30.05.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Praktikakogukondade virtuaalkeskkonnad haridustehnoloogide kogukonna näitel
(Virtual Environments for Communities of Practice on the Example of the Community of Educational Technologists)
30.05.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Projektijuhi rollist ja ülesannetest agiilses tarkvaraarenduses ettevõtte Videobet näitel
(The Role and Responsibilities of the Project Manager in Agile Software Development. The Case of Videobet.)
30.05.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Vanemliku järelevalve tarkvara roll lapse turvalise internetikasutamise tagamisel. Lapsevanemate nägemus
(The Role of Parental Control Software in Ensuring Children's Internet Safety - A Parents' View)
23.01.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
E-õppekeskkonna Moodle kasutamine kutsehariduses Järvamaa Kutsehariduskeskuse näitel
(Using Moodle in Vocational Training Schools: The Case of Järva County Vocational Training Centre)
23.01.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
E-õppe rakendamine ning seda mõjutavad tegurid Tallinna Polütehnikumi näitel
(Implementation of e-Learning and its Affecting Factors: The Case of Tallinn Polytechnic School)
23.01.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Kliendikäitumise analüüs ja selle mõjutamise võimalused õppelaenutoote näitel
(Analysis of and Opportunities for Influencing Customer Behaviour: The Case of Student Loan Product)
23.01.2014 | ||
Avaliku sektori IT-riigihangete koostamise protsessi probleeme ja lahendusi
(Problems and Their Solutions in Public Sector IT Procurement Process)
23.01.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
Ateistlik kirjandus eestikeelses raamatutoodangus
(Atheistic Literature in the books published in the Estonian language)
21.01.2014 | ETERA | (co-supervisor) |
2013 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
MLMB/09.DT |
(On Continued Fractions)
07.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/10.DT |
Stieltjesi integraal
(Stieltjes Integral)
07.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/10.DT |
Määratud integraalide arvutamise numbrilised meetodid
(On Numerical Approximations of Definite Integrals)
07.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/10.DT |
Reaalsetest ja kompleksetest iteratsioonidest ning determineeritud kaosest
(On Real and Complex Iterations and Determinate Chaos)
07.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/10.DT |
Buffoni- Laplace`i nõelaülesanne
(The Buffon- Laplace Needle Problem)
07.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/10.DT |
Tõenäosusteooria paradoksid
(Paradoxes in Probability Theory)
07.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/10.DT |
Mõnede elementaarfunktsioonide erinevatest määramisviisidest
(On Different Definitions of Some Elementary Functions)
07.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/09.DT | Designing a User Interface for a Public Transportation On-Board Self-Service Ticketing System | 06.06.2013 | ||
IFIMM/09.DT | A Blogging Model for Corporate E-Image Construction | 06.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/09.DT | Assessing the Role of User Experience in Estonian ICT Industry | 06.06.2013 | ||
IFIMM/10.DT | Evaluation of Software Applications for Improving Speech and Language Development | 06.06.2013 | ||
IFIMM/10.DT | Gamification in Higher Education. The Case Study on the “Game Interactions” Course | 06.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Digitaalraamatukogu asutamise põhimõtted ja probleemid Tallinna Ülikooli Akadeemilise Raamatukogu näitel
(The Principles and Problems of Establishing a Digital Library on the Example of Academic Library of Tallinn University)
06.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Ühtse rahvusvahelise pangakontode süsteemi IBAN juurutamine – probleemid ja võimalikud lahendused
(Implementation of International Bank Account Number (IBAN) Standard: Problems and Possible Solutions)
06.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Aadressiandmete süsteemiga liidestamise metoodika Tallinna maaregistri näitel
(Methodology for Interfacing with Address Data System Based on Tallinn Land Register)
06.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Aritmeetilistest funktsioonidest
(On Arithmetic Functions)
06.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Hüperboolsed funktsioonid
(The Hyperbolic Functions)
06.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/10.DT |
Fourier`ridade osasummadega lähendamisest
(On Approximation by the Fourier Partial Sums)
06.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/10.DT |
Maatriksite lahutus ja nende rakendamine võrrandisüsteemide lahendamisel
(Matrix Factorization and Its Applications for Solving Linear Systems)
06.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/10.DT |
Päratutest integraalidest
(On Improper Integrals)
06.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/10.DT |
Diferentsiaalvõrrandite eksaktsus ja selle rakendusi
(Exactness of Differential Equations and Its Applications)
06.06.2013 | ||
MLMB/10.DT |
Algebra India veedades
(Vedic Algebra)
06.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Kasutajakeskse lähenemisega projekti läbiviimine riigiasutuse näitel
(Conducting Projects With an User-Centered Approach. The Case of a State Agency)
05.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
CRM-funktsionaalsuse juurutamine läbi TOGAF-raamistiku põhise analüüsi
(Implementing CRM functionality Through TOGAF-based Analysis)
05.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Kliendivoolavuse analüüsimise ja vähendamise strateegia AS EMT näitel
(Strategy for Analysis and Reduction of Customer Churn. The Case of AS EMT)
05.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Äriprotsesside juhtimise juurutamine kontserni XYZ näitel
(Implementing Business Process Management. The Case of Conglomerate XYZ)
05.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
E-riigi lahenduste ekspordi toetamise koostöömudel
(Cooperation Model to Support Export of e-Governance Solutions)
05.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
IT-projektijuhile vajalike kompetentside määratlemine AS Nortal näitel
(Specification of Competencies for IT Project Managers. The Case of AS Nortal)
05.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
IT muudatuste haldus Ericsson Eesti AS näitel
(IT Change Management Based on the Example of Ericsson Eesti AS)
05.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Andmete varundamise korraldamine Eesti Kaitseväes rahuaja tingimustes
(Data Backup Management In Estonian Defense Forces In Peacetime Conditions)
05.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Haridusreformid Eestis ja integraalarvutus gümnaasiumi matemaatika õppekavade kaasajastamisel
(Education Reforms in Estonia and Integral Calculus in Modernizing the Syllabus of Mathematics in High Schools)
05.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Koolimatemaatika valikkursuste „Arvuteooria elemendid“ I ja II õppesisu konstrueerimine
(Construction of Content for Optional Courses „Number Theory Elements“ I and II for Secondary Mathematics)
05.06.2013 | ||
Funktsioonide ja kujundite kumerus ning selle käsitlemine Eesti koolimatemaatikas
(Convex Functions and Figures and Their Study in Estonian School Mathematics)
05.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Mõõtmine II kooliastmes
(Measurement in Higher Primary School)
05.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Piwik sobivus veebilehe kasutuse analüüsimiseks www.annaabi.ee näitel
(Piwik Suitability for Analysis of Website Usage on the Example of www.annaabi.ee)
04.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Microsoft DirectAccess ja OpenVPN võrdluses
(Comparison of Microsoft DirectAccess and OpenVPN)
04.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Elektrooniline õppematerjal laulukoori hääleharjutusteks
(Vocal Exercises for Choirs. E-Learning Material)
04.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Programmeerimisoskuste hindamise veebikeskkond
(Web Environment for Assessment of Programming Skills)
04.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
IT-lahenduste kasutamine restoranide tööprotsesside tõhustamiseks
(Using IT Solutions for Enhancing Work Processes of Restaurants)
04.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Arvutigraafika käsitlemine üldhariduskoolis
(Teaching Computer Graphics in Comprehensive Schools)
04.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Solid Edge tarkvara ja CNC freespingi kasutamine Eesti üldhariduskoolides
(Usage of Solid Edge and CNC Milling Machine in Estonian General Education School )
04.06.2013 | ||
E-kursuse disain Naiskodukaitsele
(Design of the e-course for Naiskodukaitse)
03.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Kuulumine käsitööõpetajate virtuaalsesse praktikakogukonda – õpetajate nägemus
(Membership in the Handicraft Teachers’ Online Community of Practice - View of the Teachers)
03.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
iTEC õpiloo Mängu loomine rakendamise evalveerimine
(Evaluation of the Implementation of the iTEC Learning Story Create a Game)
03.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Õpetaja professionaalset arengut toetava e-Portfoolio prototüüp eDidaktikumi keskkonna näitel
(The Prototype of Teacher's Professional Development e-Portfolio. The Case of eDidaktikum)
03.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tööandjate ootused haridustehnoloogide pädevustele ja nende vastavus TLÜ haridustehnoloogia magistriõppekava õpiväljunditele
(Employers' Expectations Towards the Competences of Educational Technologists' and Their Conformity with the Learning Outcomes of the TLU Educational Technology Master’s Curriculum)
03.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Veebipõhise aktiivõppe formaalõppesse integreerimise stsenaariumid Tallinna Rahumäe Põhikooli näitel
(Scenarios for Integrating Web-Based Active Learning into Formal Learning. The Case of Tallinna Rahumäe Põhikool)
03.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Täiskasvanute koolitajate hinnang oma haridustehnoloogilistele pädevustele
(Adult Trainers' Self-evaluation of their Educational Technology Competencies)
03.06.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Internetikanalid kodanikuosaluse vahendina
(The Internet as a tool for civic participation)
30.05.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Raamatukogu kasutaja rahulolu ja seda mõjutavad tegurid Pärnumaa Kutsehariduskeskuse raamatukogu näitel
(Library user satisfaction and the factors affecting it on the example of Vocational Centre of Pärnu County Library)
30.05.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Eesti ülikoolide raamatukogude turundamine Facebookis
(Estonian university libraries marketing in Facebook)
30.05.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Digitaalsete bioloogia õppematerjalide analüüs lähtuvalt riiklikest õppekavadest ja õpetajate vajadustest
(Analysis of Digital Learning Resources for Biology Based on the National Curriculum and the Teachers' Needs)
24.01.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
IT tarkvara kasutamine organisatsiooni juhtimisülesannetes
(Usage of Computer Software in Management)
24.01.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Sotsiaaltarkvara arendus Styleup keskkonna näitel
(Social Software Design. The Case of Styleup Environment)
24.01.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
Veebilehtede korrektse välimuse tagamine CSS3 vahenditega erinevatel seadmetel
(Ensuring the Correct Appearance of Web Sites on Different Devices Using CSS3)
24.01.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/10.DT | Designing for Good User Experience with Lean Principles. The Case of Roomforit.com | 24.01.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/10.DT | Designing a Collaborative Serious Game on Tabletops for Learning Traffic Rules | 24.01.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/11.DT | Cross-Platform Interaction Design | 24.01.2013 | ||
Isiksusetüüpide mõju IKT projektide virtuaalmeeskondade edukusele AS Elion Ettevõtted näitel
(The Influence of Personality Types on Success of Virtual ICT Project Teams. The Case of Elion Enterprises Ltd)
24.01.2013 | (co-supervisor) | |
2012 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
Lõiming põhikooli matemaatikaõppes
(Interdisciplinary Integration in Basic School Mathematics)
04.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Rahvusvaheline matemaatika ainekava ja selle võrdlus Eesti gümnaasiumimatemaatika ainekavaga
(Comparison of International Baccalaureate Program and Estonian National Mathematics curriculum)
04.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Gümnaasiumi valikkursuse Majandusmatemaatika elemendid kava
(Programme of Optional Course Elements of Mathematical Economics for Upper Secondary Schools)
04.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Uurimusliku õppe rakendamise võimalused Fibonacci jada kontekstis
(Inquiry Learning Implementation Opportunities in the Context of Fibonacci Sequence)
04.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Keskkonnateadlikkuse kujundamine gümnaasiumi matemaatikaõppes
(Forming Environmental Awareness in Upper Secondary School Mathematics Studies)
04.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Funktsiooni tuletise mõistest arusaamine gümnaasiumis ja ülikoolis
(University and High School Students´ Conceptual Understanding of Derivative)
04.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Õpiedutus matemaatikas: õpiraskuste tekkimise põhjused õpetajate ja õpilaste arvamuse põhjal
(Low Achievement in Mathematics: Ground for Learning Difficulties Based on Teachers' and Students' Opinions )
04.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Matemaatikaõpetajate professionaalne identiteet väljendatuna metafoorides
(Mathematics Teachers` Professional Identity Expressed Through Metaphors)
04.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Hinnanguline arvutamine
(Computational Estimation)
04.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Matemaatika töövihik ja selle funktsioonid
(The Mathematics Workbook and its Function)
04.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Probleemülesanded ja nende lahendamine III kooliastme matemaatikas
(Mathematical Problem Solving in Grades 7 to 9)
04.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Proportsionaalse mõtlemise areng
(The Development of Proportional Reasoning)
04.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Valikkursuse Planimeetria kavandamine
(Design of Elective Course of Plane Geometry)
04.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Matemaatika ärevusest III kooliastme lõpus
(Mathematics Anxiety in 9th Grade Pupils)
04.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Mänguri laostumise ülesanne
(Gambler's Ruin Problem)
01.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Koonuselõigete konstrueerimise meetodid
(Construction Methods of Conic Section)
01.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
(The Gamma Function )
01.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Kassikaliste võrratuste elementaarsed tõestused
(Elementary Proofs of Classical Inequalities)
01.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Matemaatika muusikas
(The Mathematics in Music)
01.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Kahe muutuja funktsiooni ekstreemumitest ja nende rakendamisest majandusmatemaatikas
(On Extrema of Functions of Two Variables and Their Applications in Mathematical Economics)
01.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Väärtpaberite portfelli matemaatikast
(Mathematics of Portfolio Management)
01.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Suremuse statistika
(Mortality Statistics)
01.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Koonduvate arvridade teisendustest
(On Transformations of Convergent Number Series)
01.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Määratud integraalide ligikaudsest arvutamisest
(On Approximation of Definite Integrals)
01.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Lainekeste kasutamine majanduses
(Wavelets Applications in Economics)
01.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Investeeringute ja väärtpaberite analüüs
(Investment and Securities Analysis)
01.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Mittelineaarsete kasumiülesannete numbrilistest meetoditest
(On Numerical Methods of Non-Linear Profit Maximization)
01.06.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Mõned positsioonilised ülesanded kujutavas geomeetrias
(Some Positional Problems in Descriptive Geometry)
31.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Võreliselt järjestatud hulgad ja algebralised võred
(Lattice-ordered Sets and Algebraic Lattices)
31.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Legendre'i ja Jacobi sümbolid
(Legendre and Jacobi Symbols)
31.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Investeerimisprojektide efektiivsuse hinnang
(Investment and Securities Analysis)
31.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Kumerad hulktahukad
(Convex Polyhedrons)
31.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Gaussi arvude jaguvusest
(Divisibility of the Gaussian Numbers)
31.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Geomeetrilistest konstruktsioonidest
(On Geometrical Constructions)
31.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Geomeetrilised võred
(Geometric Lattices)
31.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Fibonacci arvudest
(On Fibonacci Numbers)
31.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Naturaalarvude aditiivsed lahutused
(Aditive Partitions of Natural Numbers)
31.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/09.DT | Cyber Security in Estonia: Lessons from the Year 2007 Cyberattack | 30.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/09.DT | The Evaluation of User Interface Aesthetics | 30.05.2012 | ||
IFIMM/10.DT | Online learning in higher education. The case study of the Designing Technology Enhanced learning course | 30.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/10.DT | Applying Agile Methodologies to Design and Programming | 30.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tarkvaraarenduse allhanke kvaliteedi parandamine CMMI-ACQ mudelist lähtuvalt
(Improving the Software Development Outsourcing Process Based on CMMI-ACQ Model)
29.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
IT teenuste talitluspidevuse planeerimine avaliku sektori organisatsiooni näitel
(IT Service Continuity Planning. The Case of a Public Sector Organization)
29.05.2012 | ||
IT hooldusteenuste lähteülesande probleemkohad ettevõtetes
(The Problems of Terms of Reference for IT Maintenance Services)
29.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tootmistegevuse süsteemi roll äriprotsesside toetajana elektroonikaettevõtte näitel
(Manufacturing Execution System's Role in Supporting Business Processes of an EMS Company)
29.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
IT-juhi roll innovatsiooni edendamisel Arco Vara AS näitel
(The Role of IT Manager in Fostering Innovation. The Case Study of Arco Vara AS)
29.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Infosüsteemide arenduste koordineerimine avalikus sektoris
(Coordination of Information Systems Developments in Public sector)
29.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Juhtimissüsteemide IT turvaraamistiku loomine AS Eesti Raudtee näitel
(IT Security Framework for Control Systems. The Case of Estonian Railways Ltd)
29.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Ligipääsetava veebivormi prototüübi väljatöötamine Eliit Loomakliiniku broneerimisvormi näitel
(Developing Accessible Web Form Prototype. The Case of Eliit Loomakliinik)
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Statistikapõhise tarkvara loomine morfoloogiliste kollokatsioonide eraldamiseks eesti keele tekstidest
(Software for Morphosyntactic Cluster Extraction from Estonian Texts)
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Eestikeelsetes tekstides asesõnade asendamise algoritm
(An Algorithm for Pronoun Replacement in Estonian Language)
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Noore ja eaka internetikasutuse erinevused kahe juhtumi näitel
(Internet Usage Differences Between the Elderly and Young Persons on the Base of Two Cases)
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Fotode hulgitöötlemine
(Automatic Multiple Photo Editing)
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Objektorienteeritud veebilahenduse koostamine PHP abil
(Building Object-Oriented Driven Web Applications)
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Eakate arvuti ja Interneti kasutamise probleeme Elioni Ettevõtted AS näitel
(Problems of Computer and Internet Usage Among the Elderly. The Case of Elion Ettevõtted AS)
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Mobiilse veebi arendamine
(Developing for the Mobile Web)
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Apple´i tekstitöötlusprogramm Pages. Õppematerjal
(Apple’s Word Processing Software Pages. Tutorial)
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Suure dünaamilise ulatusega (HDR) fotograafia. Õppematerjal
(High Dynamic Range (HDR) Photography. Tutorial)
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Sooduspakkumiste vahendamine veebis
(Mediation of Special Offers in the Web)
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Rakenduste loomine programmi GameMaker abil
(Creating Applications with GameMaker)
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Registriandmete avalikustamisest Ehitisregistri näitel
(Publishing Open Government Data. The Case of Estonian Register of Buildings)
28.05.2012 | ||
Arvutimängu rakendamine õppetöös Minecrafti geomeetriaülesannete näitel
(Educational Use of Computer Game Based on Geometry Exercises in Minecraft)
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Omanikumärgid eestikeelsetes kodu- ja kirikuraamatutes
(Ownership Marks in Estonian-language Home- and Churchbooks)
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Venekeelse raamatu levik Eesti raamatukaubanduslikes ettevõtetes ning raamatukogudes
(The Distribution of Russian-language Books in Estonia via Bookselling Enterprises and Libraries)
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Vanaraamat uurimisobjektina Eestis 2001-2011
(Old book as research object in Estonia 2001-2011)
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tallinna Ülikooli Infoteaduste Instituudi infoteaduse eriala vilistlasuuring
(A Survey of Information Science Graduates in Tallinn University Institute of Information Studies)
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Raamatukogu e-teenuste kasutamine (Tallinna Ülikooli sotsiaalteaduste erialade magistrantide näitel)
(Use of library e-services (The case of Tallinn University specialties of social science master students))
28.05.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Blogid infoteeninduse ressursina: Eesti poliitikute blogide näitel
(Blogs as a source in information service: by the example of Estonian politicians’ blogs)
27.01.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Esimest ja teist järku diferentsiaalvõrrandite rakendamine loodusteadustes
(Applications of First- and Second-order Differential Equations in Natural Sciences )
27.01.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Diferentsiaalarvutuse rakendamisest kasumi optimeerimisel majanduses
(Application of Differential Calculus to Optimization of Profits in Economy)
27.01.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Eesti vahekeele korpuse märgendusliidese arendamine ja võimalikud rakendused
(Development and Possible Applications of Estonian Intermediate Language Corpora Markup Interface)
25.01.2012 | ||
Statistikaameti veebilehe vastavusse viimine W3C ja WCAG standarditega - kontseptsioon ja disain
(Alignment of the Statistics Estonia Website with the W3C and WCAG Standards – the Conception and Design)
25.01.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
Loovuse testimise veebirakenduse arendamine EAS innovatsiooniosaku näitel
(Development of a Web Application for Creativity Testing. The Case of EAS Innovation Share)
25.01.2012 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/09.DT | The Effect of Establishing Startup Projects During Hackathons. The Case of Garage48 | 25.01.2012 | ||
2011 |
Study programme version | Title | Defended | Thesis | |
Blogikoolituse loomine vastavalt Tallinna Pae Gümnaasiumi õpetajate ootustele ja vajadustele
(Blogging Course Development in Accordance with Expectations and Requirements of the Teachers at Tallinn Pae High School)
03.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
M-õppe tundide kujundamine riikliku õppekava raames III kooliastmes Viljandi Maagümnaasiumi näitel
(Implementing M-Learning in the Context of National Curriculum. The Case of Viljandi Maagümnaasium III School Level)
03.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Funktsionaalset lugemisoskust arendavad internetiohutuse tunnikavad III kooliastmele
(Lesson Plans Improving the Skills of Functional Reading in the Third School Stage on the Topic of Internet Safety)
03.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Üldhariduskooli informaatika terviklik ainekava lähtudes teiste õppeainete vajadustest
(School Syllabus in Information Technology Based on the Needs of Other Subjects)
03.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Õpitulemuste hindamine veebipõhiste testide abil põhikooli informaatika valikaine kontekstis
(Web-Based Assessment of Learning Outcomes in the Context of Basic School Informatics)
03.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
E-kooli võimalused õpilase arengu toetajana
(The Possibilities of E-School in Supporting Student's Development)
03.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Üldpädevuste hindamine digitaalsel jutustusel põhineva portfoolio abil
(Assessment of Key Competencies with Digital Story Portfolio)
03.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Sotsiaaltarkvara kasutamine üldhariduskooli vanema astme õpilaste kodutöödes
(Using Social Software in Upper Secondary Students' Homework)
03.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Matemaatikakursuse kordamisest põhikoolis ühe abimaterjali näitel
(An Example of Revising the Mathematics Course in Basic School)
03.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Matemaatikaõppe aktiviseerimine rühmatöö abil
(Group Work in the Mathematics Instruction)
03.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Matemaatikaõpik ja tema roll õppeprotsessis 8. klassi näitel
(Textbook and its Role in Instructional Process: The Case of Grade 8 Mathematics)
03.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Sarnaste kolmnurkade õpetamisest
(About Teaching of Similar Triangles)
03.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Arv pii matemaatikas ja koolimatemaatikas
(The Number Pii in Mathematics and School Mathematics)
03.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Probleemülesanded ja nende lahendamine II kooliastme matemaatikas
(Mathematical Problem Solving in Grades 4 to 6)
03.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Matemaatikaõpik ja selle roll õppeprotsessis 7. klassi näitel
(Textbook and its Role in Instructional Process: The Case of Form 7 Mathematics Summary)
03.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Naturaalarvude mahujadadest
(On Aliquot Sequences)
03.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/09.DT | Enhancing Public Service User Experience in Information Society | 02.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/09.DT | Social Media Marketing by the Example of Increasing Target Group in Facebook | 02.06.2011 | ||
IFIMM/09.DT | Youth Media Use. The Case of Noorte Hääl Portal | 02.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/09.DT | Social Media Integration to a Web Service. The Case of Vifi.ee | 02.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/09.DT | The Implementation of Architectural Solutions in the Virtual World of Second Life | 02.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/09.DT | Supporting Interaction Design Processes with Concept Mapping | 02.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Päratud integraalid ja nende ligikaudne arvutamine
(Improper Integrals and Their Numerical Integration)
02.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
BCH koodid ja Reed-Solomon koodid
(BCH codes and Reed-Solomon codes)
02.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Riemanni integraali käsitlus treppfunktsioonide abil
(Riemann Integral as Integrals of Step Function)
02.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Buffoni nõela- ja mündiülesanne
(Buffon`s Needle and Coin Problem)
02.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Investeerimine fikseeritud ja juhuslike intressimäärade korral
(Investments with Deterministic and Stochastic Rates of Interest)
02.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Täisarvuline planeerimine
(Integer Programming)
02.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Stirlingi ja Euleri arvud
(Stirling and Eulerian Numbers)
02.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Maatriksite konditsiooniarvud ja arvutuste stabiilsus
(Condition Number of Matrices and Stability of Computations)
02.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
E-terviseloo infosüsteemi loomine loomakliinikutele
(E-Health Information System for Veterinary Clinics)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Reliisihalduse protsessi juurutamine finantsettevõtte näitel
(Release Management Process Implementation Based on the Financial Corporation's Example)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Kaugtöökeskuste füüsilise ja virtuaalse töökeskkonna disain
(Conceptual Design of Physical and Virtual Workspace at Telework Centers)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Üldhariduskoolide IT-taristu kirjeldamine ja standardiseerimise võimalused
(Describing IT Infrastructure in Comprehensive Schools and Opportunities for Standardization)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Rahulolu töö ja tasustamisega Eesti infotehnoloogiaettevõtte näitel
(Remuneration and Job Satisfaction. The Case of an Estonian Information Technology Company )
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Eesti avaliku sektori identiteedi- ja pääsuõiguste haldus
(Identity and Access Management in Estonian Public Sector)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
SECI mudelit järgiv teadmusloomekeskkond IT kolledži näitel
(SECI Model Based Knowledge Environment. The Case of IT College)
01.06.2011 | ||
Infotehnoloogia personali värbamise problemaatika Eesti tööjõuturul
(Problems of Hiring ICT Personnel on the Estonian Market)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Muusikaraamatukogude arengud digitaalsete kogude kontekstis
(Developments of music libraries in digital collections context)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Folksonoomia rakendamise võimalused kunstimuuseumi digitaalse kollektsiooni märksõnastamisel: Eesti Kunstimuuseumi digitaalarhiivi näitel
(Folksonomy application in digital collections of art museums: using the exapmle of the digital collection of the Art Museum of Estonia)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Gümnasistide lugemisharjumused Tallinna Inglise Kolledži ja Carl Robert Jakobsoni nimelise Gümnaasiumi näitel
(The reading habits of upper secondary school students with examples from Tallinn English College and Carl Robert Jakobson Gymnasium)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Meediaettevõtted raamatute kirjastajatena Eestis aastatel 1994-2009
(Media Companies as Book Publishers in Estonia in 1994-2009)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Infoteaduste Instituudi õppejõudude publikatsioonide 1991-2010 analüüs
(Analysis of Publications of the Lecturers of the Institute of Information Studies, 1991-2010)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Platoonilised ja arhimeedilised kehad
(Platonic and Archimedean Solids)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Määratud integraali ligikaudne arvutamine
(Approximate Calculation of a Definite Integral)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Otsuse langetamine määramatuse tingimusel
(Decision-Making Under Uncertainty)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Lotka-Volterra Mudel
(Lotka-Volterra Model)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Juhuslike arvude genereerimine
(Random Number Generation)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Tšebõšovi polünoomidega lähendamisest
(On Approximation by Chebyshev Polynomials)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Kumeratest funktsioonidest: omadused ja numbriline integreerimine
(On Convex Functions: Properties and Numerical Integration)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Taylori valem ühe ja kahe muutuja funktsioonide korral
(Taylor's Formula for Functions of One and Two Variables)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Mõnedest majandusmatemaatika kitsendustega optimeerimisülesannetest
(On Some Constrained Optimization Problems in Mathematical Economics)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/09.DT |
Catalani arvud
(Catalan Numbers)
01.06.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Vabavara Talend - programmeerimisvahendi analüüs
(Talend Freeware - Developer Tool Analyze)
31.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Agiilse metoodika rakendamine projekti My.spaceman näitel
(Applying Agile Methodology. The Case of My.spaceman Project)
31.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Riskihaldus Skype Mobile kvaliteedi tagamise protsessis
(Risk Management in Skype Mobile Quality Assurance)
31.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tööprotsesside modelleerimine Eesti väikeettevõtte näitel
(Workflow Modeling. The Case of an Estonian Small Enterprise)
31.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Filtrite kasutamine pilditöötluses
(Filters in Image Processing )
27.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Internetiturundus sotsiaalmeedia abil koeratoit.ee näitel
(Internet Marketing with Social Media. The Case of koeratoit.ee)
27.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Vidinate tehnoloogia Windows keskkonnas tudengi ajaplaneerimise näitel
(Widget Technology in Windows OS. The Case of a Student Agenda Planner)
27.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Kõnesalvestuste transkribeerimine laste kõne korpuse näitel
(Transcription of Speech on the Base of Children's Speech Corpus)
27.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
E-turunduse andmebaaside arendamine
(Development of E-Commerce Database)
27.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Digitaaltelevisioon ja sotsiaalmeedia
(Digital Television and Social Media)
27.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Levinuimad rakendusloogilised rünnakud veebilehtede vastu
(Most Common Application Logic Attacks Against Web Pages)
27.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
jQuery kasutamine reaalajarakenduste loomisel
(Using jQuery in Development of Real-time Applications)
27.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Privaatsus sotsiaalvõrgustikes
(Privacy in Social Networks)
27.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Fotoblogide kasutamise võimalused
(Opportunities in Photoblogging)
27.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.6 ja Ubuntu Linux 10.04 ligipääsetavuse võrdlev analüüs
(Comparative Accessibility Analysis of Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.6 and Ubuntu Linux 10.04)
27.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Probleemsed osalaused tekstide esitamisel lausearvutusvalemite abil
(Problematic Clauses in Presenting Texts by Logical Formulas)
27.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Suupilli tabulatuuride XML märgendus
(XML Vocabulary for Harmonica Tablatures)
27.05.2011 | ||
Lõppkasutajate kaasamine testimisprotsessi Fortum CFS Eesti OÜ näitel
(Involvement of End Users in the Testing Process. The Case of Fortum CFS Eesti OÜ)
27.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Scratch-i õpetamisest keskkoolis
(Teaching Scratch in Secondary School)
27.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Nutitelefonide turvalisus. Õppevahend
(Smartphone Security. Learning Tool )
27.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
3D mängude loomine XNA keskkonnas. Õppematerjal
(Development of 3D Games in XNA Environment. Tutorial)
27.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
CSS3 raamistike võrdlus
(Comparison of CSS3 Frameworks)
27.05.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Fibonacci arvud
(Fibonacci Numbers)
27.01.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
MLMB/08.DT |
Intresside arvutamise meetodid ja nende võrdlus
(Methods of Calculating Interests and Their Comparing)
27.01.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
IFIMM/09.DT | Designing a Knowledge Environment for Teachers in the Context of Professional Development Programme DigiTiger | 24.01.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
E-õppematerjalide kasutamise võimalused vene keele õpetamisel
(Opportunities for Using Digital Study Materials in Russian Language Teaching)
24.01.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Tallinna Sadama IT riskihalduse metoodika väljatöötamine
(Development of Methodology of IT Risk Management. The Case of Port of Tallinn)
24.01.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Nõuded automatiseeritud tekstianalüüsile kuriteomustrite tuvastamiseks
(Requirements of Automated Text Analysis for Identification of Crime Patterns)
24.01.2011 | ||
Eesti Kaitseväe roll küberjulgeoleku tagamisel
(The Role of Estonian Defence Forces in Ensuring Cyber Security)
24.01.2011 | (co-supervisor) | |
Ettevõtte tarkvaraarenduse üleviimine koskmeetoodilt agiilsele Elion Ettevõtted AS näitel
(Transition from Waterfall to Agile Methodologies in Software Development. The Case of Elion Ettevõtted AS)
24.01.2011 | (co-supervisor) |